Witches Brew part two

1562 Words

LEWENNA Crashing and banging around the back room of my shop, I find the ingredients I need to counteract the tea that woman has been giving her poor husband. I recognised the tea as soon as I smelt it. I have only known of one coven, that made that exact tea, but the disappeared nearly ten years ago. Goddess Heccate, I pray they are not back. We lost a lot of good witches last time. I found a basket and started to load it with everything I needed to help Graham. The tea he has been given is designed to alter his memories, and make him susceptible to coercion. The side effects are decimating the immune system, muscle atrophy, tremors and heart failure. So the potion I need to make him needs to be packed full of goodness. Once I had everything I needed, I portalled back to Star. As so

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