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Chapter 02 For three days, the Nicastros didn't contact the Madrigals regarding Bailey. "If you had even just Beatrice's eyes, some family would have taken you!" Bailey bowed her head. She was in the couple's office, and they were blaming her for the Nicastro couple not returning or contacting them after their last meeting. "From now on, you'll stay in the attic. You won't attend classes, and to eat, you'll need to work here as a maid!" Bailey expected that since it was natural for the Madrigals to disregard her because no family wanted to take her. The Madrigals had nothing to gain from her. Bailey was shut out of the room. Miranda, with a worried expression, approached her. "They said I have to live in the attic from now on." Miranda pressed her lips together, not knowing what to say to Bailey. There was nothing she could do for the child. "I'll help you clean the attic." From that day on, Bailey worked as a maid. She was openly bullied by the maids in the mansion and harassed by her twin sister. "Even if you had a bit of my beauty, this wouldn't happen to you," Beatrice said, laughing. Bailey was kneeling, scrubbing the floor. "Just like always, you'll remain in my shadow," Beatrice whispered after bending down to Bailey's ear. Bailey couldn't help but feel sorry for herself, realizing she was a useless person. Beatrice laughed and left as Bailey's tears fell while she bowed her head. She was only nine years old. She had so much she wanted to experience and many dreams. Bailey didn't understand why she couldn't receive the same treatment as Beatrice. She was a person too, a child needing parents. She needed protection, care, and a family. From a distance, Miranda stood with a dark expression, watching Bailey sobbing while scrubbing the floor. Her clothes were dirty, her hair a mess, and her hands wounded. Almost two months passed without any contact between the Madrigals and the Nicastros, and one day Bailey heard that the head family's firstborn of the Nicastros was coming to see Beatrice. Bailey immediately asked about the first family. "The head family's child is coming. I’m not sure why, but they say it's because of Miss Beatrice." Bailey bowed her head and asked Miranda if the second family of the Nicastros was okay. "Are you asking if they called?" Miranda asked. Bailey shook her head. "I just wondered if they're okay. I read in the newspaper that they were seen leaving the hospital," Bailey whispered. Miranda's expression softened and said that not everyone who goes to the hospital is sick or unwell. "Aren't you angry with them for abandoning you, like Madam says?" Miranda asked. Bailey shook her head. "I have no right. If they don't want me, it means I'm not fit for their child and I lack many things. It's okay." Two days before the head family's child's arrival, the mansion was cleaned, and decorations were put up. Everyone was busy, including Bailey, who was handling the laundry. Sometimes she would pass by Beatrice's room and see the maids making her look even more beautiful. She also saw different faces that Miranda said were famous designers and makeup artists. Bailey left, holding the laundry basket she would return to the laundry room. The next day, Beatrice ordered her not to go out or show herself to her guests. "I don't want our mood ruined because of you." Beatrice left with some of her excited maids. Bailey leaned against the wall—she had been dizzy for a while. Bailey had a high fever since yesterday, but because she had so much work to finish, she ignored it. "Since Beatrice doesn't want me wandering around, I can rest and return to the attic," Bailey whispered, her face flushed and her breathing get heavier. Beatrice stepped out of the mansion, followed by a few maids, after two cars arrived. An attendant opened the backseat door of the first car. Beatrice was stunned to see a very handsome young man, not much older than her, step out of the car. The young man turned and looked at the second car. A beautiful young girl with doll-like features and fairy-tale eyes stepped out. Beatrice was shocked. The Madrigal couple greeted the two arriving children, followed by attendants carrying gifts. The couple approached the young man, knowing he was the head family's child. Some of Beatrice's maids took the gifts, saying they would bring them to Beatrice's room. "What are you talking about? I don't remember my parents mentioning an arranged marriage," the young man asked, frowning. "Who's Beatrice? I know my future sister-in-law's name is Anais Bailey. Where is she?" It was like the world fell on the couple after the young girl, one of the head family's children and the twin sister of Bailey's betrothed, spoke. "Sorry, Mr. Madrigal, but we're here because the young lady wants to meet her sister-in-law," said the Nicastro's butler. The older Madrigal, nervous, said Bailey was still sleeping. "How about you wait in the guest room? I'll have the maids fetch her," the old man said, smiling. He ordered Beatrice to accompany the head family's child and Bailey's sister-in-law to the guest room. The young girl watched the Madrigal couple argue as they walked away. Beatrice tried to engage the head family's child, but he ignored her, irritating the young girl. In the guest room, the girl introduced herself as Bailey's sister-in-law, while the head family's child sat properly. Beatrice was annoyed. According to rumors, the twins had frightening faces and never appeared in public. 