An indecent proposal

2185 Words

*Senya* I had started to find the oppressiveness in the front parlor unbearable, but then the men arrived once Serdal was laid to rest and the somberness became too much. It is an odd thing, but an overwhelming urge overcame me to dart out of the residence, race through the mews, and run as fast as my wolf could to the Moon Goddess club, to Aaron Tempest. To once again be in his arms, to have his whispered words of reassurance echoing in my ears. To feel safe, secure, and protected. To draw strength from him in order to face all the challenges that await me. Instead I do the proper thing. When condolences has all been offered and received, when those gathered in the parlor finally wanders into the dining room where refreshments awaits them, I sneak out into the gardens and sit on a w

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