Chapter Two – The Shocking Notice

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Marina’s POV After a restless night, I arrived at the shop early the next morning. The entire night I twisted and turned, unable to get a wink of sleep. A pair of glowing golden eyes chased me until I lost my mind and gave up. Ever since I had been up, working, wrapping up the household chores to drive all thoughts of him away! It worked and here I am at my shop, early in the morning. There were almost two hours left before Camila’s arrival. I could wrap up some work in peace. With orders to prepare, I didn’t have a moment to spare. The workers would be here any minute to help prepare the floral arrangements for display. It was a hectic schedule for me. Even after two hours, Camila hadn’t turned up, but I was too busy to call her. Maybe she was still lost in her dreams of the same man as I was. A tinge of jealousy shot through my body at the thought. I just wished she would forget him soon. We couldn’t fight over the same man! It would be a disastrous thing to do. Just the thought of the golden-eyed guy gave me goosebumps. Why did he save me last night? How did he know I was in danger? Was he stalking me? Why would he do that? Most importantly, how did he save me? With nimble fingers, I worked on the bouquet while the questions plagued my mind. Of course, there were no answers to them. The glass door burst open, and Camila entered like a gust of wind, disrupting my thoughts. I braced myself for more input on Arian Freling! “You’re ten minutes late!” She skidded to a stop right in front of my workstation. “Yes, I know! Guess who I met early in the morning?” I groaned, knowing who it could be. Was the guy playing with both of us? “Who else other than your latest crush?” She gave me a look of disbelief. “How did you know? Yes, I met the infamous, the town’s current heartthrob, the one and only Arian Freling!” I rolled my eyes at the cringing description. At that instant, I knew I wouldn’t waste my time thinking about such a player. Camila was welcome to share him with the rest of the female population of Bellefonte. “Your face says it all, Camila. Anyway, let’s get down to business. You can prepare the last two orders. I’ve done the rest.” She gaped at me and then at the wide array of bouquets on my table, packed and ready to be dispatched. “Whoa! When did you do these? Have you been here since midnight?” “No, since 5.” I didn’t want to tell her about the actual reason behind it. “Why? When did you sleep? I was so lost in his dreams, I couldn’t wake up at all!” Her admission made me groan. I wanted to block my ears since I, too, had been chased by the same man all night in my dreams. But it had the opposite effect on me. It disrupted my sleep. “Oh, before I forget. There’s a letter Arian Freling gave me. It’s addressed to you.” She handed me an envelope, and I frowned at it. “Check if it’s a love letter!” I gaped at my assistant! Was she crazy? Why would the infamous playboy send me a love letter when he hadn’t seen me at all? “It’s not.” Yet I couldn’t help the flutter in my stomach as I took it from her and tore it open. Out came an important-looking sheet of paper. It looked like an official document, like a notice. “It’s a notice.” I opened the notice to check its contents while Camila poured over it, too. Dear Tenant, This is to notify you that the management of Lyons Properties has decided to demolish this building because of unavoidable circumstances. Therefore, you are requested to vacate the property in a month without fail. Kindly clear all outstanding rent dues if applicable, within the specified period. The decision of the management is final and irrevocable. Yours sincerely, Management Of Lyons Properties. I gaped at the notice in a state of shock, re-reading it to come to terms with it. My entire world crashed as realization struck me. A month’s notice wasn’t enough at all. I needed more time. “Oh, my gosh! What do we do now? Why would they want to demolish this building? I’m sure this is a practical joke.” I glanced at my assistant, feeling as puzzled as she did. The company seal and the signature reading A. F. proved it wasn’t a hoax. “Did Arian Freling give you this notice? Where did he get it? Why does it have his signature, Camila? This is so confusing!” I trembled from the shock, all my work forgotten. How would I vacate the premises within a month? Where would I get the money to pay the pending rent? My granny had been using this strategic position since its very inception. It helped boost the sales of our shop. With no funds, I wouldn’t get a better position than this. “I don’t know, Marina. We’re doomed. Only Arian Freling can answer your questions. Let’s go over to his hotel and meet him. I’m sure we can negotiate with him.” I nodded, getting up to head to his office in the Bellefonte Comfort Suites opposite us. There was no other way than to face the man. “Fine. I’ll meet him. Why don’t you wrap up the work here? Get these dispatched right away. The address list is here.” I handed her the details, but Camila looked upset. “Can’t I come along, please?” I shook my head sternly. This was a serious matter, and I didn’t want her to make a fool of herself in front of the man. “No, Camila. This is important and we can’t close the shop in the meantime. Someone has to be here, too.” “Alright! I get it!” She sulked, but I left her to it. Walking out of the shop, I crossed the busy street and went up to the hotel gates. The security guard smiled at me. Obviously, he knew me, having seen me every day for almost two months. “I want to see Arian Freling. Is he there?” “Yes, miss. He’s in his office. Go straight and turn right. It’s the third office in the administrative wing.” I thanked him and walked away. “Your tulips were very nice, miss. Sir loved them!” he yelled after me, making my eyes widen with surprise. “Oh, thanks.” My cheeks colored to see the others staring at me. Did they all know about it? If Arian Freling liked my tulips so much, why did he send me such a notice? Did he own our building too? I walked towards the administrative office and saw the one the guard mentioned. The door was open, yet I knocked. “Come in!” It was a flirty, light male voice, and I rolled my eyes. His voice perfectly fitted Camila’s description of the man. I walked in to see him standing at the window with his back towards me. “Marina Flores, right?” he turned to flash a dazzling smile at me. I gasped in shock. Not because he knew my name. I was shocked to see his glowing green eyes, like the depth of the forest around my house. They weren’t the glowing golden ones I had seen since last night. So Arian Freling wasn’t the man I dreamed of! Then who was the golden-eyed guy?
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