'More beautiful than Miss Beatrice.' "Hello, I'm Beatrice. I'm Bailey's sister. What's your name?" Beatrice asked after sitting beside Aldeus. "Do I still need to introduce myself? It looks like you already have an idea who I am since you're like a leech clinging to me," the young man replied. Beatrice was stunned by Aldeus's attitude. Beatrice gave a fake smile, saying she didn't understand. The two children waited there for almost two hours, looking bored. Beatrice faked a smile, apologizing for her sister's irresponsibility. "Irresponsible or you didn't really include her to meet us," Bree, the young girl, asked, turning to Beatrice. "What do you mean?" Beatrice asked, smiling. Bree tightly held the hem of her dress. It seemed Bree implied they abused Bailey enough not to invite her to such gatherings. The Madrigals seemed to have prepared for their arrival but forgot the simple respect of showing the visiting family. The person they came to see wasn't at the meetup. The door opened, and the Madrigal matriarch entered. "Sorry, but Bailey is not feeling well. She has a high fever, and we've already called a doctor to check her," the matriarch said. Bree raised an eyebrow. Bree stood, saying she wanted to see Bailey. She also said not to worry about them because they planned to stay and had informed their parents. Beatrice couldn't believe they were heading to her room, and when the maid opened the door, Beatrice saw Bailey lying on her bed. Beatrice bit her lip, unable to hide her expression, which Aldeus noticed. Bree observed Bailey's flushed cheeks and trouble breathing. The young girl moved closer—Bree noticed the cuts and wounds on Bailey's hands. "Let's let her rest. The doctor is on the way." The matriarch hid Bailey's hands under the comforter. Bree couldn't believe people like the Madrigals existed, having the audacity to look down on them. Bree smiled, saying they would leave and return to the guest room. When Bree turned, her expression disappeared. Upon leaving the room, Aldeus said it wasn't their sister-in-law's room. "I know, and the Madrigals are fooling us." Haven Bree Nicastro, 16 years old. One of the Nicastro heirs and the twin sister of the boy betrothed to Bailey. Aldeus Teron Nicastro, publicly known as Haven's cousin but legally her nephew, adopted by her father's brother. Aldeus looked at Bree. He seemed to understand why his aunt sent him there. With their future sister-in-law's condition, it wasn't surprising Bree might explode anytime. The Nicastros were very sensitive about their family, including those betrothed to them. "Now I know why mom didn't want me to come here without them." Her parents couldn't leave the hospital despite worrying about Bailey, so out of curiosity and to ease her parents' minds, Bree volunteered to visit. Back in the guest room, Aldeus asked Beatrice to leave, saying they wanted to rest and Bree was tired from the trip. Only Aldeus and Bree's attendants remained in the room. Beatrice invited Aldeus to dinner, but Aldeus firmly refused, saying they would eat in the room. Aldeus raised an eyebrow after hearing Beatrice's scream in the hallway. "Hopefully, sis Bailey doesn't have the same attitude as that girl," Aldeus said. Bree said she trusted her mother's judgment that the girl was fit for her brother, especially since Castor, who had the highest chance of being the next Nicastro head, was the topic. "Mom and dad already accepted her in the first place." Out of the 28 candidates for her twin brother, only Bailey didn't cry upon seeing her parents. "Mom praises her a lot, so for sure she's down-to-earth and easy to get along with." Aldeus dropped himself on the sofa, saying they couldn't immediately say Bailey was worthy of being Bree's twin brother's partner. "Remember, your twin brother is the next head, which means his partner should not only have a good personality. We are also looking for a candidate for the next Madam of the Nicastro family. On the other side of the guestroom door, Beatrice stood stunned after hearing that. She was holding a tray, and behind her were other maids whose eyes were wide open. The next day, Bailey jumped out of bed because she found herself in Beatrice's room. Bailey rubbed her eyes, thinking she might have just been seeing things. "Maybe this is a dream," Bailey said and lay back down to sleep, but then she heard Miranda's voice telling her she needed to get up because there were guests. Bailey sat up and looked to the other side of the bed. Miranda was there. "This isn't a dream? I saw myself in Beatrice's room?" While Miranda was cleaning Bailey, she explained everything that had happened the day before. How the couple panicked and had her carried by the attendants to Beatrice's room since Beatrice had turned Bailey's former room into her dressing room. Bailey played with her bandaged fingers while Miranda brushed her hair in front of the mirror. "Does that mean Mr. and Mrs. Nicastro didn't forget about me?" Miranda saw Bailey smile in the mirror's reflection, and joy was evident on her face. The idea that she wasn't forgotten was enough to bring happiness to Bailey's heart.
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