Chapter65 Ezra,you are going to be a father

1893 Words

Ezra lifted a look at Arabella and,without speaking,continued to medicate her in silence. "I've paid the price,so you can keep your promise."Arabella continued,her cold voice devoid of any emotion,like a machine. Ezra had a flash of confusion in his eyes,wondering what she was talking about. "You said you'd take me to my mother."The mockery on Arabella's face increased,but she spoke up anyway. "I'll make the arrangements."Ezra said slowly as he lowered his eyes,hiding the loss in them. "I hope you're not lying to me,otherwise......"Arabella was in disbelief for a moment when she saw that Ezra had agreed to her request so easily. "Or else what?Arabella you have to understand that you are not in a position to negotiate with me." Ezra only felt very annoyed inside,and the fact that Ara

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