Short break from all the sh**

1735 Words

STAR I slumped on the couch, my whole being was exhausted. It has been two months since we activated the statue in Lampedusa, our amazing witches managed to break the blocks put in poor Mateo's head, releasing his memories and dissolving the fake mate bond. Aunt Wenna found that the memories of all the ranked wolves had been tampered with, so she removed the spells from all of them. Mateo's true mate, Lia, had been found. She had been kept in the basement of the packhouse, away from everyone else. Alpha Antonio and Mateo have pledged their allegiance to us and dad, Leander, Blair and Ace have been back and forth signing papers and getting to know them. As for the rest of us, we have been surveilling the last three artifact locations. Eleini and Harris have been in Alexandria with Jenki

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