Chapter 3, The Spy:

2608 Words

Chapter 3, The Spy: Mus’tela watched the birds fly overhead and glide out over the water. Lying on his back, he always marveled at how they could float on the wind with such effortless abandon. On the water, the white sails of the fishing fleet flashed under the bright sunlight. All the colors seemed bright, almost enhanced by the hands of the gods for his behalf. Harvest time on Felspar quickly approached. When the flutter-bys had collected the nectar and packed it into their nests, the villagers would come by and steal the majority of the golden liquid. Time became the most precious thing on the shard. The men and women who made the ambrosia determined the best time to collect and begin the process of creating the addictive concoction. Each farm on the shard had a distiller. Each land

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