Chapter 7

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Lorraine "You will be given four test packets today. Math, English, Social Studies, and Science. Each test packet will have twelve sections, each representing its own grade. You are not limited on time. You will be provided with all necessary supplies. You are not permitted to leave the room once the testing has begun. Lunch will be provided for you. Since you are the only student here today, you can get up and move around the room. You may take breaks within the room as needed. There is a restroom in the far corner of the room. You are considered finished once you have handed in each packet. I will personally oversee today's testing, as well as grading. Any questions?" "Can I myself?" I very boldly asked. "It helps me work out the problems." I shrugged, trying to play it off. I was a quiet enough talker that in class, no one paid me any attention, but in a classroom with just the alpha, I felt I needed a cover-up. "Again, since you are the only one here, that is fine." He nodded, a bit of distrust in his voice. "And when I'm all done with all of this, after I've passed, I won't be harassed by the teachers or staff? They won't call me a liar or a cheater anymore?" "The test results will decide that for you." He answered coldly. "Then let's get this over with." - - - - - - - - - Alpha Rodger There was something odd about this one. I knew it from the moment they came into our pack, their records near nonexistent, along with a letter signed by King Alexander, or Xander for short. The letter said that the Fullers were harmless, and were simply looking for a fresh start. My cooperation would result in full support and protection whenever I might need it. An invaluable letter, one I stashed in my own personal fireproof safe for good keeping. But at what cost? Since the Fuller family had arrived, everything seemed normal, but I couldn't help the nagging feeling that came over me anytime I saw them. Whether it be a pack function or in passing or anything else. I didn't know what it was, but I stayed vigilant around them. And now, after a little over three years, something is finally amiss. Something solid. I had asked Principal Manning to keep a close eye on Lorraine from the moment she arrived, and there hadn't been any bad reports until now. So, naturally, I took the opportunity to further investigate. What I'm seeing though is not what I would have expected. Sitting before me, going through all of her packets, was Lorraine. She was muttering and mumbling and bickering with herself almost the entire time. I couldn't quite make out her words, her voice too soft, and my senses were naturally dampened by the silver in the room. She never stopped though, never took a break or even looked up. When lunch was brought in she didn't even stop to eat. She seemed fiercely determined to get this over with. Her confidence was unwavering. It was impressive, really. Perhaps that's why my boys were so fond of her. They liked to think I didn't notice them gawking over the new pack member, but I did. I nearly bit off Noah's head this afternoon because I knew he wouldn't go away easily otherwise. They never hinted at it being something more, and I was grateful for that. I don't know what I would do if they became an item. How would that look? What would become of the pack if they pursued this relationship? Did this girl have enemies I needed to worry about? We already had our own bumps in the road, as any pack did, but I wasn't looking to invite more trouble. If only I knew more about her... "There. Done." Lorraine said, pulling me from my thoughts. She was standing before me, unwavering confidence in her, all four packets in hand. I looked at the clock. It was an hour past when school was let out. She worked that entire time. Hardworking or stubborn? Perhaps both. "You're sure?" I asked. She extended them to me, and I took them. And then I decided to try my luck. "You know, Lorraine, you and your family have been part of this pack for over three years now, and yet I have no idea where you all came from." "And I'm sure you never will. I'd make your peace with it now." She said dryly, not an ounce of hesitation or fear in her. "My clothes?" She added, her voice expectant, demanding almost. Very odd indeed. "The next room over, Nurse Violet will have your things. I will personally see to grading these. We will meet again to go over your results soon." "Fine." Lorraine nodded, her head held high. She strode out of the room, not even bothering to look back. - - - - - - - - Lorraine "Lorraine, you are home late, everything go okay at school?" My grandpa asked, peering up from his paper. He was planted in his corner chair in the living room, waiting for dinner to be ready, no doubt. "Fine. I took my placement tests today. The alpha