Finally Mine

1115 Words
ASHER I look at the clock for the millionth time, our party has been going for two hours and there is still no sign of Astro. I check my phone, hoping to see a message, but nothing. "She will be here soon Ash, have a drink and relax." I smiled at the two boys by my side, Rory Danvers and Theo Stewart arrived early this morning from Scotland. Rory is the eldest son of my Aunt Suzie and uncle Blair, and the next Alpha of the Rising Moon pack, Theo's mum, Stella, is an elemental. She was kidnaped with Astro's mum. He is set to be Rory's Beta. "Dude, I am so nervous, even without all the with Archer. What if she isn't our mate? I don't think I could be with anyone else." Rory puts his arm around me, "Oh come on dude, there is no way you guys aren't mates, just like I know that the goddess will give me the lovely Olivia in a few months." I chuckle, "Mum will lose her if you take her future Delta away, She has been grooming her to take over the elite squad for over a year now, plus Oli would kill you dude." I gazed over to the girl in question, our eyes meet and she sends me a salute, her grin freezes when her eyes land on Rory, she scowls at him before turning away. "See, she wants me, she gets more beautiful every time I see her." I chuckle as I look at him, the dude has it bad. A commotion in the hall draws my attention and when I hear my twins raised voice I rush to investigate. Archer is glowering down at a she-wolf,, I can smell the sl.uts cheap perfume from here. Leanne Bright is a rank bunny, her and her friends have fu.cked their way through most of the warriors our age and over Christmas Archer had made the mistake of sleeping with her. Their mums had all dated our dads back in the day, and mum had embarrassed Leanne's mum, Sasha, when she wouldn't leave pops alone. "I fu.cking told you that I don't want anything to do with you, Leanne, you were a drunken mistake, nothing more, so get your filthy hands off me." I watch as anger builds in her, here we go. "That's all you know how to do, Archer, you use girls, take their innocence and then drop them, like father, like son. Alpha Ace did the same to my mother." I laughed at that, causing her to turn her angry eyes on me, "Shut the up Leanne, everyone knows that you and your friends are an easy lay, just like your mothers. You had been trying to get Archer to you for ages, he only gave in because he was so drunk he couldn't smell your stench, now off and find a warrior to stick his in your sloppy pu.ssy and leave us alone." She opens her mouth to retaliate when a hand squeezes my shoulder and Oli cuts her off, "Leanne, you are not wanted, so shut the up, I don't think even the warriors want you anymore, so go find another omega, and prey that he will accept you like your dad accepted your mum, you guys need to learn from your mum's mistakes, all three got rejected by their mate for being huge sluts, what do you think your mates will do when they find out you have banged your way through the pack?" Leanne burst into tears and ran from the pack house, her friends chasing after her. Archer grins at Oli, "thanks for that, Oli, I thought I would have to put her in the dungeon to get rid of her, she has been up my since the party started." She smiles sadly at him, "I only did it because I didn't want to cause my future Luna anymore pain. Just make sure you behave yourself Arch, Astro will be here soon." I turned to her, "has she messaged you?" she shakes her head and smirks, "I can feel them, Astro and Lily are close." I am about to reply when the smell of summer rain and spicy citrus tart, hits my nose, it smells delicious, I turn my head and my eyes meet a pair of warm caramel ones, eyes that have been haunting my dreams for as long as I can remember. I hear a loud intake of breath behind me as my wolf Pheonix pushes forward and shouts "MATE". I hear Hawk shout out the same and see my gorgeous Astro, mouth the same. Without any thought, I rushed to her, cupping her cheeks in my hands, I stared down at her, "hey baby, your late!" she grins at me, "the best things always are my love." Her hands grab the back of my neck and I crash my lips into hers,, sparks explode from our lips, she moans and I feel her tongue stroke my bottom lip. I growled and opened my mouth to her, stroking her tongue with my own, wrapping my arms around her waist, I pulled her tightly against me. Someone clears their throat beside me and I pull away from her lips, still holding her against me. We ignore everyone around us as we stare into each others eyes. I rest my forehead against hers. "I love you my Starlight, with my whole heart." Her smile lights up my world, "I love you too, Ash, I always have." I hear a sniffle coming from behind my girl and look up to see Aunt Jess balling her eyes out, Uncle Aiden is grinning at me. Astro stiffens in my arms and pulls away from me, she squeezes my hand and turns me to face my brother. Tears are rolling down his face, his eyes filled with love and fear as he stares at our girl. She squeezes my hand again before walking to him and wrapping her arms around his waist, burying her face into his chest. He shudders and his shoulders relax as he wraps her in his arms and lays his head on hers. I hear him whisper, "I am so sorry, beautiful, I love you so much." She sighs and whispers back, "I love you too Arch, but you need to give me time, okay? I will forgive you, but we need to take things slow." I walked up behind them and joined their hug, sighing into her hair, we are going to be okay, we will give her all the time she needs.
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