Start The Day As You Mean To Go On

1526 Words

ASHER I carried my girl back to our suite. She woke up long enough for us to get her changed, and then she snuggled into our warmth and went back to sleep. Archer soon followed, his soft snores blowing Astro's hair at her neck. I gaze down at the beauty in my arms, her head is snuggled into my chest. She makes little noises as she sleeps, little purrs and grumbles, goddess, she makes me so happy. Pheonix rolls over in my head, "Mate is so cute, we could watch her all night." He yawns, making me chuckle, "oh please, you will be asleep in five minutes. But it's been a long day so we should both get some sleep." He doesn't answer and I hear him snoring, Silly wolf. I kiss Astro's head and I drift off myself. .................. The bed moving wakes me. Opening my eyes, I saw Archer pul

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