Biscuit And Milk

2052 Words
It was early Friday evening when Lilith and the girls entered the kitchen. Lilith usually arrived home after five in the evening, as she was focused on improving her GPA. It was impressive to see someone so dedicated to both their social life and academic success. "So, I thought we could hang out at my place on Sunday, and you could all help me with the herbal plants in the garden. My mom's running out of organic produce," Suri pleaded, pulling a chair up to the worktop. She dumped her bag on the counter. "I'm so exhausted." "Yes, we could do that and then look like potato sacks at Tyron's," Embry shot back at Suri with an intense evil grin, causing Suri's mood to suddenly drop. Lilith warmly caressed Suri's shoulders. "We'll make time for your garden," she reassured her. As I stood by the fridge scooping Blue Bell Creameries, I didn't think anyone cared about my presence until Quinn walked over to me with a familiar smile and snatched my ice cream away. "You don't get to eat alone. I need this after a long practice," Quinn moaned, giving in to my newfound favorite ice cream flavor before handing it back to me. Without saying a word, I reached for the built-in side-by-side fridge and put away what was left in the package. "I need to go home now. I have to help my dad with random stuff tomorrow, so I'm off to paradise before the party," Embry announced to everyone, purposely flipping her red hair to one side, exposing her slim neck. I could tell her to chill, but I heard Leigh's voice echoing around the house. Since I was in the corner, I couldn't get a full view of the lobby, but I guessed that's where Leigh was, as all the girls were starting to blush and get goosebumps, except for Lilith. "Why can't we go to Summerlin? Why a fashion show?" Lilith groaned. "Do you want to look like her?" Embry retorted, darting her gaze at me, and I promptly stiffened in my baggy shirt. She mouthed it very quietly so that Leigh couldn't hear. "What is wrong with her?" Lilith immediately fired back. At that moment, I felt grateful to have her—someone who would defend me when I didn't have a comeback or when I was afraid to speak up for myself. All the girls' eyes were on me, scanning me from head to toe, which made me feel uncomfortable and slightly unattractive. I've never claimed to be pretty, but I at least expected a little courtesy, not such rude disrespect thrown in my face. With a heavy sigh, Embry rolled her eyes. "All I'm saying is we're lucky to be invited to the seniors' party. We shouldn't mess it up," she said breathlessly, as if struggling to calm herself down. "We'll be invited, either way. We're the life of the school, after all," Quinn chimed in from beside me. "Well, if you mess this up, we could become the losers of the school," Embry snapped. "So, Sunday at noon," she concluded with a tight smile. "Ava's coming with us," Lilith suggested. "But she's a sophomore," Embry appeared slightly worried as she glanced in my direction. "I don't think the 'seniors only' rule applies to girls. Just be cool, that's all," Suri smiled at me. "Okay, I'll be cool, that's all," Embry repeated to me. With that, she called the girls and left Lilith and me standing in our positions. Lilith's eyes followed her group of friends, while my ears followed the girls until I heard Embry's faint murmurs from the lobby before the door finally closed. With a shrug, Lilith faced me. "Don't mind Embry. She wasn't like that before. Now she's becoming more..." "Obsessed," I said, and she smiled. "Kinda," she replied. She walked over to me and stood beside me. We both fixed our gaze on the oven. "We should bake something," she suggested after a few seconds, and I couldn't agree more. I helped gather the ingredients, and Lilith provided the cutlery and mixer from the store, claiming they were more reliable, even my Mum used them frequently. In less than fifteen minutes, the kitchen was messy and filled with the aroma of chocolate chips. While mixing and baking, we playfully attacked each other, covering ourselves in cooking flour. I was certain my mom and Christian wouldn't approve of us being in the kitchen. If they were to see this—which luckily they wouldn't, as they went on a dinner date or whatever people call it—they left a note saying they would bring back our dinner, so we shouldn't attempt to cook anything. But we violated the rules. I'm sure they were afraid of something like this. "What in the world of craziness are you two doing?" Leigh's voice filled with shock as he walked into the kitchen, his eyes widening. Laughing, Lilith raised her hands in defense. "Ava spilled the syrups. I told her no syrups in the cookies." Leigh's eyes began to calm down as they narrowed at me. "She did the flour," I quickly pointed out. He only shook his head, trying to comprehend our madness. "Make sure the kitchen is back to how it was before Mom and Dad get home," he began to smile mischievously. "And make sure I get a share of whatever smells delicious in that oven, or I'll rat you out." "You're cookie blackmailing us?" Lilith yelled at her brother as he walked out of the kitchen. "I thought we were making biscuits?" I asked Lilith, confused. Leigh paused and stared at me the same way Lilith did, with narrowed eyes, completely mystified. "What?" I snapped. "Nothing. Your mom also refers to cookies as biscuits," Lilith giggled, shaking her head. "That's what they are," I muttered, slightly annoyed. "I'm waiting for my cookies," Leigh called from afar. Lilith rolled her eyes, and we began to clean up as the cookies were peacefully baking in the oven. The past few days