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**NATASHA'S POV** "Your vitals seem to be good, and you're healing very well," Desmond said as he removed his stethoscope from my chest. "How are you feeling?" "Good, thanks for helping me," I replied with a smile on my face. He shook his head. "No need to thank me, I'm just doing my job." I nodded and looked out of the window. Desmond pulled up the blinds so that I could get a better view. I could see the moon, and there was something calming about it. There was a moment of silence in the room as I continued to gaze at the moon. Suddenly, I turned to Desmond and asked him, "What will happen to me after I've fully healed?" He cleared his throat and spoke calmly, "Natasha, I know what you're thinking. You think we're going to suck your blood and kill you, but we can't do that." He looked into my eyes, as if expecting a response. "People might see us as evil and terrible, but I assure you, we are not like that. There may be several bad vampires, but that doesn't mean all vampires are bad. As for the rumors of us sucking people's blood until they die and initiating them into our vampire species, Lord Alexander has established a law against initiating humans unless they willingly want to be initiated. We also have a blood bank where we feed on instead of human blood," he explained, addressing the thoughts that seemed to be on my mind. I felt more at ease with Desmond now, as he had proven that being a vampire doesn't make you inherently evil, contrary to what my pack had taught me. "Natasha, can I ask you something?" Desmond asked. "Yeah, sure you can," I replied. "Why do you have so many scars on your body, and I can tell they didn't recently occur?" he asked. Desmond had always been open and honest with me since I arrived in this strange place, so I felt compelled to tell him the truth. However, I couldn't risk it, as I didn't want to be sent back to my pack. So, for now, I had to keep this a secret. "I can't remember," I lied once again, remembering what my mom had always told me. She said that once you start lying, you'll find yourself continuing to lie forever. "You know you're safe here," Desmond reassured me. "Yes, I know, and everything I've told you is the truth," I lied once more. I knew he didn't believe me, but I was glad he didn't press further. "Okay then, I'll see you later," he said as he tried to leave but stopped when a huge muscular man in warrior uniform entered the room. His face alone terrified me, and I knew he didn't mean any good. "Hello, Jorge," Desmond greeted him. He didn't even return the greeting as he continued staring at me. "Jorge, you're not supposed to be here, so how can I help you, please?" Desmond asked. "I'm here because of her," he said, pointing at me. There was a scary tone in his voice. At that moment, I could feel adrenaline rushing through my body. The heart rate monitor started beating fast as I grew afraid of him. "Jorge, does Lord Alexander know about this?" Desmond asked, trying to defend me. "He was the one who sent me to get answers from her, no matter what. So, move back, Doctor," he said to Desmond, his eyes burning with anger. "Okay, if Lord Alexander really sent you, then you can go ahead, but take it easy with her," Desmond warned him. He ignored him and faced me. He started staring into my eyes as if observing something within them. Although he was standing by the door, his presence in the room only made me more afraid. His height and muscles intensified my fear. "Who are you?" he asked with authority in his voice. "I have already told Lord Alexander everything," I said, trying my best to hide my fears. "My name is Natasha, and I'm a lone wolf," I said, still trembling with fear. "You're a liar," he said, and in a flash, he moved from the door to my bedside. It was hard to hide my fears now, I began shivering. "Jorge, stay away from her. She's still recovering," Desmond tried to defend me. "Are you going to tell me the truth, or should I lock you away in a cell?" he said, holding me by the neck, choking me. "If Lord Alexander sees you treating her like this, he'll order your head to be cut off," Desmond said as he removed the man's hands from my neck. He then angrily pushed Desmond, but Desmond stood his ground to protect me. "I am your second Lord, so I order you to move back," he commanded Desmond, and Desmond complied. He returned to me, and I could see the anger burning in his eyes, but I wasn't going to tell him anything. I would rather be locked up than go back to Damien. He hissed at me, and I could see his sharp teeth and terrifying nails. "Jorge, you're losing control, please leave my hospital now," Desmond ordered. Once again, he approached Desmond in anger, and they exchanged gazes. Even though Desmond was shorter, he stood firm against Jorge. Jorge then turned around and left without saying another word. Desmond rushed to my bedside to check on me. "How are you? Did he hurt you?" he asked, concerned. "No, he didn't," I lied again.
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