“There’s one more patient, Dr. Warner.” Rex made a notation on Pookie’s chart. He glanced briefly at his veterinarian assistant, Mandy, who spoke from the doorway, nodded, and then gave his attention to Mrs. Wilkins. “Pookie will be fine. Just be sure she gets the meds I’m prescribing for the next week. Bring her in next Thursday morning.” Mrs. Wilkins smiled and scooped up the squirmy little pug who gave her a big wet kiss. “Did you hear that, Pookie?” Dr. Warner handed her the slip of paper and left the exam room, seeking out Mandy. “Who is the other patient? I thought Pookie was the last one.” “Sorry, an emergency came in just a few minutes ago. The patient, an indoor cat, got outside and managed to get in a fight with a dog. Owner extracted the cat from the fight, but wants him che