Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 The two weeks leading to the ceremony seemed to be passing by faster than any time Valentine could remember in his life. His heart ached for his father. Libertine spent most of his time in his private study, only occasionally leaving the room, and even fewer times the house itself. With a soft knock on his father’s study door, Valentine was relieved to be invited to enter. “Did you hear anything back from Hades?” he asked. In a last-ditch effort to delay the mating ceremony, Libertine had penned a very carefully worded essay to the clan Lord. “No.” Libertine shook his head. “There’s been no reply. I assume it means that Hades has rejected my plea.” “Assuming our clan Lord has even seen it.” Valentine wasn’t convinced that Hades had ever received it. He was more inclined to believe that Mandrake may have somehow intercepted it. Mandrake is powerful. If Hades is away, perhaps Mandrake got the letter. If he did, it’s certain Hades will never see it. I wish there was something I could do for Father. “You could be right.” Libertine shook his head. “Without being able to speak directly with Hades, I’ll never know. But time has run out, I’m afraid. The mating ceremony will go ahead.” “There’s nothing else you can do? No one we can turn to, who may petition on your behalf?” Valentine asked, but Libertine shook his head. “No. I took a chance even writing to Hades. But I’ve always found him fair if forbidding for a clan Lord, and comparatively approachable for an Alpha Predator.” “All of which lead me to believe your letter was never received by him.” Valentine scowled as he paced back and forth. “So long as Belladonna leaves us to our normal lifestyle, perhaps things won’t be too bad. I really know little of her, except how close she is to Mandrake. Siblings as I understand.” Libertine shrugged. While Libertine was very partial to music and was a talented musician and composer, as well as a connoisseur of a good singing voice, Valentine preferred to tinker with mechanical creations. The automaton in their furnaces was one he’d built himself. That Belladonna might interfere with what they enjoyed had never really occurred to him. “I can’t believe that we’d be their choice for ascending in the clan. Surely as a relative of Mandrake, Belladonna would be of higher standing than we are. Or Mandrake could get her a mate of a top tier clan.” “Mandrake does nothing without a purpose.” Libertine tapped his chin with a long finger, then looked at Valentine. “There’s a reason for this, although I have no idea what it is. At least, not yet.” “Then we must proceed?” Valentine pouted when Libertine nodded. “We must. But it will be no day of celebration for either of us.” “No.” Valentine shook his head. “Not at all.” “If things become…difficult here…I shall insist you go. I will not have your life blighted. Now, go. Enjoy yourself. I don’t want you wandering around this house like a wraith.” Libertine stood and urged Valentine toward the door. “We’ll get our life back. I’ll make sure of it.” Outside his father’s study, Valentine hesitated. Then he decided to see if Arsen was free. The lycan liked to keep close to the house even though he knew there was no way Valentine would see him as anything other than a friend. Although he did seem to like the company of the gargoyles when they weren’t in stone form. Valentine often wished the gargoyles could keep their other form for longer. However, their inherent magic wasn’t strong enough and they were forced to keep their stone form for longer periods than their living one. Dissolving into his insubstantial form, Valentine soared through the house, down the stairs, and out, quite literally, through the solid oak doors. Once outside, Valentine materialized and ambled along the driveway leading to the gates. “Come on, boys.” Valentine called the gargoyle dogs and they leaped down from their plinths to bounce beside him. “Arsen, are you around?” Valentine called out as he strolled toward the graveyard and began to wander aimlessly amongst the many graves. A shadow detached from one of the tombs and launched at Valentine who simply dematerialized. With a grunt, Arsen landed awkwardly, then the gargoyle dogs were on him, the three rolling, growling, and slavering. With a chuckle Valentine perched on a gravestone, watching and waiting as his friends enjoyed their reunion. Finally, Arsen came to stand in front of Valentine, shifting into a more human form. “What’s wrong? I can tell you’re unhappy.” “Father has to take a mate he doesn’t want. I don’t know what will happen once she and her daughters are here.” “Surely your life won’t change that much.” Arsen came to sit next to Valentine. “I didn’t think that vampires were particularly close in terms of being a tight-knit family as I understood it.” “We can be every bit as close-knit as a lycan pack. But the desire for clan placement and even within the clan can create far more tensions than in a pack. But if she were to object to anything I did, then Father would be expected to side with his mate. Not that I imagine she would. But still…” Valentine pouted. “I should hate to have our lives disrupted.” “I don’t like the sound of her, and I don’t even know who she is.” Arsen growled, and the gargoyles added theirs to his. Arsen folded his arms and scowled. “Her name’s Belladonna. Poor Father. He will bear the brunt of it.” Valentine gazed balefully at Arsen. “He even tried to petition our clan Lord, but to no avail.” “As I hear it, Hades is a little distracted at the moment.” Arsen leaned in close to whisper into Valentine’s ear, as if someone might overhear. “One of his personal favorites is feeling the urge to take a mate, but they haven’t found anyone in the immediate clan as Hades would have expected.” “A shame he didn’t choose Belladonna, or even one of her daughters. Perhaps we would