Chapter Seven

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Max and Dawson had eventually decided to sleep in shifts once they were sure the coast was clear. They were both in desperate need of a few hours rest, especially if they went ahead with their assault on the pit. Dawson shook Max awake at some point in the morning; it was impossible to tell time anymore. The sun was just poking through the window as it rose above the glistening roof tiles across the street. "Morning," Max yawned. "Can I expect a full English, or is this fine establishment not catered?" Dawson stifled a smirk, "Actually, that's something I wanted to discuss with you." "Oh yeah?" Max enquired, as he stretched his arms and labouringly clambered to his aching feet. "We didn't want to go through your bags without permission or anything," Dawson said as she shifted awkwardly. "Spit it out," Max chuckled. "Well, let's just say we're not doing great on the whole food front at the moment." "Oh right, s**t. Hadn't even thought about that. I'm so used to feeding just the one mouth these days," Max explained. He paused for a moment, then sighed. "You wouldn't happen to have anything is basically what we're asking," Karl announced cheekily. "Some bacon, sausage, a few juicy steaks, ya know, any old stuff." "s**t, I finished off my last lobster a few days ago," Max grinned. "So...have we got food or not?" JJ interrupted bluntly, his stomach overriding his mouth. Max fumbled through his backpack, which was far less full than it once had been. The bulging pockets full to the brim of snacks and water was a luxury of the past. "I think I have a few old breakfast bars in here somewhere, but beyond that, I'm running low." "f**k," Dawson exclaimed. "We're going to have to do a food run." Max nodded, "Sounds good, where are you thinking, supermarkets, local shops?" "Are you serious?" Rodney chimed in a nervous panic. "About going to a supermarket for food? It's not my most out there joke Rodders mate," Max retorted sarcastically to the amusement of the twins. "What Rodney that most local shops are completely bare by now, and supermarkets, well they're just a no go," Dawson explained. "No go?" Max had been so caught up in his journey with Lizzie, and being locked up in the pit, that he really had no clue what life was like out there anymore. For the past few weeks he'd managed to keep his head down, scrounging food from kitchens and tiny village shops. He still had very little clue as to how others were coping with this apocalypse. "We tend to avoid them whenever we can after last time. Most have either been ransacked, or taken over by groups like the brotherhood," Dawson elucidated. "There's more groups out there like those sick bastards?" "One on every street corner I'm afraid. There's an endless supply of pricks who leapt at the chance to seize a bit of power once the world went to s**t," Dawson spat. Max exhaled, "s**t. Okay...supermarkets are a 'no go'. Got it. What other options have we got then?" JJ let the room settle for a few seconds, giving the others a chance to suggest any ideas before he piped up, "I noticed a school a few streets back, that could mean an entire cafeteria no one's thought to search?" Dawson pursed her lips as she weighed it up in her head. "That could work." "Is it possible for all the brain cells to drift into one twin in the womb or...?" Max smirked. "Oh, f**k you!" Karl laughed. "What are you gonna do, big man? Stab me with you spear...or do you have to pot a red first?" JJ let out a loud hoot, as Karl looked defensively down at his weaponised pool cue. "All right, all right," Dawson intervened. "Pack your s**t up, we're going back to school." "That was so f*****g cheesy," Karl groaned. "Embarrassing," JJ added. "I'm embarrassed for her." "It's a shame to see." "Enough! Just get you stuff, now!" Dawson ordered. The twins slipped away, sniggering back up the stairs, still making school jokes as they went. "Little shits," Dawson mumbled. Max just smiled. Was this what a family was really like?
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