A Sad Goodbye part two

1510 Words

ASTRO Pandamonium, that's the only word for what is happening right now. People are rushing around trying to work out what just happened. I kept turning back to the bed Jenkin had been lying on, expecting to find him there, but each time it was the same result. A commotion behind me drew my attention. I watched on horrified as Star fell to the ground, her body convulsing. I rush towards her fallen form, but before I can get more than a few steps, I stumble, falling to my knees. My eyes locked with my mates, before I succumbed to the black. ...... A soft hand is brushing my hair from my face, "come on my little Starlight, open those pretty eyes for me." I blink and try to bring my eyes into focus, with every blink the face of the woman in front of me gets clearer. "Star? What happened?

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