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Ada:      Men. All of them are men. They're all staring at me like I have a head coming out from underneath my robes. The women were told to wait outside while they "deal" with the situation at hand. I laughed when Lady Sterling informed me that she'll be waiting outside the doors patiently for my decision. She knows why her son favors me. She knows that like him, I will always do what's best for the people, not the traditions these idiots are trying to hold onto.      "Good evening," Prince Alexander greeted me.      "You should still be in bed, my prince. You took quite the spill yesterday,"      "You jest," he smiled fondly. "My recovery is shorter than most. As a former my age, there's nothing a little blood and some sleep can't fix right away,"      "I'm glad to hear it," I bowed respectfully.      "How did you like your escapade around my castle? The more I learn about you, the further I am intrigued with your ability to control your power. Does it weigh on you?"      "Not at all. My body is the perfect vessel for this power. It's why I'm taller than most females of my race. My rejuvenation comes from the sun. Blood and sleep replenish damage done to my body from outside attacks,"      "Was it always like that?" he asked sitting up straight. He's sober now. A completely different person.      "No, sir. My frail adolescent body wasn't strong enough in the beginning. I couldn't control it for a few years. My father taught me what he could and others of my clan took their time to teach me what little they could until I was able to take control. Do you ask because of your own affinity?"      "Maybe," he shrugged.      "I'd be more than willing to share as much of what I know with you. My former, she has an affinity close to what your is. Where you can manipulate earth she can manipulate plants,"      "Is that right?" he asked interested. I nodded. "I'll think about it. Now, for more pressing matters. Present yourself, Major General,"      "Good evening," I bowed to everyone in the room. "My name is Adaleigh Darius. Before I address my reason for being here. I'd like to tell you who I am as a person.      "By birthright, I am the head of Darius Dragon Scale Coven that lives in Excalibur. My father was the Queen's former Blood Hound. He trained me and shaped me into the vampiress I am today. I stand here with the utmost respect. I am thrilled to know that you have all led the people of Aleksander. The prosperity and peace of Aleksander make it one of Darkness's greatest countries. It's beautiful here.      "With that being said, her majesty Queen Millianne Duke has appointed me to help you all guide this grand country of Aleksander and its people into the new rule. I understand that we will have many differences and that we are who are. Vampires are all one and the same. We are all fueled by our instinct to feed and fight. So, I have a couple of rules that all of us as individuals should consider before speaking out of term,"      "Rules?" the prince raised his hand. I smiled at him.      "Yes, my prince. Rules. You have them here correct?"      "We do. What are the rules for?" he laughed.      "I am cleared to eliminate anyone who stands between me and the task the Queen has given me. The rules aren't for my safety. They are for yours. I have a bit of a temper and I have to remind myself that not everyone needs to die simply because I can kill them," they all laughed. The prince didn't. He saw my power last night and he now knows how easily things can go up in flames. "Does that make sense to you?"      "Perfect. Before the Major General continues," he stood up and came over to me. "I want to inform all of you of how serious she is. I am not one to side with her majesty as you all may know. The Queen and I have a certain animosity toward one another despite her being my sire.  However, Adaleigh Darius has proven her worth and I support her decisions as well as the Generals from here on,"      "She must have worked you well," one man laughed. "Didn't know you liked them butch, my prince,"      "Carry on," he nodded, ignoring the man. I waited for him to take a seat.      "Thank you for your kind words, my prince," I bowed. "First and most importantly, I'd like no interruptions. To anyone. Not just myself. Second, I'd like for all of you to keep an open mind to the changes I will be conducting. I understand that you are all very traditional. You are all entitled to your beliefs. Third. The Queen's word is absolute. You are not of royal blood and any disrespect or remark will be treated as if she herself were standing here listening to it. Fourth. In this room none of us are friends. Every man or my case woman, for themselves. Lastly, watch your tongue. There is a limit to my patience and I'd hate to have to kill an asset of her majesty simply because they can't keep their filthy mouth shut. Any questions?"      "You are a very busty woman. How do you find the right armor to cover up?" the man from earlier asked.      "What's your name councilman?" I asked.      "Staten Melrose,"      "Hmm," I nodded. I motioned him to come over to me. "Most of my armor is custom made to fit my bust and any other part of my body," he looked me over as he came over to me. "My bust is the least of my worries. It's actually more difficult to find dresses that cover my ass,"      "I believe you," he leaned back to look at it. It caused everyone to laugh.      "I'm glad you all find this funny," I nodded. My hand shot out gripping Melrose by the throat. His hands instantly shot to my hand. "I too find it hilarious. In fact, this next part is to die for,"      I pushed the newly restored heat in my body into his. His body began to shake as the heat pushed its way through him burning up his blood. He can't keep his hands up anymore. His body went limp as a flame burst out of his more sensitive areas. I laughed as they all watched in horror. Not a single scream came out of him.      "Wow," Prince Alexander chuckled.      "It looks like he died instantly but I assure you that it was painful and nearly eternal for him," I let go when his bones began to turn to ash. I pulled the flames back to make sure some of his remains are taken back to his family. "Now, let's get down to business,"      "What business?" someone asked.      "My first official order. Given by her majesty and received by myself and General Sterling," I went over to the doors and opened them bringing the women who are waiting outside in. "As leaders of their covens, Lady Leslie Sterling, Lady Karia Amendos, Lady Gurtchude of Aleksander, and Lady Elizabeth of Melion are being promoted to Vicereines of Aleksander and will take their rightful places in the Aleksander council,"      "Major General," Lady Sterling bowed. They all did. They walked into the room and sat in the front row, right in front of the prince.      "Anyone who objects, before you open your mouth think about what it is you are going to say to me or any of the Vicereines. If you aren't content with the decision the door is open. Get the f**k out. You are retired,"      A few of the elders in the back got up and began to make their way out the door. Some of the younger males followed them leaving us with half of the men we had started with. I believe his name is Deanian Helbourne. He's one of the oldest warriors of Aleksander. His name is known through all of Darkness. He stopped before walking out of the room and turned to look at the women. I stepped down from the podium and stood in front of them.      "You are Kaign's daughter right?" he asked.      "That is correct," I nodded.      "You have his fury in your eyes. You're not a leader. You're a soldier,"      "Not once did I say I was here to lead anyone. I'm here to enforce and secure the Queen's lead. Former Major General Helbourned, it displeases me to see you walk out of that door. I had hoped to learn from you,"      "You wouldn't be able to handle me, little girl. You may be the fire of the Dragon Scale but you are still a woman. One that got lucky in the camps. One favored into the position you are in. I know your story, Adaleigh Darius. You aren't the first b***h to get hooked on Sterling's d**k," he growled. I laughed.      "It's not all that great. My preferences vary to my mood and he's not exactly flexible,"      "No he's not," his mother chuckled from behind me.      "If you like, I can show you some of the luck I've accumulated in the camps. I'm almost done here and let's just say I'm a little fired up,"      "I'll be in the courtyard. I'll stay if you can best me in combat. I warn you, my strength comes from the stars. Your melting abilities are cute. It's not daylight out and Alesksanderian nights are cold,"      "I'll see you soon," I scoffed. He walked out.      "I thought we were dead," Lady Sterling sat down with a huff. "There is one other man I fear other than my late husband and it's him,"      "As of tonight, General Sterling and I will be watching the remaining members of the council. Any and all deligations are to be turned over to the General himself. Those worthy of our attention will be presented. Lady Karia. You are to conduct the census of the remaining members. Have it ready before daybreak. I need it for my formal report to the Queen,"      "Major General," she bowed.      "Any questions?"      "Are you sure you want to fight, Helbourne?" the prince asked.      "What?" we all turned to see the General standing in the doorway. "I'm gone for a couple of hours and your manage to pick a fight with Helbourne?"      "I picked a fight with everyone. He was the only one that took me up on my offer. We need him on the council,"      "For what?" he asked. "He's a veteran, not a councilman. The Queen promoted him out of respect,"      "I have my reasons," I shrugged. "Now, you have a job to do, General. I have a date,"      "Really?" he stopped me from exiting.      "Careful, General. You don't want to get attached to me," I whispered. "It wouldn't be in either of our best interests,"      He let me go. Everyone followed me out. The courtyard is beautiful. I saw it this morning and I really hope we don't f**k it up too bad. I've heard of the Helbourne affinities. They use the stars to fight. They can call them right out of the sky and here in Aleksander, the stars are exceptionally beautiful. The heat in the stars surpasses the heat I am able to keep in my body. I'm willing to wager that he doesn't know that the more stars he uses the more my body pulls in their heat. He can teach me things my father could never begin to dream of.      "I didn't think you'd come," he looked up at me when I sat down next to him. Lina is up ahead. I motioned her to get the hell out of here. She instructed the others to follow her. "What is it you want from me, little girl?"      "I just want to learn from you. I was told you never had any successors or formers. If it's okay with you, I'd like to be the first,"  He looked over at me with a blank expression. "Your father tell you that?"      "Yes,"      "Did he ask you to do this?"      "No, he didn't. He spoke about you one time and then I never saw him again,"      "I am not your father, Ada,"      "Nor will I ever consider you to be. No one will ever replace my father," I moved away from his backhand. There are people all around us.      "You have quick reflexes for someone your size," he nodded. "You need to lose weight. You can take on males because of your abilities. I can teach you how to survive without them,"      I didn't see him get behind me. He used his leg, sliding it under my feet to drop me. I maneuvered out of the way before his fist could hit me. His fist went right through the hardened clay and buried itself in dirt deeply. I jumped up taking my robe off and tossing it aside. I have the special armor my father had made for me underneath. I rushed forward before he could pull his fist out of the ground. I jumped on him pushing him. I wrapped my arm around his neck and locked on him.      He trying to pull his arm out of the ground but I can't let him. I pressed my knee into the center of his back keeping him down. I flinched when something hit the ground just ahead of me with an explosion. Then there were more around us. I'm barely able to dodge the hot orbs as he tried to hit me. I can't move outside of his frame without getting his by one. He's going to get up. I can't keep him down by force if I can't get a proper footing. I held on to his neck wrapping my legs around his torso as he stood up.      "Ada," the General growled.      "It was a good strategy. You're smart," he groaned. He gripped my hair and my arm around his neck and pulled. I was launched forward.      I landed on all fours and skid across the courtyard. I jumped back dodging the stars coming at me from above. I rushed around them towards him, creating small orbs of fire in my hands. I released them aiming for him back to back pushing him towards the verandas. I need cover. I'm completely exposed out here. Using my shoulder I smacked into him when he reached the stairs. His body bounced back all way the inside of the hallway. He stood up with a smile on his face.      "You really are his daughter," he roared.       I moved into the castle so he wouldn't push me out again. Using my speed I attacked with my fists. He met me head-on. Blocking each hit. I'm not holding back. Each smack of my fist against his skin is loud. I can feel the layers of muscle in his arms that I'll never have. The only advantage I have on any man is my speed but this man is lean. He's not as big as the General or other males I've gone up against so that means he's just as fast as I am if not faster.     Using his forearms he pushed me back and took the opening to grip onto my wrists. I pulled myself up and kicked him in the chest. The air was knocked out of my lungs when I landed on my back. The last thing I needed was him headbutting me in the face. I jumped up gasping for air backing away from him before he gets back up.     "Holy s**t," I panted backing away. He's laying on the floor laughing.     "Did your life flash before your eyes, little girl?" he asked sitting up. "My forehead would have bashed your skull in,"      "I know," I pushed my flames around my fist and took a fighting stance again mentally preparing for his next attack.      "Stop," he waved me off. "We're done here. I'll stay,"      I put my hands down and pulled the fire back inside of me feeling completely relieved to hear him say that. I went over to him and offered him my hand. For a moment, I thought he was going to reject me, but he took my hand and let me help him pull him to his feet. I lowered my eyes in submission to my new instructor. He roughly placed his massive hand on my head before patting me.     "Thank you," I coughed.      "You have a good head on your shoulders, Adaleigh. I apologize for what I said before. You have my support Major General and my respect. Let's make time to improve your moments. You're a female, but you fight like a male. You're too heavy on your feet. Let's fix that. For the next three weeks, you will be on an all-liquid diet. Water, blood, fresh fruit juice. Nothing more. It will be difficult, but necessary for your training. No heavy lifting. You have too much muscle for a female fighter. Forget what your father taught you. I will teach you the proper way to fight,"      "Sir," I bowed.      "Hell, nearly broke my bones," he complained. He reached for his shoulders. He moved his body a little. The area around his ribs popped. "You hear that? Your thighs nearly crushed my ribs. No wonder you have the General eating out of the palm of your hands. I'd want those things to crush my head whenever I please as well,"       I covered my mouth. I can't believe he just said that. I laughed feeling the heat in my body surround me. The General came over to me. He looks shocked. I feel the way he looks. I swear that man would have killed me with a single hit of his skull against mine. I was scared. I can still feel the momentary fear that swept through me when he gripped my wrists.      "He scared the f**k out of me. If you hadn't pushed away you'd be dead," he whispered as Councilman Helbourne walked over to the crowd of people who are praising him.      "That was amusing. Helbourne rarely ever takes back what he says," Prince Alexander chuckled. "He never hits on women like you either. He likes them tiny,"      "He hit on you?" the General asked.      "Not exactly. He said he'd like his head crushed between legs like mine too,"      "No," Alexander laughed. "He said he'd want you to crush his head whenever he wanted as well,"      I rubbed my face and pushed my hair back before letting out a heavy sigh. I laughed at their expression and began to make my way up to my chambers. Okay, I'm going to be miserable for the next three weeks. I really hope that the remaining councilmen don't do anything dumb because an all-liquid diet is the worst kind of punishment to ever exist. Especially when the food here is so delicious. 
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