have been left in peace if he had.” Arsen barked a laugh. “Anyway, how do you know this?” Valentine shimmied a little to stare directly at his friend, who shrugged. “Hades doesn’t announce it publicly, but a lot of his personal guard are lycans. I could have worked there, but I prefer to remain a little more…free.” “You mean, you lacked the discipline to be a soldier.” Valentine c****d his head, and Arsen chuckled. “That too.” Arsen winked then laughed aloud, and Valentine joined in. “I’m glad. I love my father, but he prefers such solitude. It’s nice to have a friend.” Valentine smiled at Arsen who grinned. “Even one like me?” “Yes. Especially one like you. Have you heard anything else?” Valentine pecked a kiss to Arsen’s cheek. “Hades has a mage up there, so I believe.” Arsen jerked his chin in the general direction of Hades’ castle. “He’s been searching for this mate for his favorite. But,” Arsen glanced around as if expecting an eavesdropper to suddenly appear. “I’ve also heard that something, or someone, has been making it difficult. Interfering in some way. And because his favorite is unsettled, Hades himself is unsettled. Not good.” “No. I imagine not. No wonder, assuming he even knows, he isn’t going to have time to be concerned about one unimportant and rather remote member of the clan.” Valentine’s shoulders slumped. “I guess that means the mating proceeds.” “Look, it’s not much, but if things do get unbearable, for you or old Libertine, you’ll always have a home with me.” “Oh, Arsen.” Valentine hugged the lycan tightly. Arsen’s home was on the outskirts of the city and, as he’d admitted, wasn’t much. But the notion his friend would care enough to offer them both a home with him moved Valentine greatly. “I hope it doesn’t come to that. I don’t know why I feel such a heavy weight of oppression whenever I hear Belladonna’s name. I just hope it’s nothing more than nervousness, and a fear of change.” “I hope so, too. But I’ll always be here if you need me.” Arsen indicated the gargoyles who bounded at their feet, and then stood still, staring fiercely at Valentine. “And the same goes for them.” “I have heard that gargoyles can transform into human form. I never see…” Valentine waved his hand toward the gargoyle canines. “They don’t possess enough magic.” Arsen nodded, then sighed. “And neither do I. It would take someone with powerful magic to help them change not just from stone to flesh and blood, but into human form as well.” “Oh, I see.” Valentine heard the disappointment in Arsen’s voice. “They’d like to be human, wouldn’t they?” “Yes. But I have no magic. You must have some. They always come to life when you get near, and those automatons you create seem to have a life of their own. At least when you’re nearby.” “I don’t think I possess any magic.” Valentine shook his head, but Arsen just smiled. “Sometimes, it’s in the blood. We don’t know your bloodline. Castor and Pollux are grateful and so am I. At least they get some time free from their lives on the plinths.” “I didn’t realize some gargoyles couldn’t shift.” Valentine stared at the dogs which wagged their tails even more. “They have their strata like anything else. Your kind includes Seductives, Ferals, Predators, and Alpha Predators, among others, then you have your clans. Lycans have their families, and we have our own Ferals along with Urban and Forest-dwellers. As far as I understand with gargoyles, some can not only animate, but take on human form, others keep their gargoyle form, and some, like Caster and Pollux, can only animate when able to take advantage of someone’s magic. I don’t possess any. Therefore, you do.” “Castor and Pollux?” Valentine smiled and nudged Arsen. “They seem to like them.” Arsen waved toward the gargoyles who wagged furiously. “Given they’re twin stars you only see at night, it seemed appropriate.” “I must ask Father about your theory. But it’ll have to wait until after the mating ceremony. He’s very despondent about it. I don’t want to add to his worries.” “I’ll be there if you want me.” Arsen puffed out his chest, adding more bulk to his already powerful physique. “I appreciate your offer, my friend, but it wouldn’t be safe. Mandrake, like Hades, is an Alpha Predator. Lycans may make good bodyguards, but I doubt I could convince him, or Belladonna, you were mine.” “I don’t like the idea of you and Libertine going there alone. If you won’t let me come with you, I’ll speak to my family. Pass the word for them to watch out for you.” “You’re such a good friend.” Valentine hugged Arsen, then slid off the tomb to hug each of the gargoyles in turn. “And you, too.” “How about a walk in the moonlight?” Arsen jumped to the ground and held out his arm. “With your mesmeric abilities, the poor humans will only see two gentlemen out for a stroll with their dogs.” “Well, I am a little peckish.” Valentine licked his lips. “Father sent away all our servants. He was concerned for them with Belladonna coming. He said he’d wait and see what she was like before permitting any to return.” “You can always feed from me, my friend. You know that, don’t you?” Arsen gripped Valentine’s arms. “I know lycan blood isn’t first choice—” “I don’t care what other vampires may think. I would be pleased and proud to accept such an offering from a friend. So, just a walk around the town?” Valentine c****d his head and Arsen nodded. “A walk it is.” Arsen grinned as Valentine took his arm. “Come on, boys.” With Arsen at his side and the gargoyle dogs bounding around them, Valentine was able, at least for a short while, to put all thoughts and concerns about the upcoming mating of Libertine and Belladonna from his mind. I’m lucky to have a friend like Arsen. At least I won’t be lonely once Belladonna is installed as matriarch of the house. I truly hope Father and I are worrying unnecessarily.
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