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**ALEXANDER'S POV** "How could I have allowed something like that to happen?" I scolded myself. I made my way to my office, passing through the kingdom houses along the way. I needed to get out of my house. My Vampire was too close to the surface and I was barely holding on. My Vampire wanted Natasha badly, and if I'm being honest, I wanted her too. I truly love her and want her. No matter how hard I try to fight my feelings for Natasha, I find myself still falling for her. In fact, the more I try to remove her from my mind, the more I find myself drawn to her. Tonight is the first night I acknowledge that we are mates, and it feels good. I have always wanted to say it to her, and I am very happy that I have finally expressed it. A week ago, I was so certain of my choices, and now my head is all over the place. I am torn between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, there is a woman who makes complete sense as a mate. She is the daughter of a lord, and marrying her would bring me many benefits and power. She is a chosen mate, a match that fate has not designed for me. On the other hand, there is Natasha. I know almost nothing about her, except that I am drawn to her, love her, and she feels the same towards me. She is incredibly beautiful, in fact, she is everything I have ever wanted in a woman. I know that my feelings for Natasha are true, genuine, and strong, which is normal as we are fated to be together. Part of me wants to make her my complete wife and be together with her forever. But the problem is that she is a wolf. Inter-marriage between vampires, wolves, and humans hasn't worked out well in the past. It has ended in disaster, and that is not what I want for myself. Additionally, there is a law against vampires marrying wolves or humans, a law that my father made. Breaking it would undermine the laws and put the lives of the people under me in danger. If there is one thing my father taught me from an early age, it was that a lord never goes back on his word. If I were to take back my promise to my fiancee, what kind of lord would that make me? Cynthia has been preparing for our marriage for months, and it wouldn't be fair to take that all back after she had been preparing for her role. I scoffed. "A role she was not designed for," . The only one who can properly fill the role of being a first lady is Natasha. "Dammit, Natasha," I whispered to myself as I entered my office. She crashed into my life like a bulldozer. She has toppled over every single plan I had set out and turned it all into rubble in my head. Now I am trying to sort things out, and all I can see is her face, hear her voice... the only thing I haven't familiarized myself with is her taste. I shook my head. "No. You can't think about her like that, Alexander. I walked over to the window and looked out. My house was towards the edge of the main compound. She was in there. My mate was in there. She is in a room just a few doors from my own room. I wanted to know more about her. I wanted to know where she came from and what she is really running from. I want to protect her from whatever is after her. All I want now is for her to open up to me, but she wouldn't. I didn't believe her story about having amnesia and not remembering where she was from. She knew exactly where she was from, and she is keeping it away from me, which is the main reason why I feel so worried. So many questions swirled in my mind. Had her pack alpha hurt her? Had her old pack hurt her? Had she been an abused Gamma? I needed answers to all these questions, and the only person who can answer them is her. Well, I could just call around to see if any alpha is missing a pack member named Natasha, but then I feared that if she was in trouble, they would take her away from me. So, I had to think of another way to find the information I needed. Then, as if a switch went on in my head, an idea came to mind. I sat at my desk and opened my laptop. I clicked on a browser and typed in the name of the website I was searching from. I opened the wolf database to search for her. The wolf database was essentially a register that had all the information on each wolf within a pack. I scrolled to the search box and typed in Natasha, and nearly 10,000 matches popped up. I had no information about her to make an accurate search. I scrolled through the first 300 girls I saw, and none of the pictures looked like Natasha. I became tired because there is absolutely no way I am going to search through all 10,000 profiles. It was pointless. I needed to stop tiptoeing around her. I needed to come out and just ask her. The worst that she could do is lie to me, but then I would know that I have tried. Finally, I made up my mind to ask her about it in the morning, whether she likes it or not. I want her to know that she can trust me and that I mean absolutely no harm to her. At the same time, I found myself torn between Cynthia and Natasha, to the point where I didn't even realize I had left my office until the cool air hit my face. I was heading towards my parent's house, which was conveniently located across from mine. Initially, I disliked the fact that my parents lived so close to me, but now I appreciate it because I can easily seek their assistance without much stress. When I arrived, I found my dad on the porch, sitting on the bench we built together last summer, nursing a cold beer. "Hey Dad," I greeted him as I walked up the steps. I went to sit next to him and asked, "Where's Mom?" "She's