
Opposite halves


Can you imagine selling your soul to two completely opposite entities? That's exactly what our protagonist did. In a surreal twist, he finds himself caught between a conflicting hell and a conflicting heaven, both eager to retrieve the book of life that is now in his hands. As each of these beings does their best to get the book, the situation becomes even more complicated when unexpected feelings emerge, transforming a simple dispute into a much deeper and loving struggle.

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Fresh out of the shower, drops falling from his head to the floor, and he checks his phone to see if a deposit has arrived in his account. “Why is this hermit taking so long to deposit me? I'm going to call him. Seriously, I'm always tired of this s**t with him, I can't take it anymore, I'll tell him everything I've got stashed inside.” He coarsened. Answer. “Who is it?” “Your only son, I think.” Khalid recast. “Aah, you, now what do you want?” Said his father. “Didn't you forget something? Rough, annoyed voice. “I think nothing, why, is your card missing money?” Sarcasm. “Apparently you remembered, yes, it's my card, you owe me every month's money, you're already four days late” Said the boy wiggling his fingers moving them in order on the table next to him. “Son, you retard, your head must be full of s**t thinking that I will deposit money for you. You're twenty-two years old and you keep f*****g me and f*****g me. Listen to me well” He said despondently. Khalid's body was like goosebumps after being killed. He just had the phone in hand, waiting those few seconds to see what his father would say. “Do you hear me, right. I hate, I loathe, I abhor, that you keep contacting me to use me as a bank, your mother is dead, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME, DEAD. I'm over her, as you used to use me broken just to give you money as pity for her departure in which I suffered for her, now you are very, very, very, very big to ask for “pension”, and if you call me again, I swear I will locate you to throw that phone you have to the street.” Khalid's father hung up. Khalid stunned, and consumed with anger, that he would throw his phone against the wall himself. But he didn't, he was still paying for it. He can't believe he's alone, again. “YOU f*****g BASTARD BASTARD!!! HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ME!!!”. Khalid shouted in a despondent, high-pitched manner, grabbing his dark brown hair and kicking the first thing he saw in front of him. Cold wind, coming into the room, it was two in the morning, a small couch that fit only one person. A fifty inch TV on the wall, turned on the same channel for the last 4 hours, smell of cheap alcohol and cigarettes surrounding the room. The boy's mind was blank, he only kept his late mother's savings, a considerable amount but not enough to live on for more than a year. Paying for high school and room rent. He's behind on those two things and maybe other things I can't even remember, he was counting on Dad's money support, I had to assume that sooner or later he wasn't going to give him a single coin anymore. “But leave me alone?” He sobbed, sitting with the only light of the television in front of him. The next day he walked to school, that gave him one more tardy to the list, Khalid sitting at a free table next to a group of girls who were murmuring how he smelled, he had already gone 2 days without a bath, the electric shower was out of order. “Well students, silence, let's ignore the newcomer and remain attentive to the class” Mentioned the teacher. He was still sleepy, out of the corner of his eye he saw a strange boy in the class, he looked him straight in the eyes, smiling, he passed a folded paper to a classmate next to him and pointed to Khalid implying that it was for him. He received it, opened it and it read: “I see you are in a very bad way, Do you need help? I'll wait for you at door number 4 at the exit Answer me with a thumbs up”. “Help? Does my situation look too obvious? Anyway let's see what this smiling goth has for me.” Khalid thought. He gave a thumbs up in the direction of the boy in black and white makeup. He finished the class, tidied up what he had on the table, a pencil and a blank sheet of paper. Khalid went down the emergency stairs, there would be no one there to smell him up close, he thought. He only found a couple kissing