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DIVYA POV “Mate? Hell no__, Why must it be Richard Groff?” I exclaimed the moment I noticed that he was the one. of all the entire beings in the world. Why must it be one of the spoiled and rude sons of the billionaire? Why must it be Richard of all people and not somebody else? I watched as his lips tended to foam into a satisfied smirk. He must have felt the exact spark I was feeling but why must it happen this way? Having a mate right now only tends to ruin my plans on getting revenge on those monsters. “A mate__,” he was going to speak out further but I was quick to halt whatever he was going to say before he could. “Hey___ this thing you think that you feel, this mate thing. Don’t you dare call me that!” I yelled out in frustration. Things weren’t exactly supposed to head this way, nothing of such had happened during this exact time and day three years back. I hadn’t sensed my mate on this occasion and I had learnt to live that way, but why do I have to get my mate now? It doesn’t even make sense. I couldn’t even contend my thought as I began to laugh weirdly at the thought that the Moon Goddess had really paired me with Richard, both Richard's family company and my family business had been enemies for years and then now I find out that he is my mate. Did the moon goddess want to perhaps test me? “Divya Mathew__ right?” He slowly questioned but my attention was focused on how my name rolled out of his lips in the perfect way I have ever heard it. I had always hated my name from his lips before all of this, perhaps it’s the mating effect. I stared at him with a glare because this entire thing happening right now was driving me crazy. Everyone knew that I hated Richard Groff to the core, especially Chloe, this man had a thing for arrogance and I just couldn’t stand him. How was I going to accept him as my mate? Just how? I stared at him to notice the huge smile he had plastered to his face and that only seemed to enrage my anger, “I know that you feel the mate bond or whatever but that doesn’t count as anything to me because I can’t accept you, you and I can’t work!” I snapped boldly. This revenge I needed to make didn’t include Richard but it only includes making Chloe, Andrew and people who had betrayed me pay. Cutting him off right now is for the best. I was about to walk away but I turned back before walking back to where he stood staring at me with those seductive eyes of his. “Do not tell anybody that we are mates because the moon goddess must have made some mistake somewhere to pair us, you have to keep your mouth shut,” I blurted out plainly. “You can’t just order me around Diva__” he said, making me even scowl and scoff at the name he had just called me. “I do not care about what you think, all I know is that you have to hide it from everyone. I won’t hesitate to kill you if this gets out!” I threatened but he didn’t seem to shake at my threat, instead he chuckled. I scoffed and turned to leave but he pulled me by the hands causing me to stumble into his hardened chest in an embrace. “Would you be able to live with that?” He questioned as a slight smile appeared on his lips causing his dimples to become visible. My knees seemed to weaken as his hands around my waist tended to accelerate my heartbeat, the feeling I felt at that moment was of annoyance and need for his embrace. “Why couldn’t I live without you Richard? You might not know this but I hate you Richard Groff and you need to live with that!” I spat out before dashing out, I could feel his whole eyes on me while I dashed out and that had made me turn to notice that he was indeed still staring at me. I cursed under my breath and left the whole premises. Away from Chloe, Andrew and of course Richard. I was done being pathetic, and just when I was going to leave I couldn’t because I had forgotten that I had instructed the driver to come pick me in two hours time and I still had an hour plus here. I sighed in exhaustion before deciding to head back to the party. I was glad that the hallway was empty when I returned and Richard was clearly out of sight, which I was happy about. The moment I walked back into the party, I could catch a glimpse of both Chloe and Andrew having a hearty conversation with so much chuckle coming from their direction. A scoff escaped my lips knowing that I had indeed been stupid all along, had this been when they started planning how to cheat on me and collect my fortune? Chloe seemed to have noticed that I was back as I watched her excuse herself to walk back to me. “You are back?” She said with a smile. “I can see that you are happy with your date?” I asked hoping that she would perhaps give a hint that I hadn’t noticed before. “What do you mean by that Divya? Andrew over there isn’t my type of guy and moreover he has been talking about you nonstop,” she voiced out making me roll my eyes. “He isn’t your type but you had his member inside you!” I said under my breath. “What was that?” She asked but I flashed her a small smile. “Nothing!” I said while she nodded with a skeptical look. “Grandfather wants to meet with us, he's over there.” Chloe said as a smile plastered on my lips. He was the only one that had been on my side ever since Dad died, I had made them stupidly take him away from me thinking he was going crazy and I regretted that a lot. After the party was over, All that clouded my mind was how to go about with my revenge. I needed a plan to not carry out same mistake as before because each day count to the mistake that caused me my life. And if I needed to serve my revenge cold, I needed to make myself the Luna to gain power in my hand. I needed to get that throne to get rid of the bad egg that contributed to my death. This people had eaten from my father’s wealth after killing his mysteriously, Yeah, my father had died mysteriously and I had been so pathetic to have been blind folded emotionally not to investigate but that wouldn’t happen for a second time because those responsible would be fished out and severely purnished.
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