Morning Pleasures

1568 Words

ASTRO I woke to the sensation of lips on my breasts, and fingers exploring my thighs. I sighed with pleasure, spreading my thighs wider. The lips left my breasts, and moved up my neck, kissing me softly as they went. I moaned, and arched my back, wanting more. My hands reached for his head, and pulled him closer to me. He kissed my mouth again, and then my cheek, and then down my jaw line. I felt his tongue enter my mouth, and we kissed passionately for a few moments, before he pulled back, and looked into my eyes. "Good morning, beautiful," he whispered, smiling at me. "How do you feel?" Smiling at him, " Amazing baby, are you going to me? I want to feel your inside me." He smiled, and lowered himself between my legs. He began to kiss me gently, moving down my body, until

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