so loudly that from two floors up they could be heard echoing in the empty place. He walks to door four, and yes, there was that goth boy waving from afar. “Hello Khalid” He says smiling. “Do you know my name?” I ask curious. “Ah ha ha ha ha ha, of course I do silly, we've been sharing sections like three times now, I don't suppose you know my name?” she replied looking him in the eye. “Oh yeah, I don't know your name, sorry, but seriously, the way you dress I'd swear I'd remember you without looking at your face.” Khalid mentioned. “Ha, ha, ha, ha, I've changed a bit, my name is Adrian, well, I know you're having a terrible time right now. He said in a pouty voice. “Adrian, how did you notice?”. Said the curious boy. “Your eyes, I can tell you didn't sleep well” Bringing his index finger close to the middle of Khalid's eyes. “Not more than an hour, ha, ha, ha, ha.” Pulling his face away from that sorrowful black painted finger. “Ha, ha, ha, ha, well, follow me, where I'm going to take you, they're going to help you, I assure you.” “Okay.” He replied with a small feigned smile. Almost half an hour walking, they arrived at a factory that had been abandoned for twenty years, Adrian opened the gate that surrounded that uninhabited place, letting Khalid enter first. Adrian closed the gate from inside, the boy was waiting for him with his hands in his pockets, looking from there how dirty and lonely the place was. “Come Khalid, follow me.” Said Adrian walking towards a large black metal door. “Ah, yes.” Khalid going with a small shiver in his body with each step he took. “I guess I should go, I don't think it's safe.” Khalid thought. Adrian answering a question to the guard at that door, letting him in with Khalid. The gothic boy beckoning the boy with his fingers to follow him. They walked together under some cobwebs on the walls and some cockroaches on the floor, Khalid seeing from a few meters away a white light from a single spotlight focusing on a red sofa, getting closer he saw how it was decorated with black wood, having carved horns and silhouettes of circles around it. Adrian stopped in front of it and asked. “Hello Aran, I have a 'colleague' who needs us.” Khalid, turned his eyes together to see that there was a woman or man lying on the reddish couch. “I hope he is capable of anything, this child.” Aran said in a lavish voice. “What do you think?” asking someone behind him. It was a demon, so Khalid thought at first glance, he opened his eyes like an owl stalking its prey. Then he remembered that they were all dressed in a very satanically frightening manner. His blood pressure had risen again. “Ah, what a scare, very good makeup kid, it's very good, I swear. I thought you were some kind of real demon or something, although those things don't exist hahaha.” Khalid said looking at everyone smiling. “Adrian, control your little friend with what he says, he doesn't seem to know what he has in front of him.” Judged Aran looking up and down at Khalid. Adrian saying yes, with his head looking at Aran, leading Khalid by the arm, taking him a few meters away from where Aran and that strange person were. “Are you on drugs or something?” said Adrian looking at Khalid with angry eyes. “What, of course not, it's just, please.” Said Khalid in a mocking tone “do you want me to join this goth thing of yours?” you know, this is not my thing, tell your mister or missus and the guy who looks like devil in disguise that I'm leaving, this is absurd. He pointed at the boy, turning around where he entered. Adrian grabbed Khalid's arm in a threatening manner, and leaning against an old metal wall, making a noise throughout the abandoned factory. “LISTEN TO ME MOTHERFUCKER, YOU'RE NOT LEAVING, YOU'RE ALREADY HERE, OK, IF YOU LEAVE I SWEAR I'LL HANG YOU WITH ONE HAND THING WITHOUT LISTENING TO YOUR f*****g PLEAS.” Looking straight into Khalid's wide open brown eyes. “A-Adrian?” he said confused and afraid ”ADRIAN WHAT THE f**k IS WRONG WITH YOU, LEAVE ME IMBECILE!!!! Shouted Khalid throwing saliva in Adrian's face. “I'll leave you alone, seriously, just answer in the affirmative to everything they tell you, you need help don't you, here's your chance. “Said Adrian, still with his eyes fixed on him and threatening. “WHAT THE f**k HAVE YOU GOT ME INTO, THIS IS SOME KIND OF SATANIC SECT!” the boy shouted almost to the point of tears. “Ahhhh.” Thought Adrian with his eyes looking up, holding Khalid tightly. “Something like that, I think.” “YOU THINK!!! DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT YOU GOT ME INTO YOU PIECE OF DUNCE?”