14. Nicky Hides part 2

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Jose was turning into my worst enemy as he spoke, promising to murder the dog when he had the power. If you continue this conversation, your mother will be coughing a lot. The anguish this movement brought me made me feel as if I was screaming to the skies and above. O MA MUERO! (I ARE DIEING!) When I finished stretching, I heard the snap of my hip bones and yelled out. Jose was laughing at my pain, you jerk, and I could feel movement around me, so I know I shouted. No, you are just striking a growing sprout; this is typical. In contrast to Mulan, I do not desire to be converted into a man; I have accepted the shame Mushu bestowed upon her. For the love of Dorip, oh! As the bones in my arms and hands broke, I yelled out of pain once again in my head. The anguish multiplied ten-fold, and the torment of being immobile made me want to quit up. Meeting the moon goddess was a better chance than this, I thought. After all this, "Dognip wouldn't be a terrible thing to do; obviously we are not masochists." Why in the world was that dog saying that? He still has no concern for the fact that I am in agony. my body I should have paid more attention in my school's wolf lesson. agh…. The pain is worse than when I had to witness Jonathan on top of John. why am I, God I feel a tail start to poke up against my flesh as the fur fully emerges. If taking it from behind feels like this, I will definitely never go there! Jose remarked, cringing at my suffering. I agree with your motion. My ears announce the last changes in me and the final pop on his body as my tail comes out and my body alters even more. After that, I have no memory of anything. POV of Jose the wolf As Mario continued to complain about the little difference, I could hear him wailing in misery in our minds. Oh my body... I feel like a 90-year-old who freakingly lost her v card to a lycan. That's a nice age for a werewolf, so I wouldn't say that, jajajaja. In his suffering, Mario rolled his eyes at my comedy. "Compared to this moving, getting my tip hooked on the zipper feels really nice..." The deity Lycaon said, "This stuff hurts like a bu**h." He isn't incorrect, but he is a whiny b*tch, so I had to hold my voice because of his analogy. Although it doesn't harm me at all, I know that shifting back will be taxing on you. Please take some time to rest, okay? As he responded, Mario's voice became drowsier. Give our daughter twice your love, and don't let her suffer in silence or in any other way, ok? You nailed it. As he continued, I was going to finish the mental exchange with Mario. "Oh my god, I'm dieron Madera, agh, night," I said. Me dieron madera is a slang expression, and the best way to describe it is to be struck by wood. I must now meet my new partner since it has been so long since I thought about my previous partner. She seemed quite different; it is obvious that she is not a werewolf, but I can't tell my human since he is unfamiliar with the situation, just as August and I were when we first met Flor and Celeste. It's obvious that my friend is a hybrid. She moves away as I try to follow her as I'm walking; it's been a long since I've ran, but with my new body, it feels really liberating. I recognize her aroma and realize how far away she is. In the last two minutes, she was with me. I passed through a tiny mountain. I can recollect these locations, and if my memory is sharp, she may be in the surrounding tiny river. She is tossing pebbles and trees as I rush over to her. Is she upset? I eventually realize I'm in my own body when I wake up, and I can see my partner. I take in her scent, smile sweetly at her, and begin to introduce myself. Taking a few steps toward her in the open, dry backyard, I say, "Good evening, but Nicky doesn't appear to be peaceful; she seems terrified, anxious, and unable to maintain her composure here." Through our mental connection, she screams, "Get away from me!" But I'm not going to back down; she needs me now more than ever. "Hi, my name is Jose. Mario, please tell me your name." "Nicky, right Nicky?" She turned to depart, but she paused and instead gave me a worried-looking glance in return, saying, "My dear mate," in a shaky voice. ‘Yes? I have no idea what's going on with me. She pleaded for assistance, and as my body moved in her direction, I wiggled my tail and purred as her flesh touched mine. "I'll be here as long as you need me," she said. Anything I can, I'll do for my partner. What are you thinking? I approach her and attempt to kiss her on the nose while rubbing my face and chest. She lies down so I may lie with her for a while since she is so apprehensive, and I can sense how frightened she is. She returns it to me after I focus a significant deal of my attention on her ears to let her know I'm there and allow me rest my head on top of her shoulders. If I recall correctly, Liam wouldn't let you to suffer damage. None of them would since they would rather assist us than damage us. Nicky answered. Are they going to hurt me? I continued chatting to my friend to reassure her since I could still not feel Mario waking up. "I simply said one of them would definitely not," I said. However, if we return together, we may seek assistance from there. I won't abandon you. Nicky gave me a purring embrace. "I don't believe they mean well," You may decide to abandon me too. Before I had a chance to respond, I overhear my human saying, "The one person who will never leave me." I release her hold and breathe out loud. "It seems they need our return." We'll be OK, I promise. When she spoke, Nicky sounded terrified and seemed worried. I would want to shift back, but I d. I got a mental connection from Kol, making it feel like a complete day. ‘Mario! Bring Michelle back over here. You two are in difficulty, and we need to check in. Knowing Mario was sleeping, I began to attempt to wake him when I overheard his irritable voice saying, "I'm trying to sleep!" I replied to him with a chuckle as I was in my wolf, then said. 'I apologize! I'm with my friend, and she's afraid of them. As I'm speaking to Mario, I get a second mind connection, but this one is from Kol, who seems to Mario as haughty in my head. You will both still be alive, but you will have more work to do for disobeying. At least being in my wolf, this news made me perk up, so I responded with a grin. No one will harm my partner, right? As he responded, he sounded a little more weary and less haughty. "No pain, buddy," I intended to inform Nicky that we were all coming to the same conclusion, but she must have overheard through our mental connection since she came to ask me instead. What are you going to do to my human? She hasn't done anything wrong. She just wants to be with her partner and feel appreciated. Kol responds immediately, "I cannot decide on that; we need to discuss to find out what is happening. People will assist with this, as we usually do. 