Prologue ii

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Edwardian, present time     "I'm sorry, lady Millianne. I know you're the acting Queen for now, but we don't know you. Edwardian should be the one guiding us. She should be here-"     "Where is the white fang and the Huntress?" my brother interrupted Aren Glass. "They are the rightful Kings and Queen of the House of Lycan. You are an average alpha at best. Maybe a Beta Princess. What is it you want from Edwardian? She is preoccupied,"     "We seek an audience," Aren kept herself from saying something she'd regret.      "It's alight brother," I walked into the council room. Everyone stood up to greet me. "Alpha Glass has earned her place on the council,"     "Edwardian," she smiled at me.      "You have my attention. What's going on?" I asked her.      "As Darkness takes the supernatural world back, a lot of my- wolves are being incarcerated. Taken off the streets like they're some kind of criminals. I want to know why," she demanded. I let out a heavy sigh and turned to look at my parents.      "Do you have an answer for the alpha, mother?" I asked. My mom turned away without meeting my gaze. "I left you in charge because you said you can move past these petty squabbles with the wolves,"     "Well-" she tried to explain herself. My dad laughed.      "I'm sorry, Aren. My mom has bad blood with your people. Every Darkness descendent is being rounded up for a census. It's a mandatory protocol. Most of the laws have been abolished but not that one. As soon as a magic tracker is placed in your wolves, they will be released. The witches think it's funny to get a reaction out of everyone. If you want to make things easier for our seekers, you can gather everyone in your packhouse, set a date, and a group of our best witches will come by and tag everyone,"      "I don't know how I feel about that, Edwardian. We aren't pets,"     "It's not just wolves. Everyone. Myself included," I looked over at Daegon who handed me the registration grimoire. I opened it up to show her my name and then flipped it to the end where new names are appearing. "This how we keep track of our people. All of Darkness. See this number, that's our location," I flipped the page when it was filled. "It's a new system we created so we know where we are at all times. The book screams when one of us dies and the tracker returns to the witch who cast it informing her how the civilian died,"      "Wow, that's weird but oddly comforting," she stepped away. I smiled at her and handed the book back to Daegon.      "You can set the date with Lady Daegon. She is the Queen of all witches. It would be in your best interest to befriend her,"      "Thanks," she nodded.      "Another thing. My mother is Queen. She has been for a long time and just because you are not familiar with her, it doesn't give you the right to talk to her in the manner that you did. I am well aware of your customs away from Darkness. I know you're used to getting your way. However, you are simply an alpha of the court. Until the White fang and Edith take their place you are allowed to remain in the council and participate in the upcoming events. Do you have any further questions?"     "Just one," she whispered.      "Oh my fangs," my brother growled.      "That's my brother. Sorry about him," I smirked. He also has a history with the wolves. We all kind of do.     "How are you?" she asked. The question tightened in my belly.      "Fine," I dismissed her and began to make my way back in the direction I had come from.      "E," she tried to stop me but I didn't stay.      "Edwardian," Abaddon followed. "Were you looking for me?"      "I was," I admitted and turned back to look at him. It's strange seeing my best friend again. All of this only feels real because of the price I had to pay. It was really high price and I can't even take it back now. The reality is in the pain I feel.     "How are you feeling?" he asked looking down at my flat abdomen.      "I haven't gotten the infamous pregnancy sickness, so I'm well," I shrugged.      "I don't know how to make you feel better. I'm so sorry about all of this. Cassian is-" he stopped when I glared at him.      "Cass isn't at fault. Armad was an i***t. I'm just not ready to make amends with her or anyone for that matter,"      "He was a lot of things but an i***t?"      "You didn't know him as well as I do," I laughed.      "What did you need, princess?" he smiled.      "I need the location of Adaliegh Darius. Ava said she's not in Aleksander,"     "She's right. I came here as soon as I heard," we both turned around to see Ada and her former Charliegh Darius. The two of them took a knee and bowed in the old ways.      "Stand up, Ada," I scoffed.      "My lady. It's been a very long time," she greeted me. "How can I be of assistance?"     "I'll leave you to it then," Abaddon excused himself.      "Ada, how have you been?" I asked.      "In hell," she shrugged. We both laughed. Blunt as always.      "Right. I'm sorry for your loss. I know Armad was a dear friend and former lover. f*****g ass hole,"     "Yeah," she chuckled. "He was all those things. Surely you didn't want me here for that,"      "No, what no one really knows is that Armad left an heir," I looked down at my abdomen.      "Charlie," she growled.      "On it," the girl disappeared. What the f**k?      "I will have a list of all of the King's male formers ready in a couple of hours. How long has it been since you last fed?" wow. Okay. Right to it with her.      "Two weeks. I've been drinking from Ava but it's not strong enough. It's just been fueling what remains of Armad's blood. I give it another month before the pregnancy starts to fail,"      "We should get you to bed," she suggested. "I am here for anything and everything you can possibly need, my lady. I will do everything in my power to ensure your baby's survival. I would like for you to look the other way for what I am about to do,"      "What are you talking about Ada?" I asked.      "Jessabell Oliver is one of the strongest and one of the first former's the General turned when we were in Alexandria. She can turn a human and his blood will be strong enough for the fetus. It will buy us some time. I can't have you walking around like this. I can feel the coldness in your body starting to take from the lack of nutrition. It's a temporary fix and will only work a few times,"      "I can't ask you to do that," I shook my head. "That human will turn into an undead if we do that. That's a crime that warrants the death penalty,"      "Edwardian, I'd kill millions of humans if it meant keeping you and your child alive. He would too. He's not here anymore, but I am and if I am to be damned for this. So be it," she bowed. I reached for her to try and stop her but she disappeared.      "Oh, my f*****g fangs," I growled. "Why wouldn't your best friend be as f*****g stupid as you?" I shouted. "f**k my life,"     "You are a whole ass mood right now," Raj appeared behind me. An astral projection.      "You're coming up today. I forgot about that," I sighed.      "You're three months pregnant. I forgive you if you make me his godmother," she demanded.      "What? I'm a vampire. We don't do that,"      "Oh, how do I become its favorite person?" she asked. I laughed.      "You're basically my sister already. We both belong to Lucifer by force,"      "Ah," she beamed with excitement. "You are right. I love this. I am his aunt. I declare it to be legalized as soon as possible,"      "Okay," I chuckled.      "I want you to be there. I know Abaddon is in there. I stayed below a few extra days so you can get your head back together. I don't want to be here without you. I know you're his only friend. You're mine too,"      "Okay," I agreed.      "What was that back there?" she asked.      "I'll explain it later. I know you're going to help her once I tell you anyway," I motioned to the council hall. She disappeared. Everyone turned back to look at me when I walked in. They all stood up.      "Did you forget something?" Abaddon asked.      "I did. The empty chair in the room will be filled today and I promised Lucifer I would be here to approve the coronation,"      "I wasn't aware that my brother had chosen," Michael bowed to me.      "Mom?" I walked over to her. She stood up and went down to sit with my dad. She let out a wild giggle when I sat down and took a picture with her new phone. My brother laughed. Mom is really taking to the media trends of this era. She has millions of followers already. Mostly because she's not shy with her powers on camera.      "Who did he choose?" one of the demons stood up. He's going to make an ass of himself and Raj is going to kill him for it. Okay, I'm glad I made it. If she really is Lucifer's kid. She's going to make a grand entrance and she's going to do it the same way the King of hell would. With style.      "You should take a seat. She's not here yet," I chuckled.      "She?" Abaddon and Michael asked at the same time.      The summoning sigil appeared in the center of the council room. It's red. Just like his. I sat back when hell opened up blasting a wave of heat and screams out of it. I looked around the room to see everyone in shock anticipating what's coming out of the ground.     Raj'ziel levitated up from the center of the black hole with her raven black wings wrapped around her body. Abaddon quickly stood up. His father stopped him from moving and pulled him back down to his seat. Once she was completely on the surface, the sigil closed and she spread her wings breaking away the heat with a single stroke of her wings. Classy. He'd love this.      "Am I late?" she asked. I laughed unable to help it.      "You're right on time, your majesty," I greeted her.      "Sweet, I didn't interrupt anything did I?"      "Who the hell is this?" the i***t from earlier asked. I put my hand up stopping Abaddon from saying anything. This needs to play out the way it should.      "That i***t," I pointed at him. She turned her blazing red eyes to him and smiled.      "What's your name, little demon?" she asked him. The menacing look in her eyes and the tone of it made the other demons who were probably prepared to back this i***t up sit down. Daniel grinned in my direction with a knowing glare. I'm just here for the show.     "My name is Demetri Selmov. I am the-" fire engulfed him. He didn't even scream. One instant he was there and the next he was gone. Raj let out a little giggle.      "I meant to let him finish that but I got a little excited," she turned to look at me.      "Been there," I shrugged. "The floor is all yours,"      "Thank you," she smoothed her beautiful cherry red silk dress and turned to face everyone. The dress completely hugs her magnificent curves. Her black hair is so pretty. It's ridiculously painful to know that something so exquisite exists and that she's satan's spawn. "Excuse my interruption. Allow me to formally introduce myself. My name is Raj'Zeil Chambers and I am the spawn Lucifer. From here on, I will be taking over the House Demon at the behest of my father. Are there any questions?"      "Where did you get that dress?" my mother asked. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,"      "Mom," I laughed.      "Little Queen, this is your mother?" she blurted out excitedly. "You are Queen Millianne?"     "That's right," my mom nodded. Raj let out the loudest and girliest squeal known in existence as she rushed over to my mother.      "Thank you," she embraced my mom tightly.      "You're welcome," my mom laughed joining in on her crazy. "For what?"     "Edwardian, of course. Without you, I wouldn't know what it's like to have a best friend and a sister and I owe it all to you and your mate. Is this him?" she asked pointing at my dad.     "Yes," my mom nodded.      "Sir, you are a f*****g ass hole, but I thank you because you've given me and all of Darkness a great gift. I'm not going to shake your hand because I know you're an Incubus and that you are mated but ew,"      "Raj, come take your seat," I laughed. My siblings are all trying to mask their laughter.      "Is it next to you?" she asked turning to face me.      "It is now," Deagon laughed and took the empty seat over.      "Hi, mom," she greeted Daegon and gave her a quick kiss and hug before looking at me again. "Your mom is even smaller than you,"      "Hi, sweetie. You look amazing," Daegon interjected,       "You too," she beamed and took her seat next to me. "So, what are we doing?"      "I made you some notes," Daegon handed her a notebook.      "Noice," she took it and flipped through the pages. "Okay, it stops at the demonology act. Is it safe to assume that I am up?"     "Yes," Michael sighed. "Welcome back Darkness, Raj'ziel. It's been a very long time, honey,"     "Thank you, uncle Michael,"      "Don't call me that," Michael scoffed making Raj laugh.      "As cheerful as always uncle Mike. We'll have to fix that," she glared at him before turning her blazing red eyes to Abaddon. "There are a few things that need to be fixed actually," he stood up and walked out of the council room. "Hmm, I see your son is a big a b***h as he's always been,"     "Raj," I cleared my throat. "The demonology act,"      "Right," she went back to her chipper self. "Daniel. Report,"     "Welcome home, my Queen," Daniel stood up and formally bowed to her. "Before his departure, your father instructed me to start rebuilding the dead zones and clearing any tourist attractions set up. It's been done. I have here all of the blueprints and lists of artifacts native to the House of Demon," he held up a USB port. I forgot her one condition was to change the name from the House of Lucifer to the House of Demon. She waved him over and took it from him. "We're waiting on your orders on how to proceed with the act, my lady,"      "This is impressive," I didn't see her stick the USB in her mouth. Can she read what's in it like that? What the actual f**k? "Right, my father was given orders from above. There is an overpopulation issue. Azreal has been instructed to sweep the nations with a modern plague. With the panic of the new pandemic, I want all of you to get to work. New soul bindings and sales. The market is open for all crossroad demons and temptations. Make me proud gentlemen, gentle ladies, non binaries,"      "My lady," Daniel grinned and bowed. "I shall give the order immediately,"      "Thank you, Daniel. Father wishes to speak with you later. Make yourself available during the witching hour,"      "I will," he bowed and sat back down.      "You're a natural," I complimented.      "You think so?" she squeaked.      "I know so," I smiled. She took my hand in hers and gave it a little squeeze.      "What is that amazing scent?" she asked taking a deep breath. She looked over at my brother.      His eyes hadn't left her from the moment she opened her wings. Their eyes finally locked and her wings opened up over her head. The ends of her black feathers sparked red along with the demonic markings along her skin.      "Oh my," mom called out from below.      "Yeah," I agreed, remembering the day he and I were reunited. He had liked the scent lingering on me. It was her.      "Where have you been?" he asked her.      "Do I know you?" she asked. She glanced at me.      "Raj, this is my brother. The acting Incubus King, Phillip Pierce," I introduced him.      "Oh my f**k," she sat back her pristine skin turning bright red. She started laughing and covered her face with her perfectly manicured hands. "I just told the last king he was ew in front of my fallen. How embarrassing is that? Kill me now,"      "Anyone dares lift a finger against you and I'll kill them," my brother smiled at her. She turned a darker shade of red and dropped onto the desk, covering herself with her arms.      "I am going to need a stronger crystal for their mating," Daegon blurted out. She stood up. "This one isn't strong enough. Because spawning her to Lucifer wasn't enough," she shouted looking upward. "You are a vengeful f*****g ass hole,"      "Woah," Raj leaned into me. We all watched Daegon march out of the room cursing the heavens. She stopped right at the doorway.      "You better not put a fang on my daughter's neck until I get her the proper crystal to contain all of her power. You got that, pretty boy?" she asked my brother. He looked around the room confused.      "Alright," he agreed.      "I'm serious. She can die," she added. Phillip looked over at Raj.      "You have my word, Lady Daegon," he bowed a little more serious.       "Thank you, lord Pierce," she nodded and burst into butterflies. Witches are by far my favorite of all Darknessians.      "Raj?" I laughed.      "Yes?" she whispered.      "This is by far the best gathering I have ever been to. I should have had Lucifer bring you up centuries ago,"      "You mean that?" she asked. I stood up and glanced between her and my brother.      "With my entire being. Now, we really are sisters and you really get to be my son's true aunt. Consider this legalized. Welcome to the family. We think and talk about killing one another but we don't. Also, if you hurt my brother, Lucifer himself will not be able to save you. He is my better half and I am very protective of him,"      "You're so cute when you're being mean. I love you," she laughed.      "If you will all excuse me. I need some rest. If any of you see Adaliegh Darius doing something illegal and you try and stop her. You're dead," I bowed to everyone and began to walk out.      "How illegal?" Phillip asked.      "Death penalty illegal. It's for the baby," I called back.      "Then she's innocent," Raj proclaimed.      "That's the spirit," I laughed. I looked down at my abdomen and nodded. "That's the spirit, kid," 
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