. “Look, just come and behave yourself.” Adrian pulled Khalid's arm back into the living room where Aran was. He made him stand in front of that red couch with black carving. “Well, I guess you're up for anything, aren't you?” Aran refuted. “Yes, yes, Aran, he's up for giving it his all” Adrian said. Khalid, not knowing what to do or say, he was still scared and confused, he wanted to run away from that disgusting place. He reached into his right pocket, where he pulled out a metal blade, pointing it at Aran. “NO, NO, NO, LET ME GET OUT, OR I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU BEFORE THEY KILL ME” Shouted the boy shaking the hand that held the bladed weapon. “Are you going to do something?” Aran asked behind him. “WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?” Khalid exclaimed. “Yes” Answered a thick, deep voice that was never heard. Above Khalid, in less than two seconds, was a beast with four all-black eyes and a mouth with fangs reaching up to pointed ears, spilling saliva. Khalid, frightened with the hideous entity above him and heavy, he had never felt such a weight. He was already closing his eyes waiting for that being to devour him alive. “You, you have an interesting future” Said that demon, with the most tenebrous voice he ever heard in his life. “Child, did you hear me? “Huh, KILL ME SATAN” Said the boy in tears and angry. “Satan, do I look really bad seriously?” Between seconds the demon changed his face into a normal human, he got up from on top of Khalid “Get up, human.” Khalid confused, stood up with the help of the demon's hand, he no longer looked like that demonic beast with the deep black eyes. “So, what do you need?” Said the demon as he walked to the direction of the couch to sit with a bargaining pose.Can you leave Aran? I need all the space. “Me-, wait a few minutes for me? He muttered in a trembling voice with his forehead pouring sweat like rain. “Yeah, sure.” Khalid, on shaky legs he knelt down on his knees with his eyes filled with tears from living such a horror movie scene. He started slapping his face trying to wake up from some kind of dream. “WAKE UP, WAKE UP, YOU FELL SLEEPED IN CLASS WAKE UP!” she screamed giving herself louder to somehow get out of that repulsive place. “WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU b***h? GET UP! Said Adrian lifting Khalid off the floor. “Sir is waiting for your answers, go now!” he pushed Khalid towards the living room. “It's not a dream... what is this, what am I doing?Khalid thought as he was dragged to the waiting demon. “Oh, you're here now, and tell me now yes, what do you need?” The demon asked “Yes-yes, yes. I need money.”Said the frightened boy“Oh, that's it, well, are you good at anything? “What, no, no, no, I'm not good at anything.Khalid stressed.“Then I can't make you a superstar, of those you see there, they all conversed with me to be what they are today.”Said the demon proudly. “Ah, I know, you want me to make you one like them? I can give you a talent.“Ah, no. I, I don't want to be famous, mister demon.”Khalid said sheepishly. “Really, well, I'll give you a demon that gives you money.”“What, is that possible?” Asked the curious boy. “Sure, but, it takes a price.” Asserted the demon with his hands clasped together. “Price, do I have to kill a person, certainly, I already have one in mind.”“Hahahahahaha, no.” He got up from the couch and stood Khalid's front. “Half your soul, little boy” He smiled with his snake tongue out looking at Khalid. “My, my, my soul...” He sighed “Yes, but, not to me. Unfortunately, isn't it, you will sell a money demon half your soul and it will give you everything you need.” He walked behind Khalid, putting his hands on his shoulders. Khalid stood thinking, staring at the insect-ridden ground above his shoes. And after two minutes in total. “Okay, yes, I'll sell half my soul.” He said with all the assurance he had. “Perfect!”, come on, I'll give you something. I walk into another room totally red. Khalid and the demon, they were all alone in that room, that Khalid thought he tricked him and would kill him right there. He never let his guard down, he still had that blade in his pocket. “Okay, here, this lighter comes straight from hell, listen to me well, and