Chapter Three-2

2021 Words

Then he shied away from the thought of Zelée and told himself that his horses were carrying her a long way from The Château. She would not dare to come back until he permitted her to and perhaps that would be never. When they returned to the house, Yursa’s grandmother was waiting in the hall. “I was told that you had gone riding, my child,” she said to Yursa. “You have enjoyed yourself?” “It was wonderful!” Yursa replied. “I have never ridden such a magnificent horse before.” She saw her grandmother as she spoke glance at the Duc and knew that she very nearly added, ‘or with such a magnificent escort’.” Because that made her ride seem contrived instead of something that had occurred just by chance, Yursa hurried up the stairs to change without even looking at the Duc. When she came

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