Chapter 10

888 Words
Reeves "Take a seat, Agent Mitchell. " No one has called me that for a while, at least not since I left the Bureau. But, then again, I wouldn't expect any less from the Big Kahuna. Although it's been a while, almost three years, since I've been under his command. I study him for a long moment, reverentially, the man was, and still is, a mortal god. "I prefer standing, " I answer sharply. Jake eyes me with warning. The clean-cut, elder gentleman with the piercing blue eyes and a suit sitting in Jake's ragged chair, curtly gestures at the chair before him. "Please sit, " he deadpans, and I follow his request. "How are you doing? " he asks, his voice heavy with years of smoke trailing through his vocal cords. I sigh, not sure what to tell him. This man knows me almost better than I know myself. Whatever I choose to say should be nothing but truth. "Better, " I say, impassive. "I read the last report on you. You quit therapy, " he states. His voice wears a pinch of disappointment, and I wince. He is the last person who I'd ever want to disappoint. We trade pointed stares for an additional moment. "I'll cut to the chase, " he says, and I can feel Jake's eyes assessing my reaction. "There's a reliable tip on A.Z.'s recent activity. " I jolt to a stand but Hunter doesn't ask me to sit again. The air gets stuck in my lungs and my palms roll into two tight fists with hearing this name. Hunter, nor either of us, will ever use suspects' full names. Even though Jake's office is checked daily for bugs. "He was spotted on U.S. soil a couple of days ago. " "Will you be collaborating with Jake's people for the investigation? I'd like to be a part of the team if that's possible, sir, " I say, looking at him square in the eyes. He slowly shakes his head, and for a brief moment, I see a glimpse of pain in his measured stare. "I can do it. " He rubs a hand over his goatee and his blue eyes look up my way. "Reeves, son, I trained you. I know what you're capable of. I know how you function better than anyone. " Jake drops his stare to his busy hand that repeatedly slides his phone in circles over the table. "Even if I were to collaborate with Jake, I wouldn't assign you to the team. I'm not sending you after him. It's not that you are not capable of executing the job. Hell, you are one of the best I've ever had. " He lights a cigar, sucking thick smoke in, twice. He raises his eyes back to mine. "We both know it'll be a suicidal mission, and I want you, and everyone involved, including the target, alive. " I clasp my teeth tighter as I keep listening to him. My heart is beating wildly, rage is streaming through my veins at the thought of the motherfucker who killed Ben, free and within reach. Jake crosses his leg over his thigh, leaning back in his chair, waiting for either of us to speak. Tense, I wait for Hunter to go on. "I'll keep you in the intel loop. " He offers the best settlement he can, and it's a mighty huge one. That, I know. "Sir, I appreciate it. Thank you. " "I might need you to work with the investigation team, though. Brief them on the old case. " He sucks his cigar again and speaks through the smoke cloud. My brows knit together. "I don't mean to be disrespectful, but why aren't you using agent Blithe for that? She's still in the Bureau as far as I know. " I'm not sure why he wouldn't just use my former handler, Agent Daria Blithe. She knows the old case inside out, if not better than I do. "She still is, " he answers curtly. "You lived the case, it was a part of you for over a year. No one can provide details better than you could, or anticipate A.Z.'s moves... " I nod. Hunter taps his cigar to a deserted coffee cup. "Don't even think about doing any private investigation. " His eyes lift to mine. "Don't you dare pull anything crazy that will force me to put you under arrest. " Another smoke puff hazes his face. "Because I will. I want him no less than you do. Ben was under my command. Losing an agent is like losing a son. " My eyes sting and that burning feeling in my chest each time Ben is mentioned shows its painful signs. I take a deep breath. "I'll be at your service whenever you need me. " Hunter gives me a soft blink while Jake clears his throat. "Reeves, I think that for the time being, till Hunter needs your assistance, you might want to go on a job. A simple one. " They both regard me, each with his own evaluating stare. "I'll see, let me think about it, " I answer, leaving no room for further discussion. "If that would be all. " Not more than a short goodbye later, I close the door behind me.
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