Chapter Twenty

2072 Words

Jamie was asleep, snoring with a leg off of his bed. Sometimes, he looked so uncomfortable; Leif wasn’t sure how he stayed asleep. He never acted any different when he woke up, so Leif left him alone. Sometimes he was tempted to prod him or wake him up to avoid breaking something in his sleep. Leif was exhausted, it had been a long day for him already, and it hadn’t even really started for anyone else on campus. It was seven in the morning, and he’d already been up for hours. ____ The sound was faint, but it woke Leif up out of a dead sleep. He’d been hearing small noises outside their window and door, seen shadows in alleys as they walked into town, and generally just felt uneasy since Jamie met Akiko. His theory was the Kitsune were following them and using some version of Akiko’s pow

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