"Chapter 4" the book of death

1154 Words
She has checked each and everything of her house, I have never seen a girl this much meticulous about her things and house, how did she survive in that cage? She looks so much in love with her books, I want to read those books because I'm also the biggest fan of her writing, I fall in love with her because of her writing she always loves to write a sad ending usually she kills two lovers or makes them apart from each other, she is the queen of sadness the one thing is really similar in her stories that she loves possessiveness and that killer had shown her the same possessiveness he has caged her and from her sayings and the situation in which we got found her is also pointing that same thing. That killer kills every victim because of some reason and the reason is open in front of our eyes "adultery," Ms Sana is different from all these victims that's why he let her go, and he wants her for him. He knows her, if he didn't know her so how did he get too personal with her, he knows that she is a virgin because he killed those girls who are not virgins and were involved in some kind of cheating. " Emmy prepare the guest rooms for Detective John and their team," she said to Emmy and she nodded her head. "No, no it's okay, we are not here for rest, we are here for your security," I said to her and she drops in on me through her long lashes. " Yes, but to some extent, you got to need some rest," she said to me and give me a sweet little smile. "Ms Sana now how are you feeling?" I said to her I wanted to ask her some questions, but then I skip this idea from my mind, she doesn't look very okay, she nodded her head to say that she is alright but her eyes were not. "So now what you are going to do? Are you gonna write a new book?" I said to her and she starts to take small steps I starts to walk with her, I was just behaving like a teenage boy. "I'm hoping to complete that book," she said to me, and her eyes started to stare at the mirror window. " I have read your every book, I'm literally a fan of your writing, your books made me something like insane," I said to her in extreme excitement and she looked at me with contentedness in her eyes. "Thank you," she said to me and I see her with a surprised face. "Thank you for what?" I said to her. "Thank you for reading my books, this is all because of people who appreciate me, these people who used to read my stories and give me the honor of world's best-seller writer are mean such prize to me, what I'm right now is all because of these people who give me much love and prayed for me, that's the reason I'm alive and sound, that place where I came from is filled with darkness," she said to me and the fearful aspects are clear on her face. "How did all this start? It seems that you know him and he is not a stranger to you," I said to her and her body starts to shiver. I come close to her and run my palm to her hand. She looked at me with fear in her eyes. "Yes, it all starts with the book," she said and I don't understand what she want to say. "I don't understand what are you talking about?" I said to her and she blink her eyes two three-time and start to continue her words. "No one can understand that, can we talk about it in the morning?" She said to me and I nodded my head, She is not well, and that's why she had no idea what she is talking about, but what she wants to say with the book? She said that it all starts with the book. She is making things really flustering, she goes to her room and locks herself inside. I should say her that she should keep open her door so we can keep an eye on her, but I think it is better to give her some space and privacy. My team has surrounded the house from all over the boundaries no one can come in and I should have to get some rest. Emmy and everyone gets to their rooms so they can have some rest so who will be going to check on this place? I take the way to my team but found them relaxing yes they have seen a lot and they also need some rest, it is better to stay stunned and awake this is not the time to get some rest once that killer will get to my hands I will get rest as much as I want, but being a detective I comprehended that there is no time of rest, but this is a lengthy case and after solving this stressful case I granted myself with some holidays with that mysterious and also nice girl, After this case, I should get married to her, I think that I have found that person whom I waiting for. Sana pov I want to complete this book, but this all started because of this book, if I got a last enchanted wish to be wished so I will wish that I have never written that book ever, that book changed my life into living hell. So why do I want to complete that book, that book gives me a frightening feeling, why do I want to recall all these things? " You have to complete it, I'm waiting for the next chapter my love," a strong hand knocked over my waist and his husky and heavy voice comes to my ear, my body starts to shiver and my heart start to pump out. "You......what......are you.....doing.....here.....here," I said to him with a trembling voice and feel the grin on his lips. "No one can, no one can hide you from me, Sanaaaaa.....," he whispered in my ear I close my eyes tightly and he buried his face in my neck curve. "No, you are not here, you are just in my mind," I said to him and he replied with a playful grin. "My love I'm in your mind, in your heart, in every part of your body, I will never let you leave forever," he whispered in my ear and when I get open my eyes there was no one here I see around myself and also I checked my room there was no one here, he is right he is on my mind. I'm thinking about him too much.
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