Another Day, Another Island

1350 Words

STAR After returning to the village, we sat down and had an early dinner. It was decided that we would leave the hidden statue in the capable hands of the island inhabitants. Uncle Matt had decided to stay with Sheava, and Seb, Juliet and the children were going to stay with them for the time being, so they could get to know Sheava and the other shifters. As we were actually really close to Yilan island, Asher contacted Liv and her group. The island was completely abandoned. Andrea and Jenkin had set up a germinant portal to the island, before returning to Ravens Purch to check on their mothers. We were going to meet the rest of the group at Yilan, tonight, giving us an early start in the morning to begin the search for the cave that used to house the statue that now resides on the Risi

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