Chapter 16, Zorra Villa:

2902 Words

Chapter 16, Zorra Villa: Time was running out. Pain drove Zorra Villa to press on. Her broken heart was all she had left to reassure herself she still lived. There was no way death could be this painful. Finding Della alive and in good health briefly lifted her spirits, but the memory of Joti’s death and his consignment to a watery grave ripped her heart in two. Through willpower alone, she forced herself to not cry more tears over the dead. She didn’t think she had any tears left in her body. Then she thought of the stupid dog she was forced to leave with the dragon, and she nearly broke down again. If Della and Felspar hadn’t been standing next to her… Zorra was uncertain which drastic measures might have leaped into the front of her mind. She pulled herself together. She needed to be

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