"Chapter 12" The scene of hell

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"What will you do by showing him this?" Emmy asks. " I don't know but I can't go for someone but if he asks I will never stay back, " " Trust me he is having a really serious relationship, and they will get married soon, just remember how he makes you humiliated," Emmy said. " I remember, I remember everything, but just imagine you love someone so much that you can end your life for someone and he did this to you, " " It's hurt, it's hurting me still, I can't go for someone else, I don't want to lose my dignity, I want to show him that I am still pure as he left me," Sana was crying. " He is never going to come back, but you need to stop thinking about me, Emmy was halting her again and again but she was on the same stance." " What do you want me to do? You want me to destroy that man's life? He is a nice person, I have heard his words and incredibly I have never seen a man like him," "And that's the reason I don't want to destroy his life, I don't want him to the reason so I can make my past jealous," " I can be bad, I can be harsh but hurting someone is not my nature," Sana said. " She is talking about you sir," Carl said. "Shiiii, I want to hear more," Aiden said. "Who doesn't want a man like him, he is a dream man of every girl, but I don't want all this like this, you know this aggressiveness this revenge, and maybe a soft corner for my past still exist in myself, how can destroy someone other life," Sana said. " You can get through this, you are pure and this is the greatest evidence of that you have never fallen for him so deeply," Emmy said. "Emmy, you are wrong love is that thing which you evident by having a way with someone, love is something which connects the heart, and no matter if we never had our way to bed, but my love was incredible for him, " " Your is, everyone can still see this, but did you pay you back, did he trust you, one single misunderstanding grabbed him far away from you," Emmy said. "Emmy I believe man has a heart like a candle wax, a little fire can melt all the trust," Sana said and Emmy was speechless. "Don't worry, the news will come which shock you from head to toe," Emmy said. " What will you do here alone? I am so scared you just make them leave because of them we had satisfaction now what we will do?" Emmy asks. " Don't worry, he will never do anything to you," Sana said. " Why are you not telling about him to anyone, please tell me so I can help you," Emmy said. " If I tell anything about him if I try to find him then he will find me before him and show me the hell again in this world", Sana said. " So you are going to live like this?" Emmy asks. "In this fear, if he comes again?" Emmy asks. "You have no idea how much I am afraid of him, but he is dangerous more than everyone thinks, " " It's like a monster arise from hell and start living with us in this real world," Sana said. "It gives me goosebumps," Emmy said. "I make him go away because I don't want anything to happen to him," Sana let out and Aiden stopped his car. " The way he deals with my panic attack is grabbing me close to him, and I can not let this happen he will kill him, and I can not see one more innocent going to death," Sana said and Aiden carefully listened to her. " I can't see him dying, I can't, it doesn't mean he is handsome and he gives me strange feelings, but he is someone who loves my work and you know that one who loves my work is highly respectable for me, " " He is not fond of ready but he buys each of my books, every book got purchased very firstly by him, " " And I really appreciate it, I don't want to lose him, and I know he will be caught in a life-threatening stance if I stay close to him, " "Even I have no bad anticipation in my mind," Sana said. " I really like life-threatening stances," Aiden smirks. " Can we stop talking about this?" Sana said. " But how long would you survive with this fear, talk to someone, tell us something so we can help you", Emmy said. " No one no one can help me only death, the more I expose about him in front of someone the more that person gets on his attack", Sana said and Emmy gulped her fear. "Then why are you talking to me about him?" Emmy asks. " Because I am by your sight, he will never do anything to you until I am with you," she said and Emmy nodded. " Do you think we need to move from here?" Emmy asks. "I think we should, we need to move to Dubai, " Sana said. "You really want to bump into him?" Emmy said. " Yes, I want you to just look at me, who will not fall for me, he will certainly, after we have to spend a long time with each other," Sana said. " So do we have to book a hotel or live in your own hotel," Emmy asks. "Obviously, in my own hotel, my own suite, there he would never find me," Sana said. " But ma'am we are surrounded by police they will never let you move", Emmy said. "Who says we are going to tell them, imagine how his eyes gone blast when he came to know that I become a billionaire on my own," Sana smirks. "Definitely, this is going to happen," Emmy said. "Do we need to ask her?" Carl said. " No, we are going to blast on her", Aiden smirks. "What do you mean?" Carl asks. " You will see," Aiden said. "We have to keep it confidential, don't tell anybody, if you do then that man will chase us," Sana said. "Don't worry ma'am I know what to do", Emmy said. "This city is snatching my flush out of my bones, If I stay I must be dead from fear," Sana said. " I am with you, Detective Aiden is with you," Emmy said. " But I really don't want you to stay with me", Sana said. " But we will," Emmy replied. Emmy leaves and Sana stays here. "I am sorry, I am so sorry", she was crying and thinking about that scene of hell. She closed her eyes and saw herself in the cage. She was chained and was staring outside. He saw the same man coming who met her last night having his black mask on. He was dangling a droop on his shoulder, and that was moving. "What....? Who is she?" Sana asks and he turns his eyes to her. " Shiiiii.....," he let out his finger and placed it on his lips. " Stay quiet," he said and Sana placed her hand over her mouth. " You need to just look, I have another culprit, they think we will stay free after doing all this, but my hands are longer than law," He smirks. " Please don't do this," Sana cried and he glared at her. " Again, again again, I said stop talking ", he said and she placed her hand on her mouth. She was crying badly he let go of that sag and moved to her he got to his knees and she moved backward. " Say it what do you want?" He asks and she lets go of her mouth. " Please, let her go, I promise I will be with you, never think about anyone, this.... this cage is engulfing me", Sana cried. " No, this is your punishment you need to stay in," he said. "Please, I am saying.... we can start a new life, I promise," She said but he ignored her. " Wh.... why... are... are you you.... keeping me if you don't want me, just kill me", Sana said and he stopped sharpening his knife. He slowly moves to her cage and her heart comes out. He shoves her cage and she gets scared so harshly. "Stop... stop it....", she starts screaming.
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