'Return home. I arrive to stretch with Nicky as we end our mental connection. Well, not really, it takes a lot of power to know they will come to us or poof us there, and from what I observed, both the strongest, apart from Beatrice and Frida, are out cold. I follow her as she walks. Because she doesn't want her to pay for her sins, she won't change back to her human form. I'll soon find out what's going on along with the others. Observing how unique each of them is, just like Flor was. When we go to the pack home, Jose's wolf is there to welcome us. Even though I am the alpha wolf, I have never seen a wolf that size. We are both wolves the same size, but what worries me is that I am one of the few older Alphas to be born. However, this wolf seems to be a mechanical. These news caused my eyes to swell up. Then Kol thoughts connected me once again. We need you both in the living room, so come on in. I spoke hastily. But what if my friend is afraid? Kol said, breaking off our mental connection. "We are waiting here. When we get there, Beatrice is severely injured and is holding Brandon on Eda's lap. I definitely don't want to shift tomorrow since my human will endure double the pain. I watch as Josh tries to put the ring on my finger, but it won't go there no matter how hard he tries. Despite his repeated attempts, nothing occurs. Liam says that. Why won't it adhere to his large thumb as it ought to? I then overheard Beatrice responding in a haughty manner to her partner. "Because these rings are just for omegas or regular werewolves. Not those of Alpha and Lycan. Because of this, Michelle's thumb was broken, and his shift was probably more difficult than he had intended. I do nod my head in agreement with her statement. My human was in such terrible pain that it almost made him pass out; he is powerful, but not particularly so for a novice shifter. He is the fourth of five puppies, which also makes me wonder. Even his own siblings struggled. Or is it because I was reincarnated in this body? I hope not. I approach him as I overhear Beatrice speaking again. As soon as she asked, "Who are you?," I swiftly responded. "This is Jose. Wolf from August. In this kid's body, we are. The time has come. Beatrice attempted to bounce but the agony in her ribs clawed at her, making her seem shocked and happy. "I Knew IT," I grin at her delight as my tail begins to wag and my ears remain down. She was cruel, yet she was so kind to my partner that she will always be my friend. She strokes me and smiles at me as she scratches my fur in an attempt to scream—she must have missed me. When Eliot approaches Joha to inquire. Who is that wolf, Mom? You never treat wolves in that manner, right? Beatrice, however, responds to him lovingly and with excitement in her voice. He is not a typical wolf. I'm not paying attention, but all of a sudden they are all giving me strange looks, and I suddenly see something gleaming around Beatrice's neck. The aroma of... FLOR!, which is grabbing my attention, draws my nose to it. I get into a struggle with her as I attempt to take the sparkling necklace from her. How come I can smell Flor? What makes the necklace sparkle? I want to know why I can't be with her, please! As I had anticipated, Beatrice screams while feeling a little scared. “Jose! You already know that Flor isn't your current partner. Instead of being her mate, I now respond her with grief due to the fact that I am Jose the wolf. Where is she, though? I just recently felt her! Beatrice replied in a worried manner. She sensed you as well, but you are aware that this is the current price to be paid. Jose, I'm sorry. Please be patient. I shook my head because she had to know that this was my price. "Bea, I'm just Jose the wolf for the time being, I do." Simply put, I genuinely miss her. I let her down a long time ago. I……’ Beatrice stops thinking about me as she sashes aloud, and Liam overhears her. "I know. But you're doing a fantastic job working with Human and your new partner. This made Liam cry out loud, "August will be very proud of you." “AUGUST?!?!?!” He practically sprints to my back as he approaches us and notices I'm looking behind me for something. The sun tribe should be tattooed on my back like on the other people, but since I'm a royal, it's silver rather than bronze. He notices that and immediately resumes embracing me. I haven't stopped wagging my tail and am now purring with happiness. Beatrice said that she finds it simpler to maintain our mental contact. Jose, you need to move. But tomorrow my human will suffer harm. Beatrice draws Lourdes and Liam's attention by speaking aloud. Well, as you well know, it will be easier for him the sooner he completes his regrettably full week of moving. It's difficult for alpha werewolves to complete their shift, but it's crucial. Lourdes was astounded and inquired incredulously. “Alpha? What kind of wolf is Mario's? Liam continued while beaming with pride. "He is the born and nurtured reincarnation of our nation's first King Alpha. It is simply incredible. Old buddy, we'll see you tomorrow. We'll support Mario throughout this. I see no need to continue living as a werewolf, so I begin to awaken my human. Once he is completely awake, I hug my partner. Do as they ask, please. I wouldn't let them harm you. We'll see. I'll see you tomorrow, right? Yes, we shall meet tomorrow, I respond to her lovingly in our last mental connection as I finally awaken Mario. I suck her nose and transform into my human. When he falls on the ground face down, everyone laughs. "I am immobile.... a fart is beyond me! Beatrice spoke to him while hardily laughing, and he seemed to be groaning. You must be working very hard at shifting, I suppose. Mario rolls his eyes and responds with sarcasm and contempt in his tone without a shred of power. "I'd prefer to shift if the zipper got caught and pinched me." As Jose and Liam hold their fronts and present hurt expressions to everyone, he tilts his head to the side to maintain peace of breathing. Liam then provides an honest response. I've never agreed with such truths, son, as I am doing now. I'm in complete accord with you, too, Jose remarked. Come with me; I'll take you to your partner.
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