Chapters of MadiSri story

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1.Biography of MadiSri Sri is a rich girl and her friend Madi. she was adopted by Sri father due to one reason. An alliance seen for Sri by her parents but she was not in a mood to say ok about the fiance Sam .Madi was loved by Saras and many problem exist finally Saras Madi marriage going to be happen but now Sri plan to marry Saras, hence she is doing many negative things without knowing others. Now who marry whom that going on seriously. Sri is trying to stop Madi marriage in order to marry Saras .Madi donot know about her friend negative role.Sri hurts Madi in many ways . Later, Sri realised her flaws . Madi and Sri become again close friends and reunited again. This story look little different, different concepts but bring closure to storyline. 2.Character of Madi and Sri Both the girls have a loving friendship and remain indifferent to their economic status until Sri gets haunted by the green monster, jealousy. As they enter adolescence, the good natured and kind hearted Madi gets showered in love by Sri ‘s family. This floods jealousy and selfishness in the mind of Sri which reaches its peak when her suitor Saras falls for sweet Madi . 3.Madi's die heart love for Sri Madi like Sri very much . Madi tells she looks them has his God and whenever she gets any trouble she look towards them. She promises them that in future she will do anything for Sri. Madi asks her to call him father for only once. Sri calls him so. He blesses her. 4.Saras uncountable love for Madi He tells to Madi "My past life was very bad, and you are accepting me, you are like my God. I like to everyone here now. My past life was bad and if I am a changed person now, it is only of you Madi. How can I not accept you Madi. Madi I will accept whatever happened in your life. Whether it was in city or in this house. Don't have doubt that I will not accept you. How did you get this doubt? I promise you I will not live you for even one second. The love which I have on you, you can't show an example anywhere in the world. 5.Madi's feelings about Saras Saras during the childhood days my mom get bangle like this to me . I lost my bangle and started crying. That time you brought this bangle. From that day to till now I have been keeping it safely. Saras Hello! this bangle is only for you. Saras Shall I tell one thing to you. Till now I have not received a gift like this. I too will keep it safely like you. It is so precious. Lot of thanks. Saras mom said you look like a princess Madi. No evil eye should be fall on you. Saras are you not ready yet? Go get ready soon. You be here Sam let me go and finish the work and come. Don't go anywhere. At Rajbhavan house Madi is well adorned has bride. Sri's father Madi . Rajbhavan praises the beauty of Madi and tells her she has to prove that she is a good daughter of his and also be a good daughter-in-law for her husband 's family. He gives her a land document telling that he has transferred the land titles to her name. He still remembers the bad night and his folly. He tells about the accident that he had committed in which Madi's father died. he is feeling sorry for it now. Madi told him to forget that incident 6.Something going fishy on Madi & Sri Marriage Saras’s family agreed to Madi and Saras’s marriage. Sri got jealous and helpless. She tried to commit suicide in front of Madi. She urged Madi to marry his Sam . Madi agreed to this request, but Saras did not respond well to this incident. He lashed out at Sri after learning about the wedding. He confronted Madi about the actual reason. Madi and Saras were still in love with each other. Saras said he divorced Sri to marry Madi . But Sri said I donot want divorce from Saras. Madi asks her mother if everything would be alright. They recall their earlier situation when Sri snatched her right to marry Saras. 7.Madi 's friendship game Sri plays the friendship coin and successfully dashes all hopes of Madi marrying Saras. She adores herself as bride, covers her face in saree which is as per their custom, makes Saras tie marriage knot to Sri . 8.conversation between Madi and Saras after marriage Sam talks through his mobile with Madi, Saras sees it and thinks of his own past days when he was talking with her. Saras thought that it is written in fate that Madi has to live with Sam. He sees Sam and give me your phone and he say 'hello.' Madi...Madi hear Saras voice & tells that she has work and she will talk with him later. Saras hears Madi words and start thinking about her. Some lurking danger and weeps. Madi consoles her and tells nothing will happen to her. Sri gives some fake advices to Madi and embraces her with a wicked smile. Saras is sad having lost Madi . Sri had given her a card with a smiling icon and had told her to see that whenever she is sad. Madi takes that card and gets into her past. Then she takes a match stick to burn those but her mind refuses, then she remembers Sri's advice and burns the cards. Saras too does the same. 9. Saras decide sacrifice his life for his brother Saras was a young brother of Sam. His poor life choices destroyed his life and made him a drug- addict. He admitted himself to a rehab center where Madi used to visit. After some interactions, Saras infatuated with Madi . Sri saw this as an opportunity to separate Madi and Saras. She allied with Madi and Saras. This incident broke Sam’s heart, but he decided to sacrifice his love due to his brother. But nothing happens Sri donot give divorce for Saras. Infront of Saras family members Madi tried to handle the situation and told them about the letter she had written to him. Madi reveals that the letter had information about her childhood experiences. It contained no information about her relationship with Saras after marriage . 10.Saras’s suicide Sri fakes fainting and does not go inside the building. Sam asks Saras and Sri to stay back and takes Madi along with him. Saras shows his anger looks and tells Sri that she can fool others but not him. Sri created more tension in the family, which eventually led to Saras’s suicide. Everyone blamed Madi for his Suicide, but Sam presented the real culprit. He exposed the wrongdoings of Sri. Saras and Madi reunited, and Sri got kicked out after this incident. Sri meets Rahul Desai. She started living with him but betrayed him in a poker game. After this game, Saras cut all ties with Sri and kicked her out of the house. 11. Sam love for Madi Madi asks Sam why he is doing all this and she believes him fully. Again Sam tells her that she has not even once told him that she loves him. Sri comes and asks fake sorry to Sam and Madi. Sam is in tears still since his inside heart tells him that Madi is not loving him. 12.Happy Ending She returned to Saras for help as he was pregnant with Rahul Desai ‘s child. She gave birth to Banti. Madi and Saras nurtured the child. Later, Madi gave birth to a boy who got stolen. The boy reached out to Rahul Desai ‘s house to raise him as his child and Rahul Desai and Sri reunited.

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