Chapter Eight

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TESSA POV: Taz and I walk with the chains dragging against the mud on the floor below. I don't miss the one guard peeping at me with an uncomfortable expression before looking ahead with a sigh. He is medium height, but his muscles are bulging out everywhere and he has his sandy brown hair up in a man-bun. He looks like he could give anybody a run for their money on the battle field and his aura lets off strong "high-rank" vibes, so I am guessing he must be the beta or gamma or such of whatever pack we have just found ourselves in. The whole group of us walk a few more minutes and the surroundings seem to change into more dense forest. Even though the vegetation is natural and un-touched, there seems to be an elegance to how well cut out the path is and everything seems to be in harmony here, almost as if the land is blushing as the snow flirts against it. I feel something shift in me as we continue to move forward and my gut turns. "You have just entered the territory of your new home." The same man says, this time looking between Taz and I with a smile. He has kind eyes, but I know better than to trust anybody right now. Taz scoffs. "Home? We are slaves here! You are welcoming us into your pack with chains on our feet." The man keeps a neutral expression, but I can tell that Taz's tone has annoyed him a bit. No high-ranked wolf likes being told what is what, but Taz was only speaking the truth. "She is right, you know? We have no idea where we are and why we are here. All we know is that your alpha BOUGHT us and we are here to SERVE him as he pleases. This isn't home. This is hell." His eyes move to meet mine now. Swirling in the irritation is a kindness that I cannot quiet place. He sighs and then bends down in front of Taz and I. "HEY! What are you..." I start to shout, but then the sound of the chain breaking makes me stop. The man continues to break off the chain on my other ankle, before moving to release Taz. He lifts the chains and dumps them in a sack, as if they are rubbish and he doesn't want to see them again. Okay, things are a little weird here. "There. You are no longer in chains. Now, it is not my place to speak of what the alpha plans with the two of you, but I do know this. He doesn't take kindly to people who are not appreciative of his kind gestures and he has been in a bad mood for the past few months, so best you both keep your chins up and you listen to whatever it is you're told to do for the pack, or him." Taz opens her mouth, but another female comes waltzing through the trees in a simple, black dress and when she sees us, she smiles. "NICK!" The two of them share a long hug and he holds on for a little longer than normal. They must be mates or so. Their little moment is cut short when one of the guards coughs. Her freckly nose lifts in a cheeky grin and her brown eyes land on me and Taz with curiosity. "Hi. You guys must be the new girls. My name is Lili and I work in the packhouse and am in charge of new recruits. I was told to come welcome you and see you to your room." She extends her hand, which I accept half-heartedly and shake. Taz turns her back on the girl, clearly not wanting to make any friends. I smile at Lili, who looks friendly and like she genuinely wants to be friendly with us. My heart knows better though. Friends don't exist. Not really, anyway. "Goddess, you guys must be so hungry. I will get some fresh soup and bread brought up to your room as soon as we get there. Come quickly." Her eyes hover over my clothes and she looks away quickly with a sad smile. "There are warm clothes available too. Obviously, it's a little colder up North, so furs are usually the best if we are outside, especially if you aren't used to it." I don't say anything and nor does Taz. The air becomes a little tense as we all walk and I see that the guy, Nick and Lili seem to be mind linking with each other as they walk just ahead. Great, they probably think we are useless already. I don't mean to be rude to her, but all of this just seems so bizarre. In the space of 72 hours, I have been spat out and have landed somewhere North in a pack where I am a slave to a bunch of really friendly people. It just doesn't make sense. Taz and I share a look too and I can tell she is equally as confused. I just follow everybody's relaxed pace, my body buzzing with nerves as I start to become very aware of all the pack members looking at me and Taz with odd expressions. Some smile, others looked shocked, others worried, others confused and some relieved. Relieved? "This way, come one." The guy, Nick, calls and I realize I have been looking into the small, cobble-stone-type town. It really is very charming and a far-cry from what I am used to. Everything is so well kept and pretty here. Every house has a historical beauty with family flags up and proud. Each door welcomes you with the family name and the pack has taken it upon itself to paint their doors different colors, which adds a unique and fun flare to how old the buildings look. "The colors represent the diversity of wolves that come together with unique strengths and contributions to the pack. Every mated couple gets gifted a home by the alpha and they paint their door any color they choose. That color becomes a part of their house flag." Lili explains the whole vibe to me and I smile and listen. It sounds like a nice tradition and a way for a mated couple to begin their journey together. Also, this alpha gets every mated couple a house to live in! Mated couples are lucky if they can have their own room in a house back at Full Moon. I look around me and see how far the town expands to. It is frikkin huge! "Uh, Lili?" She turns to smile at me now and I play with my thumbs. I can see the pack house coming into view just behind the trees. My eyes widen a little. It looks like a castle and the sheer magnitude of it all makes me stop walking. Taz has also stopped walking. "WHERE THE f**k ARE WE?" Taz beats me to the question. Nick and Lili look a little startled but then their smiles broaden. "Welcome to the pack house of Moon Shadow!" Lili says with way too much enthusiasm. Taz looks like her mouth is hanging on the floor as she runs forward. "No way! Moon Shadow? As in THE biggest and MOST powerful pack in the whole of the world? Like THE pack where everyone is basically royalty even though royals don't exist anymore?" The longer I am around Taz, the more I realize she has a problem with filtering her thoughts into words. Lili and Nick laugh and nod, but all I can do is look on with even more anxiety than before. I have no idea what Taz's background entails, but I was part of a powerful pack and I know the damage being in such a pack can do to weak wolves like me. Being weak and wolfless in a pack of such elite and prestigious wolves never ends well for someone like me. They may all be smiles and stuff now, but when they realize how pathetic I