had been better. Leigh was spending more time at home, and Lilith claimed he was his authentic self. He had made a habit of following me to class with a flask of tea and leaving me text messages about his whereabouts after school. Our rides home were usually filled with Sawyer and me babbling about our day. I was getting used to the affectionate smile I consistently received from Leigh as I shared everything about my day with my cousin. The kids at school had already forgotten about my old nickname, "Mother Superior," and I even received some friendship requests with ticked boxes in my locker. I was now known as the girl who rides in a Bugatti with Leigh Boyce. People had already heard about our relationship and the fact that we were soon-to-be step-siblings, so I didn't have rivals, only admirers—or at least, that's what I liked to believe. However, Embry and Quinn continued to call me Hoe. I was trying to get used to it because that's how they addressed themselves, but I still didn't feel entirely comfortable. When the biscuits were ready, we each took a portion for ourselves, and Lilith annoyingly left some on a plate for Leigh. "We could have split them evenly, but he had to go and say 'or I will tell on you,'" Lilith huffed as she handed me the dish. "Take it to him and bring back the plate so I can clean it along with the baking tray after I'm done eating," she commanded while pouring milk for herself. Before I could stop myself, I grabbed the glass from her and asked her to pour another one for herself. She was completely surprised by my "milk burglary," as she called it. I had to lie to her, saying it was for myself, and then I stalked away to find the living room empty. I followed the staircase and stood by the door that I had never gone through. With both hands occupied, I said, "Can you help me with the door, please?" There was silence for a while, and I began to realise that Leigh might not have understood I was talking to him, so I quietly called his name. Within seconds, the door swung open. He was wearing only a pair of trousers as he stood by the door with a broad smile, the kind that shows his front teeth and brightens up his green eyes. The smile that I had grown familiar with. I did my best to avoid looking down at his shirtless figure, keeping my eyes on his face or over his shoulder. He must have noticed my uneasiness because he opened the door wider, allowing me access, and walked over to his bed, purposefully providing me with a full view of his lean, tight, muscular back. It was clear he worked out for his age. I couldn't help but admire not only his back, but also his perfect shoulders, his neck, and his messy hair, which made me immediately feel the urge to run my hands through it. These strange feelings had been occurring throughout the week whenever I was around Leigh. I sometimes felt grateful for having Sawyer's company when riding beside Leigh after school. He turned around and nodded at my hands full of food, and that's when I remembered to hand him the plate. "Here, but drink the milk quickly because I lied to Lilith that it was mine," I informed him slowly, biting my bottom lip harder to avoid looking at his torso. Smiling, he quietly observed my reaction before nodding and sipping the milk. I stood before him as he sat on his large bed, enjoying the milk and biscuits. During the silent moment, I took the opportunity to scan his bedroom, which was bigger than mine and Lilith's. The room had an exclusive private balcony that neither Lilith nor I had. Everything in the room mostly had shades of grey or white. Beside him, there was an old guitar that I couldn't take my eyes off. "Is that yours?" I asked him. His eyes followed mine and landed on the instrument. "It belonged to my grandfather, but my mom gave it to me." Instantly, I regretted asking. My cheeks grew hot. "Oh," was all I could manage to say. He gave me a small smile, his lips slightly parted, and then he twitched them as if finding it hard to say what was on his mind, something I desperately wanted to know. "It's old-fashioned anyway," he finally muttered. I knew that wasn't what he intended to say, but I didn't press him if he didn't feel like sharing it with me. "Do you play?" I inquired. "Not so well, but yeah," he nodded, just as I heard Lilith yelling my name from downstairs. I tilted my head towards the doorway to listen to her, and when I leaned back in Leigh's direction, hoping to find him where I thought he'd be sitting, I was greeted by his chest just inches away from me. It was so close that I could inhale his pleasant masculine scent, a combination of cologne and an earthy fragrance as if from a thriving garden. I froze at the proximity. At that moment, I swear my breathing stopped for a few seconds until I felt his hand grab mine and take the plate. I lifted my eyes to him, and I could see a heartfelt smile on his face as his finger gently slid a strand of hair behind my ear. His glistening green eyes were filled with intensity as he locked his gaze with mine. His fingers lingered on my cheek, stroking there gently. In my mind, I kept repeating, 'Ava, focus on breathing,' 'Ava, focus on breathing,' as I stood before Leigh Boyce with a racing heartbeat, my mother's fiancé's son, until Lilith's voice broke through, startling me. Thoroughly flushed, I took a step back, though our eyes never broke contact. "I think I didn't take much of the milk," I muttered. Leigh smiled at me and stuffed his hands in his front pockets. "I guess you didn't have much of the milk," he said, his voice low and seductive.
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