himself was the proctor." I sighed, setting down my things. "Oh?" My grandma said from behind me, wiping her hands with a kitchen towel. "How did it go?" "I think I did alright." I shrugged, perhaps downplaying how I actually felt I did. "Alpha said once he graded it he would have another meeting with us." My grandparents grew silent. I tried to ignore their lingering stares. "Well, all we can do then is wait." My grandpa grunted, going back to his paper. My grandmother looked less than impressed. She looked sick to her stomach, actually. Glad to know she had so much faith in me. I shook off the feeling it gave me and went upstairs. I took out my contacts, meant for the sole purpose of hiding my silver eyes, and took a quick shower. By the time I was done, dinner was ready. Meatloaf and mashed potatoes. No one seemed to bother with small talk at dinner. I don't know if I was thankful for that or not. All I knew was that I planned on taking a large sleeping pill the moment dinner was over and going straight to bed. And that was exactly what I did. My grandparents went to bed early, or at least to their room to watch TV or whatever else, so there was no need to explain to them that I felt like I was still catching up on sleep and was taking every opportunity I could to go to bed early. Even if it was only seven thirty... Fine, seven fifteen. I fell asleep within a few minutes. And I slept like a rock, until he came back. Standing at the foot of my bed, clothed in all black. I could only make out his silhouette, my eyes still adjusting... I think. I couldn't tell if I was still asleep or not. Was this a nightmare or was I truly being visited by this evil spirit again? "Lorraine..." He purred. Everything in me went still. I felt like if I breathed wrongly, or at all, it would trigger him. So I just stared, wide-eyed and terrified for the first time in...ever. His long bony fingers reached out to me, his nails coated in a strange black substance. In a flash those milky white, bony fingers were around my neck, and I couldn't breathe. I began to thrash and scream, slamming my eyes shut as if that would make him go away. It felt like an eternity went by before his grip finally lessened, and I was gulping for air, scooting back in my bed until I hit the headboard. "Lorraine!" My grandmother exclaimed. "Get away!!" I bellowed, not trusting anything at the moment. "Lorraine, dear, its just us." Dr. Melvin said, concern in his voice. "You are okay, you are safe." Owens' voice said, his hand grabbing mine. Only then did that small touch seem to bring me back down. Though my breathing was still ragged, his touch brought me back to reality. I looked around and could see four sets of eyes on me, all wearing frowns on their faces. A light shined in my eyes a moment later, and I squinted and turned away. "What happened?" I asked, my voice hoarse from screaming, no doubt. "You were having a nightmare, we couldn't wake you." My grandfather said, tears streaming down his face. "We called the doctor, they got here twenty minutes later." "Oh." I breathed, nodding slowly. "Sorry to cause such a fuss." "What were you dreaming about?" Owen asked. "I... I don't remember." I lied. Owen held my gaze for a long minute. He won the staring contest when I eventually looked away first. Damn him. "This is, unfortunately, one of the more drastic side effects of the sleep aid, sleep terrors..." Doctor Melvin sighed. "I think it would be in your best interest to stop the pills immediately, and start attending counseling to help work through what is keeping you up more frequently at night." "What?! No!" I begged. "It was just one bad dream!" Owen clicked his tongue, holding up a corner of my blanket that had clearly been torn during my thrashing. Not only was it torn, but it was soaking wet from my sweat. "It's decided." My grandmother said, going into the hallway bathroom and coming back with my pill bottle. She handed it to the doctor and that was that. I wanted to scream. And I think everyone in the room could tell. "We will get you set up with someone tomorrow," Owen said softly. I shot him murderous eyes. "I have nothing to say. You will be wasting your time scheduling an appointment, and their time." "Nonsense!" My grandmother hissed. "I think you should give it a shot, pumpkin." My grandfather said softly. "After what happened-" "Stop." I bit back. His face fell and I softened."I... I just don't want to talk about it, any of it." I added, looking wryly at our company. "And it wasn't that big of a deal." "Ha!" My grandmother huffed, shaking her head and pacing. "I'll schedule the appointment. You don't have to talk about anything you don't want to, okay?" Dr. Melvin cut in. I let out a heavy sigh, but for my grandfather's sake, I conceded. "Fine."
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