Chapter Six

2482 Words
Jamie was about halfway inside Akiko as they stopped because of the sudden interruption. Akiko’s face immediately flushed with anger. Her eyes alight, she yelled loudly, “I SAID GET OUT!” She was so forceful, Akiko clamped down on Jamie’s shaft inside of her. It sent waves of pleasure down his body making it hard to concentrate on anything. They heard footsteps quickly moving away from them, and then the front door opened before quickly slamming shut. They were alone again. Breathing a sigh of relief, Jamie’s hips moved forward, sinking him fully into Akiko. She looked like she was about to speak, but as he sunk deeper into her, she rolled her eyes back and then closed them. An audible moan escaped her lips for the first time. Her body once again stretching around him; she felt so full that she couldn’t really speak or string together coherent thoughts anymore. Their passion reignited; Jamie picked her up and turned around, putting her back against the wall. He used his hands on her hips to hold Akiko in place as he started to roughly f**k her while he kissed her with hunger. They needed each other, and they were again lost in a primal urge neither of them quite understood. Akiko kissed Jamie back fiercely while trying to meet his thrusts by grinding into him. Akiko was having trouble since she was pinned to the wall, but she didn’t care. She was desperate to have every inch of him inside of her, and her lips and face were starting to go numb from the pleasure. The rough way Jamie was handling her was something she’d never experienced before. Everyone in her life treated her like she’d break in light wind, so this was sending her so far beyond the edge it was like she didn’t know who she was right now. Akiko was coating Jamie in creamy wetness as he thrust into her with abandon. Her walls began to pulsate around Jamie’s manhood, and as she buried her face into his chest to try and stifle the loud cry of ecstasy, another climax ripped through her. Jamie couldn’t hold back any longer, and his hips drove forward, sinking all of himself into Akiko as his body tightened, pressing her deeper into the wall while he let out something between a low growl and a moan. Like a dam crumbling, Jamie’s release burst forth into Akiko until it overflowed. He felt the flames of pleasure once more, this time spreading as if it started in her s*x and moved into his. Feeling him flooding her with his initial release, a thunderbolt erupted, streaking from inside her sending a charge to every cell in her body. Akiko’s back arched, her toes curled and cracked, her hands grabbed Jamie’s hair as if to ground herself, and a loud cry escaped her lips until his mouth found hers and stifled it. His strokes slowed as he continued to release in rhythm with each time he bottomed out. He had become a lightning rod, pumping bolts of pleasure into her. Akiko melted into Jamie as if they had become one. s*x had never felt like this for either of them; both were lost in the ecstasy of each other. Slowly breaking away from their kiss, they looked at each other for the first time, both trying to catch their breath. They could see it written plainly on each other’s faces that as the passion subsided, their senses were returning, and the gravity of what just happened was beginning to set in. “Did you just…” Akiko said wordlessly, trailing off at the thought of what had just happened. Jamie gently set her back on her desk and slowly withdrew from her. He sat down in the chair she had offered him a short time ago, although it was hard to believe all that had happened from the moment he walked into class this morning until now. “I did. I’m sorry; I honestly don’t know what came over me just now. It was like… the kiss, your scent… I just lost it,” Jamie answered, still not sure of what had come over him either. His thoughts were reeling, and he was trying to stay calm enough to talk to her. “Did I hurt you?” Jamie asked gently aloud, his voice belaying a small amount of guilt as he realized how rough he had just been with her. “No, I can handle quite a bit more than people seem to give me credit for,” she replied with a nervous giggle. She was still internally panicking over the way her body responded to Jamie on top of the realization they were bonded. It hit her again like a train now that they weren’t in the intense grip of their sudden animal lust. Becoming serious, Akiko looked at Jamie, closing her legs. “This can’t happen again. At least, not for a while. I don’t think this has ever happened in the history of our people. We’re taught to hate you. A kitsune bonding with a wolf would be seen as treason. My parents…” Akiko said, trailing off as she realized what this would mean when her parents, and her people, found out. Tears welled in her eyes before streaming down her face, leaving trails of sorrow in their wake. Jamie reached forward, wanting to stop the pain he could see etched into her face. He stood and gingerly wiped her tears with his outstretched hand. “I’ll behave, I promise, but can I touch you?” Jamie asked, not wanting her to feel like he didn’t respect her desire to refrain from repeating their recent plummeting from reason into passion. “Yes,” she replied quietly, not looking at him. A small sniffle broke the silence as she tried to regain her composure. Jamie leaned down to grab his shorts that he had so hastily dropped before and pulled them back on. Modesty restored, his gaze fell upon a blanket he’d seen on the chair she was previously seated in behind the desk. Stepping around her, he grabbed it and quickly opened it. He laid it in her lap, pulling it around her waist to give her some semblance of modesty. Her face softened as she looked up at him, her eyes a glistening emerald. Without a word, Jamie put one arm under her knees and the other behind her, lifting her into his arms easily. He wrapped the blanket underneath her once she was in the air. She felt small. More importantly, she suddenly felt safe. In her life, she always strove to be strong. She was a warrior in every sense of the word. Other than Yuri, her best friend, she kept most people at arm’s length. She’d