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**ALEXANDER'S POV** She appeared petite and fragile - my hand could easily break her in half. Yet, when they told me there was a wolf crossing our borders, she was not what I expected to see. There was something peculiar about her that intrigued me. I couldn't help but admire her beauty. I wonder why she is trespassing into our territory. "Doesn't she know about the Laws?" I thought to myself. She had a captivating presence, with her white fur and mesmerizing blue eyes, even in her wolf form. I had yet to see her in human form, but I longed to be in her presence. Despite her dirty white fur and scratches on her body, her beauty was still enchanting. **** The war between humans, wolves, and vampires ended centuries ago, and the council established a Sacred Law for each entity to stay away from one another. This law meant that any wolf or human trespassing into vampire territory would be sentenced to death or locked up immediately. In some cases, if it was discovered that they were fleeing from their own pack or kingdom, they would be sent back. The Alphas of the werewolves, the lords of the vampires, and the kings of the humans still maintained partial connections. Therefore, I was disturbed by why she would try to trespass into vampire territory. "You said you found her trespassing our land?" I asked once more to be certain. "Yes, Lord Alexander," David replied. "It appears that she was being chased by something. Her scratches and the speed at which she tried to trespass suggest this. It also seemed that the pursuer saw us and retreated." Before I could inquire further about what might have been chasing her, Desmond, the head doctor and my friend, walked in, catching my attention. I waved him over. "What is the status of the girl we found attempting to trespass our land?" I asked him. "My Lord, she is recovering. She lost a significant amount of blood and has suffered from malnutrition and dehydration. Aside from that, she is okay. I performed some blood work on her as well. Her body is covered in scars, but none of them appear recent. Furthermore, she has scratches that indicate she was running from something," Desmond informed me. I nodded, expressing my approval. I knew she had never led an easy life, which made me wonder what she was running from or if this was an orchestrated plan by the wolves to attack us once more. Although the leaders of the three entities were partially connected, we were still far from achieving true peace. If given the opportunity, we would destroy one another. As the Vampire Lord, it was my duty to protect my kingdom from any external threats or entities. She could potentially be a criminal fleeing her pack, and I didn't want my kingdom to harbor a fugitive. However, the girl didn't give off that impression. It might sound insane, but I just didn't get that vibe from her. She wasn't a criminal; she seemed more like a mistreated wolf, likely by her previous pack or Alpha. First, I needed answers from her as soon as possible, which meant she needed to wake up. "Tell me when she wakes up," I instructed Desmond, and he nodded, understanding his task, as I departed. The further I got from the healing center, the stronger the pull in my heart to stay with her became. I couldn't comprehend these feelings, so I fought against them, but they only intensified. As a vampire, I had lived on Earth for 400 years, yet I had never experienced these emotions, not even for the most beautiful vampires. My species was known for immortality, meaning we rarely died. Being a 400-year-old vampire was equivalent to being a 39-year-old human, considering that older vampires surpassed 1500 years of age. Therefore, I was still considered a young vampire. Yesterday, I had felt lonely and frustrated, but today, the vampire within me felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and strength. It was unprecedented and bewildering. Perhaps it was the vampire within me ensuring that this new guest posed no threat to me or my kingdom. Nonetheless, it felt more like a pull, and I couldn't comprehend these feelings. As I distanced myself from the healing center, my heart rate escalated. I truly wanted to know who she was. ****** **NATASHA'S POV** Beep, beep, beep. The irritating sound pierced through the darkness of my dreamless slumber. I shook my head and turned my body, attempting to silence the noise, but it persisted. "Why is there beeping in the forest?" "Run!! Natasha Run!!!" My mother's final words echoed in my mind. At that moment, the memory of the wolves chasing me in the forest flooded back, and then darkness. I snapped my eyes open, disoriented as I tried to recognize my surroundings. I glanced around the room, realizing I was alone, connected to IVs in a healing center. Though weak, I now possessed some strength. Fear that they might harm me still lingered, but I knew if they wanted to harm me, they