am, they will treat me as such. It's a pretty town, but girls like me, rejected, wolfless and thrown away will never earn their own colorful door. A pang of sadness courses through me and I have to force my feet to walk forward as everyone continues to walk towards the pack house. I just listen on to Taz, who has perked up a great deal more after learning about her whereabouts and who is enjoying conversation with Lili as if they were old time friends. "Actually, the pack house was a castle back in the day. The alpha family are related to the wolf royalty from hundreds of years ago, but at some point in history, their family chose to abolish their titles in order to be regarded more humbly by their community. It came with more respect from the pack itself, but obviously it caused shifts with alphas in other packs, who no longer had royalty to lead them. It didn't matter to the alpha family back then, though, and it doesn't now. Alpha Henderson and his family are a private bunch and stay out of politics with other packs if they can help it." Taz nods and replies with some statement about having heard so many stories about life in Moon Shadow. My brows knit together at the mention of Alpha Henderson. I have heard that name before. It doesn't take long for the penny to drop. Xanthi was speaking about Alpha Henderson and his sons being at the party the night of her father's party. "Anyway, you guys will be staying in the pack house for the first month so that you can settle into life here. If you follow me, I will show you your room and you will be allowed to unpack your things." Lili looks at Taz and I and sees we have nothing to unpack. She smiles awkwardly then shrugs before opening a wooden door in what has been a long hallway in the pack house. "There are a few dresses in the wardrobe, but I will take you guys shopping tomorrow for a few more personal items. I understand how it must feel to be in your position." I roll my eyes a little at what Lili has said. What could she possible understand about my situation right now? She looks proper taken care of and lives in a beautiful pack. The room around me is still and all eyes are on me. "Excuse me?" Nick asks now and I see Lili looks up at him. s**t. Did I say that out loud? "You should think twice about how..." "Nick, shh, baby, it's okay. Go see if Damon or Brett need your help with anything. I will finish off here in a few minutes." Nick looks at me now with annoyance and then turns his back and leaves. I see him balling his fists and I frown. Lili looks at me and Taz now with an apologetic smile. "Sorry. Nick is a little protective. You know the mate bond and all." Another pang of sadness courses through me. Yes, I do know the mate bond and I could only wish I had a mate who stood up for me the way he just wanted to. I know I may be rude, but right now all I can think about is how I was bought by this pack and although it all seems nice and charming, reality will hit soon. Besides, there must be a price to pay for all of this, right? I look away from Lili and Taz, now facing the large bedroom and en-suite bathroom. It's all way more than I have ever had before in my life. I brush my fingers on the silk linen and look out the window, which has a view of the trees. I can still hear Taz talking to Lili about the time ahead. "In these next four weeks I will be your mentor. I know this must all be a bit overwhelming for you both." I feel them both looking at me. Taz whispers something about how she will try to help me adjust. Whatever. "It is really important that we see where your skills lie, so the next four weeks will be about that. Based on your skills and the Alpha's area of interest in you, you will be placed where he sees fit and that will become your duty. I know right now you feel like slaves, but I hope you know that isn't the case here. I really cannot speak out of line, but the Alpha isn't bad and I hope you will come to see that life can be happy in this pack." Once again, I want to scoff and roll my eyes but I restrain myself from doing so. In four weeks, Taz and I are slaves to the Alpha who will have full reign to do whatever he wants to us or with us before he decides if he wants us around or not. Who knows what will happen if we don't please him the way he likes. A gross shiver runs over my spine. I have four weeks to "please" an old and entitled alpha else I will probably be killed, especially because I have no other skills which might benefit a pack. "Anyway, I will let you guys settle. Food is already on it's way up and in two hours I will come fetch you to meet the Alpha family. That will be the official start to your time here and first impressions always count, so clean up and get some rest." Taz thanks Lili and I give her a half smile before she leaves. I carry on looking out the window, taking notice of the guards changing duties and wolves coming and going as they please from the house. Everyone looks so care free and happy. What is the catch? "Come on, Tessa. Have a bath, eat your soup and choose a dress." I turn to notice Taz has already changed, her hair is wet and she has tucked into the pot of steaming soup. It smells meaty and makes my stomach grumble. "It all seems a little too good to be true out there." "Oh, come on, maybe we just got lucky?" I scoff at Taz. "You forget that we were bought, Taz." She goes quiet and puts her bread down now. "It is all good and well that people seem friendly and that we have been given such luxuries, but at what price? I have no idea where you come from, but from where I come from, NOTHING is free and NOBODY can be trusted." Taz winces at my tone and looks down. "Look, Tessa, I don't know what is going to happen to us in the future, but would it be too much for us to just enjoy the moment a little? We have just spent the past few days crammed in a small wagon, pissing in a bucket, watching five year old girls being given to old men and eating dried-up crumbs off of the rotten floor. I know reality isn't all what it seems and hell, nobody says I trust anybody, but look around. Have you ever had a room like this?" I shake my head. "Or a whole pot of soup like this?" I shake my head. "Or a bath tub like that?" My eyes look at the tub and widen. Definitely not. Taz smiles. "I didn't think so. I know life is s**t, but right now, this is the best of anything I have ever had. Will you just let me enjoy it for a few minutes? It would be nice to share it with you?" I took a few moments to look at Taz. She is right, I guess. Right now, there isn't an alpha barking orders and we aren't chained up or being tortured. Right now we are free women and there is clean water, delicious and hot food, gorgeous dresses and silk linen waiting for us to use to our liking. Maybe getting lost in just a small moment of happiness will be good for us. "Fine." I agree before allowing myself to become lost in what feels like a dream.
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