sleeping, my dear. She mentioned something about Cynthia coming to visit our kingdom or something along those lines," he replied. "Oh," was all I managed to say. We sat in comfortable silence, gazing at the moon beyond the horizon. Dad took sips of his beer periodically, while I sifted through the pros and cons of each possible decision I could make. "If you stay lost in your thoughts for too long, you'll become trapped," my father said, his green eyes focused on me. I chuckled. "Dad, I just have a lot on my mind right now." "Does this have anything to do with the rogue who crossed our border a few days ago?" he asked. I chuckled again and quickly retorted, "She's not a rogue, and no, it has nothing to do with her." He nodded, but I could see the wheels turning in his head. I knew he didn't believe me, but I was glad he didn't press further. "Dad, can I ask you a question?" I asked, seeking his advice. He nodded, encouraging me to continue. I let out a long breath before speaking again. "Do you ever think fate can be wrong?" I tried to keep my question inconspicuous. i need advice from a man who had been in a similar position and managed to overcome it. "In what sense?" He pondered my question, and his wrinkled forehead became even more furrowed as he frowned. He brought his beer to his lips, taking a large swig before setting it down again. "Fate," he began, "is one of those things we don't fully understand. It's complex, but it never happens without reason. Fate makes no mistakes, my son." He had a knowing smile and rubbed his greying beard with his hands. "For those who have a fated mate, it's one of the blessings bestowed by the moon goddess. If you're lucky enough to have a fated mate, then you can be certain that the moon goddess made no mistake in choosing your partner." "Dad, what if your fated mate is a wolf?" I wanted to ask, but I held my tongue, knowing my father's cleverness would lead him to suspect Natasha if I asked him that. "Dad, what if your fated mate is from a different entity, maybe human?" I finally asked. "My son, marriages between different entities often encounter problems. But if your fated mate isn't the same entity as you, then the moon goddess must have a good reason for it," he explained. There was a long silence between us. My father reached behind me and gently patted my back. "Unfortunately, my son, it seems you don't have a fated mate. But don't worry, your mother and I have found a suitable mate for you, who will be an excellent match." I nodded. "I know it's my responsibility to the pack to see this union through." "That's right, and your mother is ecstatic about your engagement to Cynthia. She's told everyone about it," he said with a chuckle. That sounded like my mom. We eventually shifted into a more relaxed conversation, discussing the affairs of the kingdom and the business within. By the time I checked my watch, it was already midnight, and I needed to head home. I stood up from the bench, bid my father goodnight, and began walking down the porch. However, I heard him call my name, causing me to turn around. "In my experience, son, fate always has its reasons," he concluded. My father stood up from the bench and headed into the house. As I walked home, his words kept replaying in my mind repeatedly. Was my father correct? Would fate prevail in the end in regards to Natasha and me? Or were we destined to fail? The closer I got to my house, the stronger her scent became, and it made my vampire even more joyful. If someone had told me a week ago that this would be my life, I would have never believed them. Upon entering through the front door, I felt a pull urging me to go straight to her room and speak with her, but it was already too late. She must be sleeping by now, so this conversation can wait until tomorrow. ********** **NATASHA'S POV** I heard him come in almost an hour ago. Part of me wants him to come into my room. I know it was my wolf; she doesn't want me to run away, but I had to do that tonight. It's only a matter of time before Alexander speaks with Damien, and then he will come looking for me. I have been safe within Alexander's boundary lines for some time now, but I have overstayed my welcome. If Zoe's words are to be trusted, he is engaged to marry someone else, and there is no need for me to stay, even though I am his mate. "Don't leave," my internal voice tries to stop me from leaving, but I don't listen. I know I am healed enough to make it to the next town without stopping. I pack a few clothes that Desmond gave me into a small bag, as well as some painkillers. I know I need them to heal properly, even without Desmond's help. I look around the room, searching for the bandages that I found under the kitchen sink, and see them on the white vanity in the corner. I pick up the bandages and catch my reflection in the mirror. I look very different. I look healthier and stronger. My once sunken cheeks are now full and rosy from the warm blood rushing past them. The shower I took did some good. I have put on extra pounds of weight. My wolf, although not fully healed, is strong enough to help me accomplish my mission. Desmond has healed my wolf and my body back to near perfect health. I owe him a lot and have no way to truly thank him. I feel a pain in my mind as I remember that I am leaving these kind people behind. Desmond, Zoe, and Alexander - although I have only known them for a short time, I have grown attached to them, even to the vampire land itself. Although I have only seen the healing center and Lord Alexander's