Chapter 1

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Amanda POV Lots of endorsements to do since I'll be having my vacation leave this coming weekend to attend baptism of my best friend's daughter or should I say my God child. My best friend Kylie got married 3 years ago with one of my schoolmate back when I was in college and just this year she gave birth to their beautiful daughter.   Being a fashion designer, running my small boutique on my own is so hard. Although I have my assistant with me but still I want to be hands on in everything. Since I didn't want to run my dad's company after I graduated, I decided to build my own business for my living.   A beep sound of my phone suddenly stopped me from reviewing the contract in my hand. It must be Kylie again, I thought as I pick my phone on top of my desk. An unknown number flashing on its screen, it must be a client I guess.   "Hello, Amanda speaking." As I answer the call.   "Hello Sugar, did you missed me?" A deep baritone voice from the other line said.   I froze for a moment, soon as I recognized the owner of this voice. It's as if everything has flashed back to me, his face, his smiles, his eyes and his lips.   “Honey, it’s me Luke. I asked your number from Fritz. Have you already forgotten me? Too bad I couldn’t even take you out in my dreams.” He said and then chuckles.   “Why did you call?” Confused why I got sudden call from him.   “Look who’s being rude now? It’ll be better if you answer my call with enthusiasm. Anyway, Fritz said that he’ll provide us a private plane to get into their private island tonight, well I just want to offer you a ride since we’ll be leaving together with some of their friends too.”   “Thanks for the offer but I will just take a cab to take me at the airport, then I’ll just look for you there.” I don’t want to take his offer because I know how busy he is running their family business.   He’s managing a multi-billion company owned by his parents, being an only son and sole heir. I’d heard so much about his success in running their business. He’s always in the news not only because of his success but also being the last Anderson bachelor left in their clan.   “Please stop avoiding me Sugar.” He said almost pleading.   “I’m not avoiding you. And why would I do that in the first place?” I said sounding a little bit defensive.   “I don’t know, tell me.” He retort.   I hear him sigh and I can’t help but to think of ways to end this conversation. I know that this day will come, that we’ll cross paths again and that I can’t forever hide myself from him.   “Look, I know how busy you are and I don’t want to take so much of your time. I could just go there by myself, let’s just meet there. Okay?” Hoping that he’ll agree to me.   He released a deep sigh as if surrendering, I know him too well that he won’t push one thing he knew he wouldn’t get.   “Okay, if that’s what you want. But promise me that you’ll always stay with me when we get there.” He said that makes me feel somehow relieved.   “Okay.” I said, but at the back of my mind I know that once I reached the island, Kylie and I would be very busy in arranging stuffs for the coming event.   “Good! And one last thing, we’ll stay at my hotel and you’ll share a room with me. Okay? See you later Honey.” He said and then hang up.   Still the same demanding Luke that I knew back from our college days. Now I couldn’t concentrate with my work, knowing that I will see him again after so many years I’ve been trying to avoid every events that he’ll be there too.   One reason too that I refused to take dad’s offer is for me to avoid functions that I will need to attend to if ever I become a CEO. I bury myself, working to build my own company and now it pays off as it gains more customers and becoming somehow popular. 
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