Chapter Four – Where Was Adonis Feyrer?

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Marina’s POV It was almost evening when I quickly closed the shop and drove over to the address he had mentioned. Thankfully, the car didn’t give up on me and I reached the banks of the Clarion River. Following its meandering course, I soon reached the edge of Hemlock Village, which was right next to Cherryville. I had never come this far away from home, and a strange sense of dread gripped my heart and mind. The place was deserted, and the faint street lights dimmed as I reached Cemetery Road. Who lives in such a creepy place? I drove down the narrow path, passing through a mature hardwood forest of oak, maple, and hickory trees. The trail meandered endlessly through the forested area. For a moment, I thought I was lost. Where was the mansion he mentioned? Did he play a practical joke on me? It was almost 6:10, and I was still inching along the eerily dark path. I was on the verge of giving up when the forest cleared and a magnificent mansion came into view! It was cold, desolate, and bathed in darkness. I stopped my car and gaped at the place. Was this Feyrer Mansion? How could someone live here in such a lonely place in the middle of nowhere? A strange fear gripped my heart as I got out of the car. Did anyone live here? Or did he send me to be the devil’s dinner? I sucked in a deep breath and took baby steps towards it. The moment I stood in front of the huge wrought-iron gates, they opened automatically. Did the gates have sensors installed? How did they open automatically for me? Or were they being monitored? I looked around to see if I could find anyone watching me, but not a soul was around. I was the only one roaming around in the area! The thought sent a chill down my spine, and I pulled my jacket closer for comfort. How did I always fall into such situations? My instincts prodded me to run, but then I remembered my predicament. I had to save my granny’s dream shop. I needed time to vacate, and I was determined to plead my case with the owner. I walked inside and looked around the sprawling compounds, bathed in moonlight. It didn’t look inhabited at all! I sighed and turned around to leave. Maybe coming here was a mistake! Maybe Adonis Feyrer played a f*cking game with me. Why did he need to? He could have just refused to meet me. I wasn’t expecting his call at all! Everything was so confusing. I took a step towards my car when the lights turned on inside the mansion. Startled, I whirled around and gaped at the mansion. Only the ground floor lights were on, but with all the windows closed, it was difficult to know what was going on inside. I waited nervously for someone to emerge, but no one did. What was going on? The hair at my nape stood up. I knew I was being watched, but who would be creepy enough to do so? I glanced all around the place, but there was no one. This was getting on my nerves. I was tired of this cat-and-mouse game. Why couldn’t the cat emerge and face me? “Hey, beautiful! Why are you standing alone in the dark?” Startled at the male voice near me, I almost jumped with fear. My gaze fell upon Arian Freling, standing beside me with a Cheshire grin on his face. He knew he had me freaked out! The devil! I clutched my chest to calm my pounding heart. “You scared me! Where did you come from? You are the owner, aren’t you? Please don’t play games with me, Mr. Freling. I received a call to arrive here at 6, but there’s no one called Adonis Feyrer living here.” I was certain he had made it all up. Maybe he had asked a friend to make the prank call! “Well, you’re twenty minutes late, baby. Sir hates tardiness.” I scowled at the flirt. Did he call me all the way here to flirt with me? Was there such a dearth of women in Pennsylvania? “Don’t call me that.” He looked amused and leaned in towards me. “What? Baby?” Before I could think of a retort, a loud crash echoed from inside. Arian groaned, but I was on high alert. What just happened? Was there someone inside the mansion watching our interaction? “What happened? Who’s inside?” He looked uncomfortable as he glanced up at the window on the top floor. When I followed his gaze, my mouth hung open with shock. I could distinctly see a pair of golden orbs staring right at me. I blinked and rubbed my eyes to focus better. With the entire floor bathed in darkness, it was difficult to focus. In a split second, they vanished into the darkness. My heart constricted with fear. I knew those golden eyes! Did I imagine them? “Shouldn’t we go inside and check? Where’s Mr. Feyrer? I need to see him right away. It’s important.” Arian Freling blinked and focused on me. “No, you can’t go inside. You need to leave.” He ushered me towards my car, eager to get me going. I resisted and moved away from him. “I won’t leave without talking to Mr. Feyrer.” Arian flailed his hands helplessly in the air and glanced around surreptitiously. “He won’t see you tonight. You’ve missed the appointment. If he gives you another, be right on time to plead your cause. Good night, Marina.” Another crash reverberated around the place and I ran towards my car for dear life. I didn’t know what was going on. Neither did I want to know. The faster I could get out of this place, the better. I tried the ignition but as luck would have it; the car refused to start. “Crap!” I felt like kicking the damn car down the slopes of Mount Nittany nearby. “Car problems? I can drop you.” I groaned with frustration. Taking help from the creepy guy was the last thing I wanted to do now. Camila might be thrilled at the prospect, but not me. “No thanks. I prefer to run home.” I stomped away towards the trail I had taken earlier, expecting him to follow me. “Fine. Don’t tell me I didn’t offer.” He walked away, disappearing behind the mansion before I could change my mind. Why did I have to decline his offer? It would be impossible for me to walk down all the way home to Cherryville! I felt like tearing my hair in frustration. If I could clear the rent, the first thing I would do would be to buy a car! The debt could take a backseat. I tried the car a few times but with no success. With Arian Freling nowhere in sight, I had no other option but to walk down. My body trembled with fear as I took a step towards the forest. What if a wild animal caught me? I felt upset with Arian Freling. How could he be so insensitive? There was nothing I could do. Surely I couldn’t stand in front of the mansion all night! Chanting prayers to the Almighty Lord, I ran down the road as fast as my legs could take me. It was the only way to reach home. Soon I left the clearing and the mansion far behind. The dark forest looked eerie ahead of me, but I couldn’t afford to give up. Why did I listen to the man and come here? The hair at my nape stood up, and I knew I was being followed. Was it a wild creature? I ran faster for dear life. This couldn’t be the end of my life. I had so many dreams yet to fulfill. Throughout the way, I felt someone’s presence behind me. A slow hum filled the air, echoing around the still forest. What could it be? I was too scared to turn and check! I just ran faster to escape it. Yet it persisted until it was right behind me, louder and deafening. I knew what it was. It was a motorcycle! I whirled around to see a man clad in black with a black helmet over his head stop his Harley-Davidson right behind me. “Get on. I’ll drop you home!” Although his voice was muffled, I found it familiar. I had heard it before. Relieved, I wasted no more time and mounted his motorcycle. A strange jolt of electric current shot up my body when my arm brushed against his jacket-clad back! What was that? I never reacted to the male species this way! What happened now? He rode along the forested trail without a word, not even asking me where I lived! Wasn’t he weird?
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