Chapter Six – Red Tulips For Me?

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Marina’s POV I called Camila the next morning to pick me up on her way to work. With my car still there in Feyrer Mansion, I was stranded. I was ready to go, but there was no sign of Camila, even at 6:30. I sighed with disappointment. How could I forget she always woke up late? I would have to walk down to the main crossing and take a cab. With a sigh, I picked up my handbag and walked out of the house. Locking it securely, I whirled around to leave when my glance fell upon my car. Who brought it here? How did it start? I rushed towards it with my jaws dropped to the ground. The car looked strange as if it wasn’t my rickety old one. Who could have renovated the thing? I could see a fresh coat of blue paint, shiny door handles, and a new bumper! Did Arian Freling give it a makeover and bring it here for me? Curiosity took the better of me, and I yanked the door open. My eyes fell on the squeaky clean interiors and the keys I had left in the ignition last night. However, more than the car, it was the bunch of red tulips lying on the driver’s seat that got my attention! Who would leave red tulips for me? Weren’t they a symbol of love and passion? Confused, I picked them up to inspect them. They looked freshly plucked, bunched together, and tied with a red ribbon! Who would take so much pain for me? Was it Arian Freling? After all, he was the only one who knew about my car! It was so creepy; I didn’t want to waste my time pondering over it. Placing them on the passenger seat, I got into my car. Relief washed over me when I could start it at one go. The car smoothly glided forward, unlike before when it used to skid to a stop right in the middle of the road many times. How could it be transformed overnight? I steered the car smoothly towards my shop, my heart filling up with joy. Now I wouldn’t need to buy a new car! As I drove over to the shop, my gaze constantly fell on the tulips. Was Arian Freling hitting upon me? Did he think he could win me over with these? The thought made me angry, and I swore to avoid the guy. Maybe I will, after I offered him some money in return for fixing my car! I reached my shop and parked my car. Leaving the tulips lying there, I strode towards the shop. No one had arrived yet, and I set down to work. After an hour, Camila rushed in with a bunch of red tulips in her arms! It infuriated me to see they were of the same shade with the same red ribbon. How could Arian play with both of us? Camila might drool at the sight of the man, but he didn’t affect me. “Marina, these are for you.” She dumped them in my arms while I gaped at her and then at the flowers. What the hell! Who would send these to me for the second time? “Where did you find them? Are you sure they aren’t for you?” Camila waved me off as if I had said something impossible. “Absolutely not! I met the delivery man right in front of the shop. Didn’t you notice? Check the tag.” She walked away while I looked for the tag. Yes, there was a small one with something scribbled on it. I looked closely and gasped at the message. You shouldn’t have left them in the car. What the f*ck! I looked around to check. How did the sender know I had left the bunch in my car? Was he stalking me? A shudder went down my spine, but I couldn’t see anyone around. I placed the flowers in a vase this time and kept them on my work table. Soon I got busy with work and completely forgot about them. “So what happened yesterday? Did you meet Arian? Did he consider your proposal?” asked Camila, perching herself beside me with interest. “Yes, I met him, but it isn’t in his hands. I have to meet his boss.” Camila rolled her eyes in disbelief. “I’m sure is playing a game with us. When he can sign the f*cking notice, why can’t he extend the time limit? I can give him a piece of his own medicine if you agree.” “No, you won’t do any such thing. Arian Freling didn’t sign the notice. A. F. stands for Adonis Feyrer, his boss! I went to see him last night at his residence, but he didn’t meet me. So we’re back at square one. The demolition will happen in a month. We have to pay the rent overdue and vacate before that. They’re planning to construct a shopping mall here.” Camila’s shoulders slumped with defeat, knowing how difficult it would be to earn the amount on such short notice. We had a debt to take care of too, besides granny’s medical bills. “What do we do, Marina? I don’t see a way out.” I massaged my temples since I had reached my wit’s end now. “Maybe I can take a loan against the house.” I didn’t want to mortgage the only thing I possessed, but right now, that was the only option available to me. “Are you sure, Marina?” Camila looked upset, but I was helpless. “Yes. That’s the only way out if Adonis Feyrer refuses to extend the ultimatum.” She sighed and covered my hand with hers to comfort me. “I’m sure we can work hard and pay off the loan, Marina. Don’t lose hope. I’m there with you every step of the way.” I smiled at her. What would I do without her? “Thanks. What would I do without you?” She grinned, satisfied with my reaction. “I know. I’m indispensable, right?” She sailed out of the shop to unload the fresh flowers from the delivery truck. I called the bank to inquire about a loan against property, but they declined. “We’re sorry to inform you that your request for an LAP cannot be considered. The property in question is already under mortgage. Your CIBIL score does not meet the mark, Ms. Flores. We would advise you to first clear the mortgage before applying for a re-mortgage.” I blinked in confusion, since this was news to me. I never knew the house was already mortgaged. “How much is the loan amount taken against the house?” The amount he specified was huge, and I knew where Granny had used it. She used it to pay for my education. Although I had a scholarship at university, she might have used it for my boarding school and later hostel charges. I felt tears prick at my eyes. How was I unaware of the crisis she was going through? Why didn’t I come home against her wishes and find out the true state of things? I disconnected the call since the mortgage option wasn’t available to me. Now I came to know about another debt I would have to pay off. It would take me years to clear up everything. Camila came over in, seeing my shocked state. “What happened? Who were you calling? Your secret admirer?” she chuckled to ease the atmosphere, but I was too worked up to react to her joke. “I called the bank, Camila. They declined to give me the loan. They informed me about the huge amount of loan Granny has already taken against the house. I have a low CIBIL score too. I need to pay off the first one to get another.” Her smile vanished, knowing the gravity of the situation, and she sat down beside me. “Then the only way is to meet Mr. Feyrer and plead with him to give us some time to pay the rent. In the meantime, we can move to a smaller place nearby. I’ve found a couple of shops. I need to check them out now. Do you want me to plead with Arian Freling? He might recommend us to his boss!” I shook my head, not admitting to her about my suspicion. I had to confront the guy first and ask him to stop sending me those creepy flowers. Camila gave me a look of frustration and stomped away. I knew she was dying to meet Arian Freling. How dumb could she be? Couldn’t she see what a player the man was? “I’ll meet him anyhow.” She threw over her shoulder and rushed out before I could stop her. After she left, a wave of guilt washed over me. I felt claustrophobic in the shop. What a pathetic granddaughter I had been! Why didn’t I ease my granny’s worries? Why didn’t I stay back in Cherryville and study here like the others? At least, my granny wouldn’t have been neck-deep in debt because of me! Why did I have to be the obedient grandchild? I walked down the tree-covered lane to the park nearby. I needed a moment to get a grip on myself. The financial crisis was taking a toll on my mental health! I sat down on an empty bench and watched the trees sway in the breeze. A movement nearby caught my attention and for a fleeting moment, I saw a huge black creature with golden obsidian eyes dash into the bushes nearby. What was it? A wild animal?
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