would have done so already. I looked down at the IVs in my arm, feeling pain radiate through my body. "Arm? Am a human?" I pondered. "How did I shift?" Shifting had always been a challenge for me, as I never learned how to do it before my father married me off to Alpha Delight, my late husband. I had to teach myself, but now, I couldn't comprehend how I shifted even while unconscious. It had been years since I last shifted into human form. More than two years, to be exact. I remained in my wolf form due to constant threats and a lack of sustenance, making it difficult for me to shift. With my furs replaced by mere hair, I felt the chill on my skin. The blue hospital gown I wore provided little protection against the cold. I felt a pang of shame, knowing that the person who had dressed me must have seen my nakedness, yet I was grateful nonetheless. Nudity was common for other wolves, but I wasn't accustomed to it, as I seldom had company. A man in healer attire then entered the room, holding a clipboard in his hands. He approached my bed with a warm smile on his lips. He appeared young, definitely older than me, with soft features for a man. He had black hair and brown eyes, and while not particularly tall, he possessed an average height and a plump physique, accentuated by his round chin, which elicited a slight chuckle from me. His gaze fixed on me as he drew nearer, causing me to feel a twinge of fear. He didn't seem threatening, but he was still unfamiliar. Finally reaching my bedside, he flashed me a smile. "Hello, good to see you awake," he greeted. After a few moments of silence, he continued, "I'm Desmond, your doctor." "Doctor? What's a doctor?" I thought, struggling to comprehend his words. "We administered some vitamins and fluids to give you strength," he explained, as if expecting gratitude. Not ready to speak, I continued to stare at him, mesmerized. Sensing my hesitation, he then asked for my name, but I struggled to respond as my voice cracked. He retrieved a bottle of water and placed a straw in it, guiding it to my lips. I began to sip, feeling my muscles come alive, as the water quenched my thirst. "Thank you," I managed to say, surprised by the healthy and sweet sound of my own voice. "You're welcome," he replied. "My name is Natasha," I finally revealed. "What a beautiful name," he complimented. I then studied him closely, my worries resurfacing about their intentions. "We are the vampires," he informed me. The fear nearly overwhelmed me, as I knew I wouldn't survive this ordeal. I had heard stories about them and the conflicts we had endured centuries ago. "Lord Alexander is on his way to see you," he added, sensing my distress. It suddenly clicked in my mind why they were referred to as "lords" instead of "alphas." I had crossed into Vampire territory. Desmond noticed my fear and moved closer, reassuring me. "Don't be scared. Lord Alexander is a good person, and I'm sure you didn't mean to intrude on our land. When he comes in and asks you questions, please answer truthfully," I nodded in agreement, indicating that I had accepted his words. The door swung open, and Lord Alexander entered the room. He carried himself with the regal air befitting a lord. I felt an unusual sensation wash over me, leaving me bewildered. My wolf was very excited at the sight of him, almost as if he was my mate. I fought to regain control over my wolf, knowing that he wouldn't feel the same way towards me. He must be married or even engaged by now. The intensity of the feelings I had for him was overwhelming, and I am confident that I fell in love with him at first sight. Since I had transformed into a human, I needed to take a bath to clean my ruined hair and dirty skin. Lord Alexander was incredibly tall and strikingly handsome, a man no woman could resist. His muscular physique made it impossible for me to look away, particularly his well-defined bicep. His bloodshot eyes, though frightening, held a certain allure for me. He approached with a determined expression, clearly indicating his seriousness. As he drew nearer, my heart raced, not out of fear but excitement that he was approaching me. Finally, he stood by my bedside and locked eyes with me. "Thank goodness you're awake. What is your name, and which pack do you belong to?" he asked in a commanding tone, his bloodshot eyes piercing mine. My wolf loved him and wanted to reveal everything, but I fought to keep it under control. Though his questions seemed simple enough, I struggled to answer. I couldn't risk revealing the truth to him, as I didn't want to return to my old pack. When a wolf accidentally trespasses into vampire territory, they are typically either returned to their own pack or killed by the vampires. I couldn't take the chance of telling him the truth, as I wasn't prepared to go back to the same wicked man who had killed my mate and my mother.
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