Chapter 9

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Lorraine "Now I don't want to hear a word out of you during this meeting. Not unless you are directly spoken to." My grandmother said, practically dragging me by my arm up the steps to the school where we had a meeting with the principal and Alpha Rodger. "Whatever happens we will figure it out, we can see about summer school and getting a tutor." She continued as we strode through the front doors that my grandpa was holding open for us. It was over a week since my placement testing, and we just got the call yesterday from the school that my results were in, and they wanted all of us there to go over them. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I had a good feeling that I had passed, and wouldn't be held back, but there was always a bit of doubt in the back of my head. "Fine, whatever." I murmured, getting a sharp look in return. "It'll be okay." My grandpa said, giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. I gave him a tight smile as we took a seat in the waiting area of the principals' office while my grandmother checked in with the secretary. We were only seated for a few seconds before Principal Manning swung open the door, waving us in. She had an unreadable expression on her face. But perhaps that was because the alpha was seated at her desk. Her office was remarkably clean compared to normal. I might have laughed had I not seen the cutting look Alpha Rodger was giving me. There was one other person in the room, a male standing next to where Alpha was sitting, who looked slightly terrifying. He had sharp features and a judgmental look on his face. He was very fit, like most werewolves, though he had a receding hairline. He must have been an older wolf then, if he was showing signs of aging. Even my grandparents still looked in their prime, which was why it was so easy to say that they were my parents. Principal Manning shut the door, and we all waited in silence for the Alpha to speak. "Three times. I checked her answers three times, and even went as far as to check her work she had on the scrap paper we provided and still couldn't believe what I was seeing. So, I went a step further and had Dean Reynolds take a look at her work, including her regular school work." "And...?" My grandmother said, her voice unwavering. The voice of a former queen pulling through. "And her work is remarkable." The Dean said, his eyes still judgmental. I held my head a little higher at the complement. "Her placement test scores were, well, perfect." My grandparents perked up at that, shocked and proud expressions crossing their faces, as well as confused. "Really?" I chuckled, feeling triumphant, especially once I saw Principal Manning's face. "Yes. I'm actually quite disappointed that your teachers never picked up on your academic talent." Alpha Rodger said, shooting a disapproving look at Principal Manning, who chose to stare ahead at the very interesting looking wall. "So, am I free to go then?" I butted in. My grandmother didn't say a thing; her head held high. "No actually." Alpha Rodger said, closing the binder he had in front of him. "I have decided that your studies here at Fillmore High School are officially over." He said, standing and coming over to me, handing me two envelops. I opened the smaller one first, my breath catching when I saw it was my graduation certificate. My grandparents gushed, meanwhile my hands were shaking as I opened the second envelope. It was much larger and filled with packets. Welcome packets. "What is all this?" I asked, my mouth going dry. "That is the start of your new future," Alpha Rodger said. "After reviewing your work, I spoke with the chancellor of the college, and she agreed with me and the Alpha." Dean Reynolds said. "Agreed about what?" I practically whispered. "About offering you a full scholarship." Alpha Rodger smiled. "We don't want your talents to go to waste, and decided to offer you a full ride for whatever you decide to pursue, assuming you keep your grades up." "Oh what marvelous news!" My grandmother beamed. "Lorraine, we are so proud of you!" My grandfather said, giving me a tight squeeze and a kiss on the head. I felt like I couldn't breathe. College?! Me?! I hadn't even thought that far ahead. I was just focused on living a semi-normal life, trying to muddle through while being harassed by spirits day in and day out. "You will still be allowed to attend prom, which is in just two weeks, and your remaining community service requirements have been dropped. The college semester is coming to an end, but we would like you to attend our summer program, specifically for the athletic program. Unfortunately, your gym grades are a bit concerning, and I would like you to make some of that up. As you know, I am the founder of the college, and I do require each student to be trained as a warrior at some point. All part of creating a stronger, safer pack." "Of course she will!" My grandmother said with a giant smile on her face. My head was spinning. "The college, as you may or may not know, is several hours away. We have dorm rooms available for you to stay in, though we do suggest you pack lightly." "When does she need to report?" My grandmother asked. "All the information is in the packet. She will meet with a guidance counselor upon arrival to decide what classes she might want to take up." Dean Reynolds answered. "That is wonderful! And speaking of which, Lorraine is seeing a counselor right now for her nightmares. Will someone be available to see her weekly?" "Grandma!" I hissed. "We will make arrangements." Alpha Rodger nodded, eyeing me carefully. "Rest assured that the safety and well-being of my pack members is of the highest priority." I could only bring myself to nod in return. The rest of the meeting was brief, the packet did have all the necessary information. Alpha Rodger told me I could take today to say goodbye to my friends and collect my things as long as I didn't disrupt class. I thanked him, scurrying out of the office as soon as possible. My grandparents promised to take me to dinner later to celebrate, and told me only a dozen times how proud they were of me. If only they knew it wasn't me, not really. I couldn't have done it without my spirit friends. How was I going to get along without them? Could they come with me? The thoughts ran through my head, and I soon found myself in the basement of the school. I grabbed salt from the cafeteria and candles from the art room prior to coming down here, to the darkest part where a few lights were out. I learned a lot from a friend of my mom's one summer. Gwendolyn, or Gwen as I called her. She was a harsh teacher, but a good one. A full-blooded witch, unlike the hybrid I was. Some lessons were easy for me to pick up on, others not so much. My mind began to reminisce as I laid out the salt and candles in the specific design she had taught me, sitting cross-legged in the middle of it all. I chanted a few ancient words and in the blink of an eye, all my spirit teachers were there with me. "Very well done, Lorraine." Professor Harold smiled. "We heard the good news." "College, how exciting!" I received a few more congratulations before I interrupted their praises. "Thank you, thank you all so much for all your help. But...can you come with me? I can't do this without all of you." They each exchanged weary glances with each other before Professor Harrison spoke again. "I'm sorry dear, but we can't." He shook his head. "Can't or won't?" I said, my throat burning, a lump forming, my eyes tearing up. "We can't." He smiled sadly. "But we believe in you. You were destined for greatness. You will be just fine." I wanted to scream and shout, but stopped short when I heard the basement door creak open. I whirled around, wiping my eyes and using my foot to disrupt my salt and candles before heading back into the lighter part of the basement. "What are you doing down here?" The janitor scowled. "No students are allowed down here." "S-sorry, I just got lost." I said, rushing past him and back up the stairs. The rest of the day was a blur. I found Sarah at lunch and told her the news. She was elated, but also started crying, saying she was going to miss me. I couldn't help the tears that fell that time either. And it was at that moment that I agreed to go to prom with her. I agreed to go dress shopping and get our hair and nails done. That we would pick out matching shoes and jewelry and everything else that went along with prom. Any reason to spend more time with her before I packed my bags and went off to college. We had so many plans for this summer that would need to be postponed or canceled completely. I don't know if she fully realized it yet or just chose to ignore me when I told her I would be in a summer athletic program with the college, as requested by the alpha. I suppose I was grateful she didn't push me to promise her when I would see her next, since I really didn't even know. The rest of my day was a blur. My grandparents kept true to their word and took me out to a fancy dinner, praising me all night long. They even had me call my parents and tell them the good news. I was going to be sick. Had I known that this would have been the outcome...I might have botched a few questions. Instead, now everyone thinks I was some genius, some child prodigy, when really... I was nothing more than a wolf in sheep's skin.
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