follow every word I'm going to tell you, because I'm not going to tell you again.” He frowned, the demon. “Can I record it, just your voice so I don't forget anything.” “You can't, my voice is not picked up by any device in this world. “Said the negotiating demon. “Oh, that's why it always sounds so weird the horror recordings, hahahaha.” “Huh, no, the dead souls on this plane are just being tortured, their voices just aren't worth it and that's why they don't sound so good.” Says the demon, while looking for a book among the bookcase full of cobwebs and dust. “Oh, okay. can I ask you questions of the paranormal? “No, and no, insist because this time I'm going to eat you alive.” “O..Ok. “And...wasn't satan the one buying souls?” “Do you think he has time to cater to puny humans? He and Lucifer are always planning things to end this world, but it's a long way off.” He continues to rummage through books. “Ahh, Y-” “I found it!”, here, turn to page 66 and summon the demon in a place all alone in the dark, oh yeah, and make it the middle of the night. That's it, light those candles with this lighter, just with that one do you understand?” Said the demon in a voice thicker than normal. “Yes, yes, yes, yes sir.” Khalid raising his head up and down fast. “Well, goodbye.” Khalid, opening his eyes, was already outside that factory. In his hands he had that book and the lighter that demon gave him. Well, wait for midnight. 12:00am Twelve o'clock, he already had the six black candles surrounding an upside down cross with all the lights off, there was only Khalid watching the clock as each minute passed. It was time, he stood and approached lighting each candle, lighter in hand. It was time to say the Hebrew words from that book the black-eyed demon gave him. “בוא אלי” said Khalid in a trembling voice . Nothing happened, did he need to say it more than once, did he need to say it six hundred and six times, Khalid read the book more carefully and he did say that short Hebrew sentence correctly. “What am I doing wrong, I'm not supposed to see the cross while doing this, no, that's not what the book says, am I missing something?” he said confused and stressed. “Oh, I see you did it right.” An unfamiliar voice behind Khalid, just answered him, he knows he is alone. How is it possible for someone to answer him in the middle of the night and when everything is totally off. He did nothing but turn around in great fear. “You-you-you are the demon I summoned? Khalid said, his back still facing backwards. “Yes, it's me, one recommendation, buy another couch, this one is too hard and too small” Said the demon sitting on top of the couch. Khalid turned at once with his eyes closed and opened them little by little, to see the demon he summoned. And he sees it, it was absurdly different from what he imagined. Did I really summon a demon or did a stranger come to rob my house because I had the lights off? He thought. “Really, it's you? Khalid said sheepishly. “Do you want us to forget our deal and kill you the hell out of here?” the unknown demon threatened. “Oh, well, it's just that you're.... WHY ARE YOU SO ATTRACTIVE?” You're so tall and shapely. Khalid asked angrily and curiously. “I learned the other time that I came to earth to have females, is to be attractive, in hell you just have to be strong, but here, no.” Said the demon as he arranged his black hair. “Ah, yes.” Khalid thinking a few more questions.“But apparently that doesn't work for you so much, the female thing.”Criticized the demon.“Ah?” Khalid frowned and opened his mouth. “Anyway, how do you want me to protect you?” the demon asked as he scratched his ear with his index finger. Khalid, turned his head one hundred and eighty degrees, again towards the demon, eyebrows up as high as they could go and eyes wide like a cat hunting at night. “Excuse me, PROTECT?” he shouted asking in desperation, having his eyes on him.“Sure... you summoned me for that, you inept idiot.”Said the demon, looking straight into Khalid's eyes.“Not me, I didn't summon you to protect me” Said Khalid breathing fast.“What?” said the demon standing in front of Khalid. “You wouldn't give me money for my soul?” Khalid asked in a cold sweat. “Money?” Hi, I'm the author, sorry if it doesn't have good grammar, I'm translating it from Spanish to English to have more support. Thanks for your attention.

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