ASTRO Ethan arranged for a fresh group of sirens to secure the cloaked cruise ship, and as his home is closer than Yilan, invited us all to stay the night. Rory and Harris decided to return to their mates, but would meet us back at the ship in the morning. They were also going to portal in extra warriors to help with searching the rooms. It took about half an hour to sail to the island. Our captain was not happy when Ethan took control of the yacht, but he conceded when he was told that he would not be able to find it any way. One moment, we were looking at the open sea and the next, all the hair on my skin rose, and the most beautiful island appeared in front of us. Ethan steered us into a tranquil little port, we docked, and he led us off the yacht. Mamo, Duncan, Thana and another c