Running in the moonlight

1525 Words

ARCHER WHAT THE FU.CK IS GOING ON? Its like the whole world has gone quiet. I try to call out, but all that comes out is a scared whine. I turned my gaze to my brother, Pheonix's ebony wolf stared back, looking just as scared as me. Just as panic is setting in I feel Hawk whoosh back into place. ", Archer, I am so sorry we were gone so long, Selene had a lot to show us." Wait what? Selene? "You have only been gone a few minutes, scared the out of me though. You were with the moon goddess? What did she say? Was she as pretty as mum said?" "Dude, we were gone for hours, but there is so much to tell you, but we need to start the run. I need to see my mate." He throws his head back and lets out a deafening howl, followed closely by an equally loud howl from Pheonix. The beaut

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