home, there is something about being here, even though I am still troubled about Damien finding me. "Because you are meant to be there, First Lady," my inner voice said to me. I try to push away this feeling and thought, but I can't. Part of me feels like I am abandoning them, which is crazy to think about for vampires I hardly know. I move away from the mirror and go back to my bag. They already have a First Lady and she is on her way to them, so my presence is not needed. A single tear falls from my eye as I pack the bandages into the bag. I am crying. I brush away some stray tears and try to blink away the remaining droplets in my eyes. "Why am I crying?" I wipe away the tears angrily. There is no reason for me to be sad because I know I am doing the right thing. But why does it feel like my heart is breaking? I should be feeling happy because I am going to run away and be free. No one will tell me where to stay or what to eat. So why am I feeling so sad? I know the answer to those questions, but I refuse to go to those places. I don't want to admit that the reason my heart is breaking is because I am leaving Alexander. After I leave, I will never see him again, touch him again, or even passively witness his scent again. "Why did you do this to me, Moon goddess? Why couldn't you have just made me mateless so that I would never be forced to break my own heart?" I sniff and wipe the last few tears from my eyes with my hand. I allow myself 20 minutes to mourn the fact that I won't be able to see my mate again, 20 minutes to mourn that I will disappoint Desmond and Zoe will feel lonely again. 20 minutes to let out some tears about this nice kingdom I am going to leave behind. I stand over the bag and allow my tears to flow. I have to clasp my hands over my mouth to keep my whimpers from being heard. The last time I experienced this kind of pain was the day my mom was murdered by the evil Alpha through his wicked Omegas. The thought of my mom comes rushing back to me - the fear, the Omegas, the panic in my mother's face as she tried to resist them taking me to the so-called Alpha, Damien, whom I still see as a Beta because that's who he was. Then my eyes snapped open. "I'm leaving." No matter how much my wolf wants to be around Lord Alexander, I have to do what is safe for us, and that is running away from this kingdom. "Run, Natasha, run!" These words start ringing in my mind again. I have to run and continue running. There is no stopping and no resting. I finally made up my mind to leave. I zip up the bag and sigh with relief. Stage one is done. Now I just need to get past the guards outside Lord Alexander's home and the patrol wolves that roam the forest at night. I count three guards on this side of the house. I can't creep out from the door because my room is close to Lord Alexander's room. He would wake up if he heard me, and then the whole plan would be ruined. That's the last thing I need right now. My only option is to crawl out the bedroom window when the guard walks into a blind spot where he can't see me. "Are you sure you are doing the right thing? Are you sure that this is actually what you want because there won't be any going back?" My inner voice tries to reason with me. I have been pushing her further and further to the back of my mind, but she keeps making a reappearance. "If I leave, it will not make my life easier, but it will make Lord Alexander's life easier because he can now focus on his fiancée, and I won't have to see it." I didn't know if I was trying to convince my wolf or myself, or maybe both. From what I've learned about mates, the reality is that some have fated ones, while others have chosen mates. This Cynthia of a person was going to be Lord Alexander's chosen mate, which meant an oath would have to be taken for the union to be sealed. He promised this woman that he would marry her, and she would become his lady. In our world, the words of a Lord, Alpha, or King were as binding as a legally binding contract. If a Lord were to break his word, he would lose respect from his fellow Lords, his kingdom, and sometimes even his second-in-command. Leaving would make things easier for everyone involved. "I'm sorry," I whispered into the empty room. I didn't even know who I was apologizing to. I didn't know if it was Alexander, Desmond, Zoe, myself, or possibly all of the above. I kept the bag on my shoulder and walked over to the window. I stared down to where the guard was standing and counted to 90. He always moved positions every 90 seconds. When I finished counting, he moved and made his way around the corner. I wasted no time and used the gutter that was screwed to the side of the house as a makeshift pole to help me to the ground. I had only 90 seconds to time this correctly. I slid down to the gutter, making sure not to make any sudden movements or there would be loud noise, and this plan would've been over before it started. When my feet were safely planted on the ground, I took off running in the opposite direction of the guard. Stage one was done; now it was onto stage two. I was relying on pure grace from the moon goddess and a whole lot of luck. I hadn't tried to change into the wolf because I wasn't even sure if I could manage it. Shifting has always been painful and difficult for me. Although with the help of Desmond, I was able to shift to Human without pain, but I don't know how it will feel if I try to shift back to wolf now without any help from him. I moved silently so as not to be noticed.
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