Chapter 158: The Taxi Driver

1117 Words

In their rush to leave the gymnasium, the rest of the student body quickly caught up to Doris. Lydia was on the first one to reach her, and when she saw that Doris was upset, she hugged her and said, "Don't look so gloomy. If Professor Gates is forced to hug you, then everyone will know your relationship status. Is that what you want?" Doris rolled her eyes and ignored her friend. Then she turned to Westley and said, "Are you okay?" Wesley lowered his voice and said, "Call me, 'Honey.' I think that would make me feel better." Doris: "When we get home, I will make it up to you." Lydia giggled when she heard that, and she leaned into Doris's ear and whispered: "Are you going to make love to him?" Doris's face turned red, and she said, "What are you talking about?" Lydia winked and sai

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