
The Preacher’s Girl

one-night stand
female lead
small town
friends with benefits

Falling In love is a drag. Don't.

If anyone had told playgirl, Cara Davids that she would find herself in love three months ago, she would probably would have laughed it off.

How did the stranger from a one night stand intrigue her so much and became something more?

Her name was Allison moon and she was the preacher's girl


"Hey pretty, want some company?" she drawled.

"I don't know, are you some company?" She replied, leaning forward and resting her jaw on her hands

Cara grinned and mirrored her move "So tell me, who comes into a bar and drinks only coke?"

The answer was her doom.

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Going Home
“Sure woman,i am on my way already” Cara said as she eased of the accelerator to avoid a pothole as she slowly turned the steering wheel left to avoid it “But it's already 2pm and you said you were on your way home 5 hours ago Cara,The drive is a five hours drive!” Her mother’s voice came from the phone. Cara sighed “Mom,you really should never trust my words but this time i am really on my way to Willis, i am at the new brookes already,means i am only an hour or two away” “Four hours away, Cara”her mother corrected and Cara chuckled,after some seconds, her mother joined in as well “Promise me you will be home before 7pm”Her mother pleaded over the phone Cara sighed for the thousandth time while as she stepped on the accelerator “sure sure,old woman” “That i am for sure” Mary Davids replied her daughter and once again,they shared a laugh but Cara stopped laughing first as realization hit her “Oh dear mother, what have you done? Why 7pm?” she asked ,her voice laced with suspicion “Nothing at all,i just want you to be safe so you don’t get home late”Mary’s innocent voice boomed through the phone’s speaker “There better not be a party in that house when i get there or i am turning right back woman” she threatened the woman who gave her life “What? What a party.? There is no party anywhere . Although yes,no one has seen you in town for about 5 years but no there is no need to throw a welcome party ,not at all” Mary said ending her sentence with a nervous chuckle “I am totally warning you,Mother. Will be home soon,bye” Cara said ready to cut the call as a message notification rang out “Okay,see you soon baby,Be safe “ Her mother replied “I am not a baby…-”Cara was still saying ,ready to attack her playful mother as she has always done but the call cut before she could, Cara groaned into the silence of the car “That woman….” she growled But Mary was right,Cara had left their little town Willis for college in New York and right after graduation,she found a job and was flourishing well,only remembering to send her mother money for her upkeep every now and then but without coming home,yes they had communicated through calls but a mother’s love didn’t feel satisfied enough with that and when Cara gifted her during one of these calls that she would be getting a three months leave from work this year,Mary had used pleading eyes and all of her authority to beg her only daughter to come home ,Cara had sighed over the phone but she also missed her mother and since she had nothing worthwhile to do,she decided to make the trip and here she was on her way home “I already can’t wait for these months to be over”Cara said to herself as she grabbed her phone off the phone stand and checked the messages she had gotten from her best friend Damien,they were about five and it looked urgent “Call me now” They all read “What is damien up to now?” she thought to herself before dialing his number He picked up on the first ring “Lisa met Khloe” “Oh s**t” Cara exclaimed in shock as she eased her leg of the accelerator slowly “Oh s**t is right. Lisa came to my apartment cause apparently she had not been icking her calls and coincidentally,Kloe thought the same” he explained “Why would you let them know your house?!”she yelled “ Let them know about my house?!”Damien scoffed “Who the f**k always brought her girlfriends to my house when i am not in town…” he yelled back “Huhm.. yeah”Cara said slowly “You are stupid ,you know?!” Damien said,chuckling lightly “Right…”Cara said joining in “You need to stop this two timing lifestyle or at least tell these girls you are not in a relationship with them” Damien,ever the loyal guy and friend advised . “Yes,i need to stop bringing them to your house” Cara corrected “Get the f**k off my cell,you hoe” “A sophisticated one at that” Cara replied ,her voice laced with proudness and the two best friends found themselves chuckling again “Okay,i really have to go, Liam will be here soon and i need to get sexy for the love of my life “ Damien said “Ew… f*****g Simp!” “Thank youuuuuuu…..” Damien dragged out before adding “Bye b***h” “Bye Simp” Cara chuckled and the call cut . “Well, two girlfriends down then, better get back to bumblebee” She said with a smirk as she turned a corner *** The clock on the car dashboard read 7:15pm “Welcome to Willis Town” The sign read and Cara drove past into the little town she grew up,a town where everyone knew everyone ,the one she left behind 5 years ago. She drove into the town,passing by the old church on her and 10 minutes later,she drove into the ever familiar driveway and true to he thoughts and fears,the lights were on and the chattering of about a dozen people buzzed in the air,her mother had totally thrown her a party,that woman just never listens Sighing,she turned off the ignition and leaned her head against the car seat’s headrest “Any minute now”Cara whispered to herself and even before she could add any more word,the front door opened to reveal her mother who was grinning from ear to ear ,Cara opened the car door and stepped out mirroring her mother’s face with a grin of her own “Hey there,troublesome woman”she said and Mary wrapped her in a tight hug “Oh my babyyy… you have grown so much”The woman cried into her arms Cara smiled as she rubbed her mother’s back slowly “Its good to see you too,mother, i am home now, i am home”she reassured her mother The huge lasted a while in silence until the front door opened again and people trickled out,old middle age,each trying to hug her “Oh little Cara” “Not so little anymore,she is so tall now”a woman said chuckling “And beautiful”another women added Cara fixed a smile on her face as she returned the pleasantries “This is going to be one hell of a vacation hopefully,there will be something good about being home ” If only she knew

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