Grovel, Grovel and Grovel some more

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ASHER Aunt Lewenna was no use at all, but she is heading to the Ivychurch coven in the morning to see if she could find anything out, So now I am sitting in front of my laptop, waiting for Astro to video call. As with every call I have with her, my stomach is filled with excitement, but today it is also filled with dread. I do not know how she will receive Archer. He was waiting in his room for me to link him, if she said she would speak to him. Astro's beautiful face filled my screen, "Hey beautiful, you're late." She chuckles, and like always, it goes right to my c*ck. "Two minutes, Asher, that's all. Are you ready for the big party? I bet grandma Amanda is going crazy, her eldest grand babies coming of age. Is she crying yet?" I chuckled, "not yet, listen Astro, something happened last night, Mum is talking to aunt Jess, but we wanted to tell you." her eyes narrowed, "who we?" Damn. "Archer and mum shared a dream last night, and the three of us were in it. He knows what happened better than I, so he should be the one to tell you about it." She looks so sad, "I don't know if I am ready to see him, and when I do I think it needs to be in person, so I can feel if he is being genuine or not." "He would never lie to you, you know that, you know him." Tears run down her face, and she snuffles, "I thought I knew him, I never thought he would look at me the way he looks at the pack wh**es, but he did, and now I don't know what to do." "Please love, don't cry, he was an i***t, but I pushed him and he did the thing that would hurt me the most, but knowing that he has hurt you has broken him, I promise you, if you give him another chance that he will never hurt you like that again. just please let me get him and let him tell you about the dream." She sighs and wipes her eyes, "okay, but you promise to stay as well?" After I had promised, I linked my brother. My door opened so fast, he must have been waiting outside my room. He dragged another chair beside me and sat down. "Hello Astro, thank you for agreeing to speak to me. Before I tell you about my dream, I would like to apologize for my behavior last time we saw each other." Her shoulders stiffen, "I can't talk about that with you now, Archer, we will talk, but I need to be face to face with you. I only agreed to talk about your shared dream with aunt Star," He looked so crestfallen, it hurts my heart, "whatever you need love, just know that I never meant to hurt you, okay." She nodded, and I saw the tears start to fill her eyes again. "Arch, why don't you tell us about your dream? I am sure Aunt Jess will want to discuss it with Astro." My brother recounted his dream. Her eyes widened every now and again, but she stayed quiet throughout. Once he had finished, she sighed. "And aunt Lewenna couldn't help? That's a surprise, she is always spouting some sh*t about dream walking or something." Archer and I both shake our heads at her. "She is going to talk to the elders at Ivychurch, see if they can shed any light." Nodding her head, "if it was just Archer, I would say it was his subconsciousness, bringing his guilt and fear of losing us out in his dream, but with aunt Star having the same dream......." she srugs. Ouch, Archer stiffens beside me. After our talk this morning, she was very close to the mark. "Well, if that is it, I am meeting some friends, Ashton, I'll speak to you tomorrow, bye." Her screen went dead before we could reply, "She f**king hates me, after everything we went through, she f**king hates me." I put my arm around his shoulder. "She doesn't hate you. That is the problem. If she hated you, then she wouldn't be hurt this much. Come on dude, let's go and meet up with the guys and play some pool or something." We headed downstairs and into the rec room. There are several groups of teenagers hanging around. I spotted some of our friends in the corner, playing pool. Archer sighed, "I don't see Liv, do you?" Olivia Black is an elemental. Her mum, Anya, was held captive with Astro's mum, Jessica. Mum and the dads rescued ten elementals from a pack run by the Miller brothers. They had been raped and impregnated, so that the brothers could build an army of elementals. The brothers, with the help of a coven of witches, had also kidnapped mum, but mum, being the kickass Luna that she is, she kicked some serious ass and saved herself, before the dads had even arrived. At least that is how she tells it and the dads have never disagreed with her. I looked at my brother, "I can't see Alex, Adrea or Jenkin either, they may be training. Mum is going to be handing over the Elite squad to her soon, and I think they are having extra training sessions this week." He nodded, "Yeah, I think your right, I am going to go join them. I'll see you later." I watched him leave. He looked so lost, I shot a text to Astro. Asher: Hey gorgeous, sorry about putting you on the spot earlier. Astro: It's okay, handsome, I just need a little more time. He looks so tired, is he okay? Asher: Not really. He thought that we would never forgive him, he's not eating very much and he hardly sleeps. I am worried after having this dream that it will get even worse. Astro: Part of me wants to say, 'good he deserves it.' but the rest of me hurts because he is hurting. I am so confused. I know that I will forgive him, I have to, I care about him too much not to, but he needs to know how much he hurt me. Asher: He knows baby, he is like a completely different person, no more partying, and he has been training so much, it's like he is punishing himself. Astro: Okay, I will see you in a few days. Daddy is hoping he will be back tomorrow night, but the pack they are in is a pain. They want an alliance, but they want us to hand over an elemental, like they are a f*****g piece of property. And after what Mum, Hayley and the others went through with the Millers, there is no way dad and Leander will agree to that. Asher: Ruck, who do they think they are? There is a reason elemental wolves come to us, they feel safe and know our packs will protect them. They are not a weapon to be loaned out. Astro: now you sound like aunt Star. They said they may have to get her to step in. I mean she is the reason all the elementals came out of hiding and flocked to Ravens Perch. s**t Asher, I have to go, mama is calling me. I will see you in two days, okay. Miss you. XOXO Asher: I miss you too. See you soon, X Sighing, I put my phone away and joined my friends.
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