experienced more than one teenage fling, but she never showed them affection. Her parents wanted her to be an untouched flower to be given to her eventual mate, but she didn’t care what they wanted or their thoughts on the matter. The other boys were just a release from the stress of her life and training, but this was different. His scent now invoked serenity instead of the blinding passion of before. He smelled of mountainous woodland, what she imagined a Highland meadow would smell like. She remembered being told the wolves come from Scotland, so it seemed fitting for him. Jamie sat down, bringing her close to him in his lap. His arms enveloped her, one hand bringing her head to his chest. “I know we just went too far. I know we don’t know each other. But I don’t know anything about this supposed feud between our people. I didn’t even know you existed until this morning. I promise you, though, I won’t let anyone hurt you,” he said, his thoughts finally slowing down enough to speak steadily again. “I don’t know about your family, but mine isn’t going to be ok with this. We shouldn’t tell them anything right now. Let’s take the time we have and figure this out ourselves before we let anyone else try to tell us what we should be doing or feeling,” Jamie continued, a note of defiance in his voice. Akiko nodded her agreement silently into his chest. They sat there a moment in silence; both lost in thought. Akiko’s scent was having a similar effect on Jamie. Now that she was calmer, her scent wasn’t igniting the spark within him that it did before. It was more like the warmth of the sun warming a park on a warm spring day rather than the sudden wildfire this morning. He nuzzled the crown of her head with his nose, thoroughly enjoying the calming effect that her scent was having on him now. Suddenly Akiko sat up a bit straighter and pulled her head away from him so she could look him in the face. “There’s NO way I can keep this from Yuri. He’ll know I’m keeping something from him or lying to him if I try to see you without him knowing about it. If I don’t tell him and he says something to Hattori because he’s worried, this will all be over,” Akiko said, worrying that his plan may not work. “Who’s Yuri?” Jamie asked. “He’s the guy I was with earlier. He’s my best friend, but he’s also here to help keep me safe. He’s not exactly the ‘fighting’ type, but he’s still capable enough, and he’s Hattori’s brother. He lives here; he just went out to run a few errands before dinner tonight since Hattori was here anyways,” she replied. Jamie paused to think about how this would impact them keeping this quiet. “Leif, my friend from earlier, is my best friend, and he’s here for basically the same thing,” he said, thinking out loud. “I can see what you mean. I had to order him to stay to get a moment to myself to process this morning and the fact that he knew about kitsune and didn’t tell me. I couldn’t get away with coming to see you regularly without him knowing either,” he continued. “We’re going to have to tell them!” they both grumbled internally at the same time. They both laughed at the unexpected moment of shared clarity. “I agree we should keep this between us right now. My family will tell me I’ve brought shame to our people, my family, and to our Goddess Inari. I’ve never felt anything this powerfully before, and I’m not willing to give up our bond before we’ve even explored this if that’s even possible. But, if we want to do this, we’re going to have to tell Yuri and Leif and get them to agree to trust us enough to figure this out on our own,” Akiko continued aloud once the laughter subsided. “I don’t know how Leif is going to take this,” Jamie replied, running his fingers a bit nervously through his hair. “We get into plenty of trouble, but that’s just normal high school s**t friends do together. This is a big secret to ask him to keep. If my father finds out, he might….” “Kill him?” Akiko interrupted. “Yes,” Jamie answered quietly. “I think that’s a risk we’re going to have to take. What’s the alternative? Couldn’t he be killed for letting this happen in the first place? I know my family will make Yuri and Hattori atone with their lives for not stopping us from bonding already, let alone allowing this to continue. That’s part of what we’re going to have to figure out. How to keep them safe as well as each other,” she said softly. Jamie kissed her on top of the head tenderly and stood up, setting her lightly onto the desk. He looked down at this girl who was to be, against all comprehension, his mate. “I have so much I want to ask you, but I left Leif sitting in our dorm. He’s probably beside himself by now since he was already panicking at the appearance of kitsune on campus and our meeting. Hattori didn’t exactly give him the warm and fuzzies when he stepped towards me, and Leif went into full-on wolf mode. He almost exposed us all in public,” Jamie said with a sigh. He didn’t want to leave, but he had to. A cell phone was sitting on the desk near where Akiko was seated before. Realizing he’d need a way to reach her without just randomly showing up at her window, he looked back at her and said, “What’s your Snap?” Akiko stood up, gathering the blanket around her, and again sat behind the desk. She opened a drawer, pulled out a notepad and pen, and then quickly wrote her username and handed it to Jamie. “@ninetailskunouchi,” Jamie read, a smile instantly appearing. “You’re not very subtle, are you?” he said with a laugh. He may not have known that kitsune were real, but the reference was easy to make as someone who already enjoyed anime. “I’ll see you soon. Keep an eye on your phone,” he said, winking at her as he moved towards the window. “I will,” she said, smiling at this boy that she didn’t want to leave the room, even though she barely knew him. He stepped through the window, again no small feat given his size, and then as suddenly as he appeared, he was gone. Breathing in deeply, she grabbed her phone. She began typing a message to Yuri. Me |911 Emergency | Get home NOW | I need to talk to you. Don’t say anything to Hattori  
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