Chapter 22:Your Name-The Invincible East!

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Jack sat in front of the computer, logged into QQ, ready to add the QQ number that Diana had written in his palm. He opened his palm. The number written in black ballpoint pen still existed in his hand. Jack tapped on the keyboard, unfamiliar to him since he seldom used the internet. His sister had bought the computer just six months ago. After all, their family wasn't wealthy. Quickly, Jack entered the number Diana had given him. Click. A person was found. But seeing the name of this person, Jack was shocked. He jumped in fright. This person was a woman, her profile picture was of a young woman showing off her snow-white chest, posing in a very seductive manner. The underwear she wore in the lower half was beyond what the profile picture could fully display, creating an illusion that made you want to see more. But that wasn’t the key point. It was the person’s name. "Naked Chat Bean Bean!" Jack paused. "Is this that woman’s QQ?" Jack checked again, confirming that it indeed was that woman’s QQ number. But — How could it be related to naked chat? Though he wasn’t well-versed with the internet, only playing Landlord or poker games on the computer, he could assure that his intentions were pure. However, even with purity, he knew about the existence of naked chat services online. Temptation — Jack was tempted. He glanced at his sister, Mary. Mary was holding her dance butterfly necklace at her clean neck, her eyes glued to the news report on the TV. Jack didn’t speak. He didn't notice the joy in his sister’s eyes, was it happiness from the gift he gave? As for that woman's QQ number, named ‘Naked Chat Bean Bean.’ How could he not be tempted? What a joke. He is pure, but his current stage in life doesn't allow his purity to remain unchallenged. "Should I add her or not!" Jack's heart raced. Every time he remembered how that woman looked in her tight dress, he couldn't help but think badly of her. If this woman was really into naked chat, then... should he look or not? If he chose not to look, he'd still want to; and if he did look... After a moment, Jack decided to click and open the profile of "Naked Chat Bean Bean." "Professionally responsible for naked chat video chatting, upper body exposure for ten, full body exposure for fifty, touching breasts for one hundred, touching the entire body for one hundred and fifty. Accompanied by long-time female screaming in bed for ten minutes, two hundred. Professional attire decay series, flight attendant stocking type, nurse stocking type, etc., series for three hundred, those requesting direct on-site service, please report travel expenses plus..." The profile detail reached its character limit. "Add!" Jack thought briefly, if he didn’t add her, this woman would definitely harass him tomorrow, and that three hundred thousand necklace, he was relying on this woman for it. He clicked to add as a friend. Soon, a response was given. A little penguin icon flashed brightly. "Ding ding ding." "Naked Chat Bean Bean" just agreed to add him as a friend and sent him a reply. The reply went something like this: "Professionally responsible for naked chat video chatting, upper body exposure for ten, full body exposure for fifty, touching breasts for one hundred, touching the entire body for one hundred and fifty. Accompanied by long-time female screaming in bed for ten minutes, two hundred. Professional attire decay series, flight attendant stocking type, nurse stocking type, etc., series for three hundred, those requesting direct on-site service, please report travel expenses plus a thousand, cash at card number xxxxx, professional reputation, brother, sister can’t wait anymore, the empty me is waiting for you to comfort oh!" "Brother, do you need a naked chat, sister is so lonely oh!" "It's so late, you must be lonely too, why not have a go first!" "------" "Are you Diana?" "Aiyo, brother, you really know how to compliment someone, although I'm also a beauty, I can't say I make fishes sink and birds fall, but I'm sure I can satisfy you, brother. If you need service, please cash in first. Sister has just made it clear how much, then I will provide the corresponding service!" "Naked Chat Bean Bean" replied. Her typing speed was fast. Jack frowned. He — He couldn't stand the stimulation anymore. It was too much; how could someone play with others like this? Clack! Closed. "Is this woman Diana?" Jack was puzzled, "Could it be this woman is playing with me again?" He felt it was possible. This woman was capable of doing such things. Perhaps this Diana made such a QQ account just to play with him. Wealthy people— Such bad taste. Jack didn't care anymore; he had added the woman's QQ number as she requested, and what happened afterwards was out of his hands. Let things fall where they may. He closed QQ, and the day passed just like that. Jack felt this day was particularly tough to get through. First, he was teased by a bunch of rich women, then he was fiercely stimulated by the conversations with "Naked Chat Bean Bean" to the point of captivation. However, as a man who prided himself on his integrity, Jack felt he could actively challenge temptation, and if he couldn't resist and someone took advantage of him, well, he could always start over, right? … In the night, Jack lay in bed and fell into a deep sleep. He didn’t know how long he had slept. In a drowsy state, he heard his phone ringing. He ignored it. As he was thinking, it stopped. Then, after a while, it rang again. He wondered who the annoying person could be. Someone who called once without getting through, and then called a second time. "Who is this?" Jack muttered angrily in his sleep. What time was it even? Didn't they know calls should wait until daylight? He still didn't answer. After a little while. The phone rang yet again. Jack was so annoyed by the persistent caller that he lost all desire to sleep; knowing that if he didn’t answer, the person would probably harass him until dawn. He grabbed the phone, answered, and said, "Hello…" "Little brother, I told you yesterday, if you didn’t add my QQ number last night, I would harass you today!" A woman's giggle came from the other end of the phone. "Diana?" Jack instantly recognized the woman's voice. What did this woman want? He had clearly added her QQ number. "I did add you, you didn't forget, did you?" Jack said, bewildered. "Added me? Nonsense, I waited painfully all night yesterday, even took off my pants for you and you show me this?" Diana said irately on the phone. "Uh..." Jack felt this woman spoke like a female hoodlum. "That 'Naked Chat Bean Bean' wasn't you?" Jack asked. "Naked Chat Bean Bean? Nonsense, my online name is 'The Invincible East!'" Diana yelled, seemingly determined to wake Jack up completely. Jack was startled. The Invincible East? Could this woman be... A gay? "However..." Diana suddenly changed her tone, and giggled: "Didn’t see that coming, did you? You look quite honest on the surface, are you hinting that you want me to give you a naked chat? Oh, gosh, little men and their peculiar preferences! Tell me, which part of your sister do you want to see? Uh, is it the chest or..." Jack felt inflated all over. Like a balloon about to burst. He thought that calling Diana a 'female pervert' would be the highest compliment that could be bestowed upon female perverts in their lifetime. Do female perverts even reach this level? This woman's realm could not be simply defined as a 'female pervert'; she had reached the pinnacle. "Did you really just add the wrong number?" Diana asked in surprise on the other end. Jack thought about it and told Diana the QQ number he had added the day before. He always had a good memory. "You mistook 7 for 1!" Diana said irritably, "I clearly wrote a 7 on your hand, how could you see it as 1?" "How should I know!" Jack also found it funny, his response was hazy. Please — What time is it even? I'm really sleepy, alright. Is there a need to torture myself like this? "Oh, you're getting bold, aren't you? Daring to talk to your sister like that, forgot who gave you that necklace, did you?" Diana said. "..." "Add my QQ number now!" "Can it wait a bit?" "It has to be now!" "What time is it?" "Half-past three in the morning!" "Fine, I agree!" Jack conceded. "Mmm, that's more like it!" Diana laughed sweetly on the other end of the phone. Jack hung up the call. He didn't just hang up the phone, but as he did, with a snap, he took out the phone battery, tossed the phone aside, and went back to sleep on the bed. He thought to himself. Let's see you disturb my sleep now. Can you still bother me? Now you have no way to disturb my sleep, right? Zzzz — Jack buried his head and fell asleep again.
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