The Awaited Intruder

1302 Words
The winds howled as snow, or what looked like snow poured, making it difficult to make out the environment. The wind was cold, and then it was hot, and the snow changed to ashes. The wind became cold again, and the ashes changed to snow, then ashes, then snow, and so on, until a bright light cleared them all to reveal five figures. Aliath stood atop one of four beasts, one of which was Halowel in his complete fiery form. Aliath’s eyes were golden as were the eyes of the four beasts. Wake up! Wake up, Yin!! Wake up, the destroyer!!! Aliath awoke in shock as he jumped from his bed. A ringing headache resounded in his head as he woke, and his frightened face quickly turned to a tired one. It had been years since he had heard those names. But before him was someone whose visit he had long been expecting after their last encounter. “That took you a while,” Hela smiled, as she sat atop his window. “Though I must say that I am a little disappointed. I thought the High Wizard’s chambers would be much more difficult to infiltrate. There was almost no one guarding you,” she added. “I hope they are unharmed,” Aliath asked as he yawned. “They didn’t notice my presence. Much to their fortune,” Hela replied. “Good. They are only there because protocol requires it. Besides, I need people to open the gate and things like that. Otherwise, I’d rather be alone.” “You think no one can attack you?” “Why should I worry? Why would this place need protection? I am here. Anyone willing to throw away their life is welcome. I’ll oblige should my mood permit such,” Aliath said. Hela gulped as he spoke. It was his usual way of being arrogant, but yet, for the first time since they met, there was a seriousness about him. It wasn’t a bluff by all means. It was a promise. An assurance that was sealed with the kiss of death. The cold air finally got to her and she shuddered. “Come in. Have a seat,” Aliath said as he noticed her discomfort. Hela walked in quietly, as though afraid to upset him. Aliath’s chamber was spacious, with his bed draped in sumptuous velvet and adorned with golden tassels at the far left of Hela as she entered through the window. On the right side of the room, two chairs on both sides of the room occupied most of the space, leaving the impression that he receives a lot of guests in his chambers. Plush, fur-lined rugs softened the path underfoot, leading to the sitting area where cushioned chairs and a low table awaited. “Sorry for my foul mood. I had a terrible dream,” Aliath added. “Someone you’re afraid of showed up?” Hela asked in an attempt to both obtain information and perhaps lighten the mood. “Yes,” Aliath replied. An answer that Hela was not expecting, but welcomed regardless. “Who? Me?” she teased. “Me,” he said softly. A hint of sadness in his voice made Hela wonder what really transpired in his dream, but she brushed it off as inappropriate. “Quite the place you have here,” Hela said in an attempt to lighten the mood once more as she admired Aliath’s chamber. “Do you say that often?” Aliath asked, in a manner that Hela could not discern whether he was serious or teasing. “I beg your pardon?” Hela flipped. “Relax. I was teasing,” Aliath said as he noticed her displeasure. “Tonight’s off to a terrible start, isn’t it?” Aliath added. “And we know whose fault it is.” “You’re the one who sneaked into my room. It’s not my fault if I assume the worst,” Aliath goaded. “Wait, what? Why would I enter your room for that reason?” Hela blushed. “What reason?” “You know what I’m talking about.” “Oh. So, you’re the one talking about it now?” “No! What you’re inferring?” “What am I inferring?” Aliath teased. “I don’t know!” Hela yelled out of embarrassment, much to Aliath’s amusement. But she didn’t mind. The air was a lot warmer now. “By the way, I had them make something for you,” Aliath said as he pointed to the table not too far from where she sat. A velvet cloth covered what was later revealed to be food as Hela removed the cloth. It was a whole chicken dressed in vegetables and a sauce that Hela swore tasted better than anything she ever tasted. If it wasn’t cold that is. “I was expecting you, so I had them make something before you came,” Aliath said proudly. “Well, it’s cold,” Hela grumbled. “Well, I did think you’d be coming earlier. I didn’t know you had other intentions,” Aliath teased. “I’m not doing this,” Hela replied with her hand on her head. “By the way, I can’t use fire magic. Can you heat it up?” Hela asked. A chance to see Aliath use his powers, she thought. “Well, I have been learning this new fire skill,” Aliath said with much content. “Slow down. You don’t need to burn the place down to heat up food,” Hela hesitated as Aliath’s smug face became more apparent. “But that’s the thing. It’s just enough to heat up food,” Aliath said. “Right,” Hela replied unconvincingly. Aliath picked up a sword from the side of his bed much to Hela’s surprise. “I thought you didn’t need a talisman. At least that’s what the rumour says,” she added. “I don’t. So I’ve been learning how to use one to allow me to control my magic better. Watch,” Aliath said. The air in the room shifted as Aliath focused his magic on the sword in his hand. Hela stood up from where she sat as she feared she might be within range should whatever Aliath was casting be released recklessly. As she jumped out of the way, she noticed what was no more than a candlelight’s worth of fire atop his sword. “No way. Are you serious? This is it?” she yelled. “Well, yes. Impressive isn’t it?” Aliath said proudly. So much so that Hela couldn’t tell whether he was joking or not. “You are definitely Aliath the sham. Even a newborn wizard can do better than this. It’ll be hours before this thing can heat up the food, at which time, the food will be cold once again,” Hela berated. “Well, perhaps next time come on time.” “What? I was sneaking into your room you i***t. What time should that have been?” Hela cried as she grabbed hold of Aliath’s sword in an attempt to pull it away. At that moment, a frightening sensation rushed through her body. It wasn’t Aliath’s magic itself, but its very essence. Death! Without a moment’s delay, Hela disappeared from Aliath’s chambers to somewhere that looked nothing like Edvan. She stared at what was a wasteland in distraught. “He forced me out of the kingdom entirely? What a beast,” she scoffed. With a single step forward, Hela appeared in Aliath’s room once more. “Teleportation. That’s quite rare. But it explains a lot,” Aliath said, with little to no surprise on his face. “What was that just now? What are you?” “I told you before. I am Aliath.”

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