Chapter59 You don't deserve to attend my father's funeral!

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"Butler,get the doctor over here!"Ezra ordered the butler loudly as he carried Beth outside. "No,Ezra,I feel better already......"Beth opened her eyes weakly and said brokenly:"Luckily you came back just in time......sister she was crazy,she tried to kill me,Ezra,I was so scared,I thought I'd never see you again......" Ezra pursed his lips tightly and said after a moment of silence,"I will make her pay for this time,with me,I will be able to guarantee your safety!" Ezra's hand around Beth tightened again,as if to tell Beth again of his determination in this way. "Ezra,will you divorce your sister,or we can send her to a mental hospital,which can treat her condition and also keep me safe,what do you say?"Beth leaned her head in Ezra's arms and said weakly. Hearing these words,Ezra stop

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