Chapter Twenty-Nine – His Mate Theory

1633 Words

Marina’s POV Blood boiled in my veins at the sight of him in front of me. I had no idea how he found me when I was sure I had left no clue behind. No one knew I was here! “Let’s go!” he said with a scowl, as if I was in the wrong instead of him. “Why would I go with you? I’m fine here.” I stood my ground, refusing to bow down to his whims. He was welcome to spend his days and nights with his flings. “You’ll come home with me because we’re mates!” I scoffed, blocking his way inside my room. “How many mates do you have? It seems all the female population here in Bellefonte and beyond are your mates. No thanks, I’ll move out of your resort, pay off your rent, and get out of your life forever. I don’t need your help.” I glared at him with my hands on my waist while he watched me wit

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