At the cemetary

1419 Words

*Senya* For the life of me, I can’t explain why I had gone to him, and asked him to accompany me. I had known only that I had longed for his company, but not in the role of a lover, simply as a friend. A friend who laughs when I best him. Knowing I will give away my identity no longer seems to matter as I am relatively certain he would have figured it out eventually. We talk far more than I had anticipated, but I find that I rather like it. And if I require naught but silence as we stroll through the cemetery, I know he will sense my needs and provide only his presence. lf we had been allowed to stroll within. But when we reach the gates, and he holds the flashlight he had taken from inside the car up, I can do little more than stare in overwhelming disappointment at the padlock that ho

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