Chapter 17: Sophia and Smith!

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"What's this student's name?" "Jack!" "His name is Jack!" "Incredible, no student has ever managed to go so many rounds with the headmaster without falling behind!" "Which dormitory is he from?" "How come I've never seen him before?" "I've been at the school for a while now, which dormitory is this guy from? Damn it, if I were in his dorm, I'd definitely ask him to be my teacher. Wouldn't picking up girls be a breeze if I learned a few tricks from him?" The classroom was buzzing with conversation. They didn't know that Jack wasn't staying in a dormitory. Meanwhile, the speed of Jack's battle with Headmaster Houston was getting faster and faster. It seemed they had reached the limit, with neither able to find a flaw in the other. In that moment. Both shifted their offense to their legs. Their knees shot out at the same time. Bang, they hit each other tightly. With that collision, both were equally matched, each stepping back several paces! The sounds of their battle briefly ceased. Both took a deep breath. Smith's breathing was a bit more rapid compared to Jack's. "Amazing!" Jack thought to himself. He hadn't used his full strength because Smith was older, and while he himself was in his prime, if he exerted his full strength, Smith surely wouldn't be able to handle it. So, when he started to feel the power in Smith's punches, he adjusted his own strength to match Smith's. These thoughts raced through Jack's mind. Smith was equally shocked. "What a formidable young man!” Smith looked at Jack with surprise. "When I was young, I don't know how many masters I learned from, endured who knows how much hardship, but even so, I'm still far behind him. This kid looks soft and tender, but he's actually a master!" "Hahaha!" With that thought, Smith began to laugh heartily, his mustache shaking with his laughter. He could tell that Jack didn't know much about traditional Chinese martial arts. The style and character of Jack's punches weren't bound by the ancient Chinese martial arts. Jack's punches were characterized by ferocity; the young man responded extremely quickly, with impressive sensitivity. His punches were steady as Mount Tai, and he remained incredibly calm during combat. It was clear that the opponent was seasoned, a true master of combat. Jack wasn't just a master of Chinese martial arts, but a master in combat against an opponent. But what did that have to do with him? What Smith saw was Jack's impressive skills and his youthful talent. "What a pity!" Smith thought to himself. A pity for what? A pity that he could not take Jack as his disciple; he had nothing to teach Jack, and Jack wouldn't be able to learn anything from him. "The young man is good!" Smith grinned, showing a kind of mischievous boyishness, and said: "I haven't had so much fun in a long time. Ha ha! Good, good!" He looked at Jack with approval. One glance and he took a liking. A second glance, and the feeling persisted. The more he looked, the more he liked. Having such a formidable student in his Department of Chinese Studies, how could he, the president, not be happy? However, he also wondered why Jack, with his already mature set of skills that didn't require any more learning — not even from the current teachers, or himself — would come to study Chinese martial arts. What was Jack doing in the Department of Chinese Studies? "Cough cough!" Smith coughed twice. "Headmaster!" Jack couldn't help but exclaim when he saw Smith coughing. After all, Smith was getting on in years. "Ah, it's nothing, just got a bit too lively there!" Smith said with a slight smile, patting Jack on the shoulder. "You're good, young man. I think that's the only class for the Department of Chinese Studies today. It's over. Come find me later..." Smith's home was located within Huston University. He gave Jack his address and without staying long, he left the classroom. Even after Smith had been gone for a while, the classroom still remained silent. Not just the students were stunned. Even the teacher responsible for the theoretical courses of Chinese academic studies was profoundly shaken. His eyes fixed on Jack, who had returned to his seat, he couldn't calm the astonishment in his heart for a long time. He knew something about how formidable Smith was. Smith had been immersed in the ancient martial arts of China from a young age and had a profound love for Chinese academia. Smith had been practicing martial arts since childhood and, over the years, had thoroughly memorized the ancient Chinese martial arts, demonstrating incredible agility in combat. Several big men might not be a match for Smith. And yet, this young man had managed to face Smith without falling short! It was extremely rare. No, not just rare. Jack was the first. This seemingly delicate and handsome young man, not too talkative and rather unassuming at first glance, was no ordinary person. And then, some students sitting at the back started to buzz with discussion. "Alright, let's start with some self-introductions now..." Despite the shock still lingering in his mind, the teacher did not forget his duty and quickly suggested. "Figures..." Jack couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and resignation internally. The Department of Chinese Studies mostly started with theoretical classes, mainly to promote the ancient culture of China, as per Smith's intentions. Of course, later on, they would definitely learn some practical skills. Otherwise, entering society without any tangible expertise, the Department of Chinese Studies would soon decline. But all of this— Was of little use to him. "Hey mate, which dormitory are you staying in? Haven't seen you around these past few days," a few male students encircled him, asking curiously. "Dude, what did you grow up eating?" "Classmate, let's make a deal. You teach me a few moves, and I'll pay you!" "Can you teach me too?" The voices around him grew louder and more numerous. "Move aside, I want to invite this student for a meal!" A female student strode over and said, "Handsome guy, are you interested in having a meal with the girls and discussing the culture of Chinese martial arts?" "He's so cool!" "The moves you used while fighting the headmaster, we barely see those on TV, all those movies are too fake. They're nothing compared to the real deal like we just saw!" "I always thought real fights were not as good-looking as in the movies, but who knew they could be even better!" "Exactly, classmate, come have lunch with us and tell us how you did that!" "We'll treat you!" A few girl students, chattering away, pushed the male students to the back. "Do you guys even know about taking turns?" the male students said half in jest and half in dismay. "Well... some other time maybe, the headmaster just told me to go see him!" Jack said with a smile. He was truly at a loss internally. What exactly is all this? Though feeling somewhat out of place. But since he had entered the university campus to protect Lucy, he thought it's best not to overthink it. After a while, he left the classroom and made his way to Smith's house according to the address given to him. A few turns later, he arrived at Smith's building. Smith's home was inside Huston University. A one hundred square meter apartment. This was also his office, and typically, if there were matters to attend to, one would go directly to his house to find him. "Knock, knock!" Jack reached the door of Smith's house and knocked. "Who's there?" A voice came from the other side of the door, not Smith's voice, but that of a woman. The voice was soft and delicate, but the tone carried a hint of sharpness, simultaneously intriguing and yet distancing with an icy aloofness. “Why a woman?” Jack wondered to himself. Soon, the door swung open. It revealed a girl with wine-red hair, neither long nor short, appearing to be in her early twenties. She wore a blue short-sleeved shirt and black jeans, dressed very casually as though she was in her own home. On her feet were red flip-flops, and her small, tender feet were instantly endearing at first glance. Typically, men notice women in two ways. Some observe from top to bottom, starting with the head and ending with the feet. Others do the opposite, observing from bottom to top, starting with the feet and ending with the head. According to surveys, men tend to first look at a woman’s figure, then her legs, and finally her face, because if a woman’s figure and legs are not appealing, the attractiveness of her face is unlikely to make up for it. And the feet? Maintaining well-groomed feet is no less challenging than caring for the face. Life is fair in this regard. Because perfection cannot allow for something as perfect within its domain—illustrating that a beautiful face does not guarantee beautiful feet. However, this woman, her face was not just pretty, but her feet were also captivating. "It’s you!" "It’s you!" Jack and the girl exclaimed at the same time. The girl was none other than Sophia.
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