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**NATASHA'S POV** Although I had healed, my wolf was in no condition to battle with four adult white wolves. Not only was I outnumbered, but I was also outmatched. I should have run, but my body felt frozen in place. My limbs were locked to my sides and my eyes were wide, staring at my impending death. Was this how I was meant to die? I should have listened to my wolf and stayed back at Lord Alexander's kingdom, but I didn't listen and now I've put myself and my wolf in big trouble. For More than two years, I had been running. I had dodged death on multiple occasions. But now, it seemed the reaper had finally come to collect. I just never thought it would be like this. "My mom told me to run," I thought to myself as tears rolled down my cheek. "She told me to run and never look back, but I didn't listen to her. Now I'm paying the price for not listening to her last words." The biggest wolf stepped forward, surely the the leader of the Evil Omegas, Damien's warriors. It prepared to pounce, growling menacingly at me. The last thing I saw were its paws launching off the ground before I closed my eyes and waited for the inevitable. Suddenly, a thunderous roar erupted from behind me. I immediately opened my eyes to see a huge vampire with sharp teeth and claws bearing down on us - perhaps the largest I had ever seen. It charged into the clearing and leaped in front of me, landing a powerful blow on the approaching wolf and slamming it to the ground. I was still confused about who this could be and why it was protecting me until a familiar scent hit my nose. Lord Alexander. He was here. The other three wolves sprang into action and charged towards Alexander. My heart pounded wildly as I watched him move towards them, picking them off one by one. They were large wolves, but Lord Alexander's vampire was even larger and more powerful. I knew his vampire would be big, but nothing compared to what I saw. He fought with ease and precision, each strike tactful and every move calculated. I was so entranced by him that I barely had time to register the large wolf barreling towards me. I turned my head just in time to see its teeth flashing as lightning struck in the clouds. I immediately took a defensive position, preparing to attack, but it never came as Lord Alexander surged forward and knocked the wolf out of my path. He stood in front of me, his vampire watching me. It was strange that even though he didn't speak to me, I felt like I could understand what he was saying. "Run back to my kingdom now," I shook my head, trying to convey that I wasn't leaving him. His vampire shook its large head in return. He wanted me to leave, but I couldn't. If I was going back to his kingdom, then I was going back with him. I looked over his shoulder and saw the wolf that had previously tried to attack me. It was coming straight for Alexander, who was backing away. "Lord Alexander!" I screamed and pushed his vampire away. He was huge, so I had to use all my strength, but luckily he wasn't expecting me to push him away, so he was easy to move. The wolf pounced on me, pushing me down with tremendous force. I fell backward onto the wet forest floor, mud splattering onto my body. I did my best to hold him back and fight him off, but he was much bigger and clearly stronger than me. He raised his paw, claws ready. Once again, I closed my eyes, expecting the attack. But, like before, it never came. Lord Alexander stood up and attacked the wolf with force. The wolf tried to fight back, but couldn't match Alexander's strength, size, and speed. Vampires were known for their incredible speed. Lord Alexander and the wolf fought for what seemed like hours. They battled relentlessly, and I stood there watching them in shock. Lord Alexander truly fought like the lord he is. Suddenly, the other three wolves, who had been watching, rushed to attack Lord Alexander. I charged towards them with speed and managed to hit them off, even in my human form. I fell down in excruciating pain and let out a scream as my back throbbed from the impact of the fall. At this moment, Alexander looked at me, anger in his eyes, and angrily knocked the wolf he was fighting off, Causing it to hit a tree, it resulted in a loud sound due to the impact. Thunder struck with a deafening sound, and heavy lightning illuminated the area. Each lightning strike revealed Lord Alexander's angry face, red eyes, and sharp teeth. He was coming for the three wolves that were still on the ground, trying to recover from my previous push. The biggest wolf remained on the ground. Suddenly, the other three wolves stood up. Instead of attacking Alexander, they started moving backward. The rain continued to fall heavily, and the lightning continued to light up the surroundings. Then, Lord Alexander pounced on the three wolves and beat them up despite their size and numbers. After minutes of fierce fighting, the wolves were badly wounded, and their once-white fur had turned dirty from the mud. Meanwhile, Lord Alexander looked like he had barely broken a sweat. Lowering his head, Lord Alexander roared at the wolves. They stood up and took off without looking back. I breathed a sigh of relief and stood up from where I had fallen earlier, but something told me it wasn't the end yet.
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